this image contains text
/ / / / / m i m i c 6 6 6
x m a s p a c k 2 0 0 3 - / - f r e e s a d d a m p a c k 2 0 0 3
+ bonus WWE smackdown PS2 game create-a-wrestler instructions!
heres some ascii i did for pahn - hi pahn
/ a s h e s
// / t o
/ / / / d u s t
- ------wk--
/ /./ wk
- A S H E S - T 0 - D U S T -
B A D K A R M A / wk
heres some ascii i did for noches - hi noches
----------------------- ----------------------------wk--
bonus material!
here is how to make some wrestlers on the smackdown 4 / 5 games
credit to Crayon / SBP for this, I just wanted to get them out so people
could play as myself or Crayon :
sorry for the bad formatting, its messy, but i managed to create them with
these instructions.
/ / / / / wk
Make this if you wanna see what i look like .. well sort of heh
base edit - face - cheeks - face edit: 8/7
eyebrow: 6/-10
eyes: 1/-98 35/-25
nose: -62/98 -2/2
cheek: -23
mouth: 3/58
jaw: 17/34 1
eyebrows 2: color -90, -38
eyes 11: color 49, -17 i guessed your eyes were blue
moustache 56: transpareny -60 color: -89, -3
accessories 52: trans: -10 color: 100, 48 shade: 19
*optional* glasses 15: color -83, -100 shade -87
they kinda go into the head.. so only use em if you want
hair 30: color -85, 51
t-shirts: blank 1: length -64, color 27, 45 shade: -66
i was gunna take the length all the way back to give you a wifebeater shirt :
pants: blank 13: color 31, -11 was the closest thing to ripped pants
i could find
shoes: blank 20 color: 30, -67 shade: 4
mm theyre only blue because of your dove elctronics logo.. ill probably
replace with black shoes when your new gimmick arrives
wristbands: both: blank 2 length: -51
gloves 25
Design: Letters: Left Arm: Font Type 03: rotate once and shrink once, and
spell out ARTS down the outer side of the bicep.. starting from half a
ltter below the shirt sleeve and ending on the start of the forearm
set transparency 6, color 23, -100 shade -99
do the same for the right arm except write JEDI
Figure Form
Head: -60, 19
Neck: -53, -23
Chest: 12, -24
shoulder: -100, -100, -78
abdomen: -31, -32, 73
arms: -56, -47, -39
forearms: -47, -48, -23
hands: -85, -12, -24
waist: 13, -29
thigh: -25, -9, -21
legs: -13, -25, 13
ankles: default
Figure Height 68
seems to be a decent comparison to the other wrestlers, and fits
the dimensions
put you in heavy weight division, youre a face, call name Kid
your logic: submission 1st, and balanced 2nd
name: Wade Lynskey
ring name: The Wisekid
nickname Wise
Xual Xan aka Sage Francis aka Strange Famous
Base Edit Face Cheeks Face Edit 14, 23
eyebrow: -6, 0
eyes: skip
nose: -31, 33, 21, 24
cheek: 20
mouth: 5, 11
jaw: -4, 40
accessories 51 trans: -39 color 100,100
accessories 74 color: 100, -53
accessories 64 trans 20: color 100, 100
design face pattern simple 158: reduce 3 times, rotate twice, place just
below middle of lips leaving a slight gap.. this creates a shadow under
mouth.. Trans: -45 color 14, -100 shade -95
moustache 48 color: -92, -41
moustache 7 trans: 26 color -100, -100 shade - 100
moustache 60 trans 17 color -90, -67 shade -100
skin 1
hair 49 color: 100, -100 shade: 10
Glasses 18: color -100. -100 shade -92
ShoesBlank 11 color -100, -100
caps hats 15 color: 44, -100 shade -44
PantsBlank 3 color -67, 20 shade -14
T-shirtsBlank 8 length: 4 color 33, -56 shade -100
DesignBodyPatternsTattoo 22 reduce twice, place in lower centre of shirt
front. color -65, 1 shade -100
DesignBodyPatternsSimple 160 reduce twice and place under skull.
color -81, -85 shade -100
DesignBodyLettersChinese 1/65. choose the character in the middle column
at the very bottom row. Reduce twice. rotate twice. Place at right top of
cross to make a hand.
Do the same with the other character, but rotate it so that it mirrors the
other. Color 5, 35 shade -100
DesignBodyWord 106. Place near top of shirt, above the skulls hat.
DesignBodyLettersFont 5Capitals V reduce once. place this so that it
connects beneath the outside of BATTLE. Do again, and make sure that it
connects benath the inside of BATTLE. The V should not go below the
skulls hands. color: 23, 11 shade -100
DesignBodyPatternSimple 166 reduce twice. Place over skulls top hat so
only skull is left showing. color 21, -29 shade -100
Copy these blocks twice. rotate them, and move them so that the cover the
outer line of the Vs.. this way it looks more like his shirt
Design BodyLettersFont 5lower case ! place centre of skulls head so
that it comes out like a mohawk.. should run between the two Ts in
Write Sage Killz on his back in white, in font 5 if you can feel assed too.
Form Figure
Head: -1, 53
Neck: -36, 24, -28
Chest: 100, -8
Shoulder: -100. -40, -73
Abdomen: 24, 35, 65
Arms: -24, -5, -50
Forearm: -40, -18, -100
Hands: 67, -40, -55
Waist: 30, 11
Thigh: -8, 2, -100
Legs: 18, -22, -80
ankle: default
Form Height 64
Name: Xual Xan
Ring Name: None:
Nickname: Sage
cruiserweight maybe heavy weight in a mick foley way though..?,
neutral or heel
p3, 3
s2, 3
t3, 2
Logic: Brawler 1st, Balanced 2nd
Finishing Moves:
Jackknife The Poetry Slam
Super Tiger Driver ???? Makeshift Patriot?
/ wk
CRAYON CAW - make to see what my boy cray looks like :
aight male normal
face edit 19model 01
eyebrow: 37,-54
eyes: 34,0,-42,-8
nose: -73, 22, 3, 26
cheek: 11
mouth: 4, 0
jaw: -20, -9, 0
eyes: 3
color -38. -20
skin muscle texture: 1
eyebrows: 15
colour: -96, -87
hair: 26
colour: -85, -3
moustache: 19
colour: 30, -3
designfacepatternsimple 159
reduce twice and place underneath lip covering most of goatee
EXCEPT the little black bit immediately under the lip
colour: -91, 14
shade: -46
moustache: 37 actually this might be the bit under the lip
i was talkin bout
colour -92, -79
moustache: 7
colour: -91, -100
shade - 100
designfacepatternsimple: 166
rotate once, reduce to smallest, and move down below the lip
this is the line goatee
transp: 78
colour: -92, -50
oh more moustache :
moustache: 67
trasp: -43
colour -90, -100
colour -100, -3
colour: -100, -41
shade: -100
face acessories: 18
transp: -43
colour: -45, -100
shade: -100
reduce once.. place under eye so that it looks like a racoon or
bags under the eyes
colour -68, -100
clone that and do for the other eye
then designpantsalphabet
font type 4.. capitals
write JA
across the back of my ass
transp: 7
colour 100, 67
body accessiroes 25
transp: 17
colour 100, -100
shade: -14
body acessories: 26
transp: 67
colour 100, -100
shade -14
elbow padsbothblank1
100, -64
shade: -100
place on back
transp: 37
colour 19, -100
length: -77
colour 31, -100
skin colour 5
head: -41, 13
Neck: -35, 23, -26
chest: 48, 5
shoulder: -100, -15, -25
abs: -19, 44, -22
arms: -31, 17, -64
forearms: -43, -16, -100
hands: -70, -37, -60
waist: 55, -25
thigh: 29, 13, -81
legs: 8, -6, -73
height: 58
Name: Johnny Crayotic
Ring Name: none
Nickname: Cray
bio: man, heavyweight ?? i should change this i think, neutral,
callname: cannon
p3, 3
s2, 3
t3, 3
r3, 3
heh i jobbed myself out
logic, brawler, balanced
im sure youll make up your own move list..
but make sure you give me the 3 handled credenza
and possibly the Reverse Knee Lock as my specials
/ / / the devil made me do it
oh,. and merry xmas suckers
and a happy new year
http://wisekid.mimic.ca/ -
x m a s p a c k 2 0 0 3 - / - f r e e s a d d a m p a c k 2 0 0 3
+ bonus WWE smackdown PS2 game create-a-wrestler instructions!
heres some ascii i did for pahn - hi pahn
/ a s h e s
// / t o
/ / / / d u s t
- ------wk--
/ /./ wk
- A S H E S - T 0 - D U S T -
B A D K A R M A / wk
heres some ascii i did for noches - hi noches
----------------------- ----------------------------wk--
bonus material!
here is how to make some wrestlers on the smackdown 4 / 5 games
credit to Crayon / SBP for this, I just wanted to get them out so people
could play as myself or Crayon :
sorry for the bad formatting, its messy, but i managed to create them with
these instructions.
/ / / / / wk
Make this if you wanna see what i look like .. well sort of heh
base edit - face - cheeks - face edit: 8/7
eyebrow: 6/-10
eyes: 1/-98 35/-25
nose: -62/98 -2/2
cheek: -23
mouth: 3/58
jaw: 17/34 1
eyebrows 2: color -90, -38
eyes 11: color 49, -17 i guessed your eyes were blue
moustache 56: transpareny -60 color: -89, -3
accessories 52: trans: -10 color: 100, 48 shade: 19
*optional* glasses 15: color -83, -100 shade -87
they kinda go into the head.. so only use em if you want
hair 30: color -85, 51
t-shirts: blank 1: length -64, color 27, 45 shade: -66
i was gunna take the length all the way back to give you a wifebeater shirt :
pants: blank 13: color 31, -11 was the closest thing to ripped pants
i could find
shoes: blank 20 color: 30, -67 shade: 4
mm theyre only blue because of your dove elctronics logo.. ill probably
replace with black shoes when your new gimmick arrives
wristbands: both: blank 2 length: -51
gloves 25
Design: Letters: Left Arm: Font Type 03: rotate once and shrink once, and
spell out ARTS down the outer side of the bicep.. starting from half a
ltter below the shirt sleeve and ending on the start of the forearm
set transparency 6, color 23, -100 shade -99
do the same for the right arm except write JEDI
Figure Form
Head: -60, 19
Neck: -53, -23
Chest: 12, -24
shoulder: -100, -100, -78
abdomen: -31, -32, 73
arms: -56, -47, -39
forearms: -47, -48, -23
hands: -85, -12, -24
waist: 13, -29
thigh: -25, -9, -21
legs: -13, -25, 13
ankles: default
Figure Height 68
seems to be a decent comparison to the other wrestlers, and fits
the dimensions
put you in heavy weight division, youre a face, call name Kid
your logic: submission 1st, and balanced 2nd
name: Wade Lynskey
ring name: The Wisekid
nickname Wise
Xual Xan aka Sage Francis aka Strange Famous
Base Edit Face Cheeks Face Edit 14, 23
eyebrow: -6, 0
eyes: skip
nose: -31, 33, 21, 24
cheek: 20
mouth: 5, 11
jaw: -4, 40
accessories 51 trans: -39 color 100,100
accessories 74 color: 100, -53
accessories 64 trans 20: color 100, 100
design face pattern simple 158: reduce 3 times, rotate twice, place just
below middle of lips leaving a slight gap.. this creates a shadow under
mouth.. Trans: -45 color 14, -100 shade -95
moustache 48 color: -92, -41
moustache 7 trans: 26 color -100, -100 shade - 100
moustache 60 trans 17 color -90, -67 shade -100
skin 1
hair 49 color: 100, -100 shade: 10
Glasses 18: color -100. -100 shade -92
ShoesBlank 11 color -100, -100
caps hats 15 color: 44, -100 shade -44
PantsBlank 3 color -67, 20 shade -14
T-shirtsBlank 8 length: 4 color 33, -56 shade -100
DesignBodyPatternsTattoo 22 reduce twice, place in lower centre of shirt
front. color -65, 1 shade -100
DesignBodyPatternsSimple 160 reduce twice and place under skull.
color -81, -85 shade -100
DesignBodyLettersChinese 1/65. choose the character in the middle column
at the very bottom row. Reduce twice. rotate twice. Place at right top of
cross to make a hand.
Do the same with the other character, but rotate it so that it mirrors the
other. Color 5, 35 shade -100
DesignBodyWord 106. Place near top of shirt, above the skulls hat.
DesignBodyLettersFont 5Capitals V reduce once. place this so that it
connects beneath the outside of BATTLE. Do again, and make sure that it
connects benath the inside of BATTLE. The V should not go below the
skulls hands. color: 23, 11 shade -100
DesignBodyPatternSimple 166 reduce twice. Place over skulls top hat so
only skull is left showing. color 21, -29 shade -100
Copy these blocks twice. rotate them, and move them so that the cover the
outer line of the Vs.. this way it looks more like his shirt
Design BodyLettersFont 5lower case ! place centre of skulls head so
that it comes out like a mohawk.. should run between the two Ts in
Write Sage Killz on his back in white, in font 5 if you can feel assed too.
Form Figure
Head: -1, 53
Neck: -36, 24, -28
Chest: 100, -8
Shoulder: -100. -40, -73
Abdomen: 24, 35, 65
Arms: -24, -5, -50
Forearm: -40, -18, -100
Hands: 67, -40, -55
Waist: 30, 11
Thigh: -8, 2, -100
Legs: 18, -22, -80
ankle: default
Form Height 64
Name: Xual Xan
Ring Name: None:
Nickname: Sage
cruiserweight maybe heavy weight in a mick foley way though..?,
neutral or heel
p3, 3
s2, 3
t3, 2
Logic: Brawler 1st, Balanced 2nd
Finishing Moves:
Jackknife The Poetry Slam
Super Tiger Driver ???? Makeshift Patriot?
/ wk
CRAYON CAW - make to see what my boy cray looks like :
aight male normal
face edit 19model 01
eyebrow: 37,-54
eyes: 34,0,-42,-8
nose: -73, 22, 3, 26
cheek: 11
mouth: 4, 0
jaw: -20, -9, 0
eyes: 3
color -38. -20
skin muscle texture: 1
eyebrows: 15
colour: -96, -87
hair: 26
colour: -85, -3
moustache: 19
colour: 30, -3
designfacepatternsimple 159
reduce twice and place underneath lip covering most of goatee
EXCEPT the little black bit immediately under the lip
colour: -91, 14
shade: -46
moustache: 37 actually this might be the bit under the lip
i was talkin bout
colour -92, -79
moustache: 7
colour: -91, -100
shade - 100
designfacepatternsimple: 166
rotate once, reduce to smallest, and move down below the lip
this is the line goatee
transp: 78
colour: -92, -50
oh more moustache :
moustache: 67
trasp: -43
colour -90, -100
colour -100, -3
colour: -100, -41
shade: -100
face acessories: 18
transp: -43
colour: -45, -100
shade: -100
reduce once.. place under eye so that it looks like a racoon or
bags under the eyes
colour -68, -100
clone that and do for the other eye
then designpantsalphabet
font type 4.. capitals
write JA
across the back of my ass
transp: 7
colour 100, 67
body accessiroes 25
transp: 17
colour 100, -100
shade: -14
body acessories: 26
transp: 67
colour 100, -100
shade -14
elbow padsbothblank1
100, -64
shade: -100
place on back
transp: 37
colour 19, -100
length: -77
colour 31, -100
skin colour 5
head: -41, 13
Neck: -35, 23, -26
chest: 48, 5
shoulder: -100, -15, -25
abs: -19, 44, -22
arms: -31, 17, -64
forearms: -43, -16, -100
hands: -70, -37, -60
waist: 55, -25
thigh: 29, 13, -81
legs: 8, -6, -73
height: 58
Name: Johnny Crayotic
Ring Name: none
Nickname: Cray
bio: man, heavyweight ?? i should change this i think, neutral,
callname: cannon
p3, 3
s2, 3
t3, 3
r3, 3
heh i jobbed myself out
logic, brawler, balanced
im sure youll make up your own move list..
but make sure you give me the 3 handled credenza
and possibly the Reverse Knee Lock as my specials
/ / / the devil made me do it
oh,. and merry xmas suckers
and a happy new year
http://wisekid.mimic.ca/ -
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