this image contains text
., . s @@ s , .. ,, @ !! @ , .... , s @SS
s iS . .jjS j . .j. .jj. .j /j . jj
., sj.
.S@@Sj .,. , . .,
.1 S@@Sj .j
j j .S@s..1 .K . ,, ,.
j j /S@s.1K
jjS .S@ @S jl - ... for life ,.. .., sj
- another day, another vision, another /l ,, ascii... welcome to acidic colly of jj pure nu-school . 7. s .. .. .jj 1 - theres a little part of our ascii .j . jS world, and, i think, that youll like it jk, s@ - nice to see guest here: jashiin/mimic. thank u, man! jjSSj
jj . . - feedbacks you can send to: cjflexo@rambler.ru jl . ,j - c-jeff of mimic ascii productions . P . - 13.o1.2oo4 .jj j ., . jS ,. , .. , , .... , s @SSk , sjS Sjj. .j jjSSj a . c . i . d . i . c jj
.jS jl
. . s / .jj
. /, . ., sl.jS ,. jS .,
l .jj ,,,d S Sj
.jjl. jS @@. @@ .j
. @@ . . @SS@ . ,,,djb.
db.dj b.jj
k jj/jSSjj....
jjj/ .,,.
jj ,, SS .
. . j S@ s @S.. ,,,, ..
.jj. .jj. .
. .j
. , . , - acidic ns colly
- journey 3
for my unfinished colly
- haciend
jSSjj for h7/ds+mmc+27 haciend bbs
., ,. jj - haciend 2
,. lj for h7/ds+mmc+27 haciend bbs
. jS Sj - qbee
. , , . for 512b intro by voodoo/dt
jSSj - cafe
j j. ss . for cafe2oo3 ansi ! compo, 3rd plc
j.sSSSs / - arachno joe header
lL for goc productions
S - pluxity remix
for acidic colly
jj - attaq
jjjjjj for unfinished ascii
.j . SS thats all folks!
/. jk,., . well, press down key!
L / .. ., @ , .... , s @SS jjSSj jj . .jj. .jSL. jl j jS S j / .
. P .
jS jY .
a c i d i c
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: journey 3 db.dj b. for: unfinished colly k jjj/
j acidic
: sS l :.,,.::j:::jSSj: .. .l : :
: SS :::. j. ,, ,, :S l jS
jS: l ,, . /.:/. . ./. l SS ..
. . : / : / l. .. : / . , l
.j : / / .l. . ./. l/ . : l
S:@:. / . .. l . jS. .j :
jfmmc:::Sj:..:.:::....l. .....:: ss .. :
. . ..:: . .. :: III
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: haciend.bbs db.dj b. for: h7/ds/mmc/27 k jjj/
j acidic
: .,, j :: : .dj/ : / . ,, . .. . ... . . ,,..
/ . ,, .j!/ ..: / .dj/ /j : ::: .,
! ji,., . ,!/jj/ ./ ., ,.d
?i,. . !/ jji,., .d!
j ?i,. j!j!i,.,
: . j SS ?i,. . ?i, j
j ::: .. SS j j
:::: ::: :: jfmmc
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: haciend.bbs 2 db.dj b. for: h7/ds/mmc/27 k jjj/
j acidic
:jjjjSjSSj SjjSSj , .. ,
: jjSSjj ... ,.: ... /jjjj
jSSj . jjSSj ...
j/ / s . .,,.
/ /., ,.., S!@@!S ..
jfmmcSSjj haciend.bbs insert some text here
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: qbee db.dj b. for: 512b intro by voodoo/dt k note: pic from far summer of 2oo3 jjj/
j acidic
.jf . .j.
:: ::::.dP::::::.,ss. dP 4P,
:: ::.dl::. /d?*?i j/.... ?/./
. : .d74b.:d:::::dP:::.::....j7. .
jL :?jSs,j.+,*SS* ::
:: b/ :::::?i:::4P,::: ::
.,ySjP:::::::j7:::dP :4P,
4P* /,.::.,P:::j/ :: ?/./
?/.::::: *SS*:::::. :: j7 .
. j7 /,. .,P .:
/,. .,P q b . e e ,d.*SS* .:::
*SS* *Sj,. .::::::
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: cafe db.dj b. for: for cafe2oo3 ansi ! compo k note: 3rd place and i won a prize jjj/
j acidic
. /. .:. .s@*.::::: .sSSs.
.:::: b. :::. dPb :::: j
.:::::. jb.:: jl . : .::. /P . . / , . .
. ::: 4 ?jb /,. iL ,::. jb :.
/ .sSSs.4i :. ?S@ /bS@@j7 .::.
.:. /,.l i. .dP /L. ::::.
.::::: . ?S@, 47 jy@S , P . :::. :
:. /.dP. ji.d .?P jP. ::::::::: .
/ .,y@.:: d7...: j7.: .dP ./,. :
... ?b, :jP :::. . d7: db. ::. ?S@/ :.
.::::::. jP .: ? ::::.. /j, ?jS, .djP. ::::.
::::: d7 .:::. / :::::::..*/.Py@jS .::. ::
:. /j.:::::. .::::::::. .,d j. ::::
.jf */, . ...::::::::::/j. .::::. .:
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: arachno joe header db.dj b. for: goc productions k jjj/
j acidic
jf jjjj
jj jjjj /jjjj
., jj jj
,.., ,.., ,.., l / jj s ,..,
j s j ,.., /
j ss j /.
jj j s s j,..,
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: pluxity remix db.dj b. for: acidic colly k jjj/
j acidic
...:j /j
22. 222222..../2222j/ /22 2 22222222222 /
lllllj/ llllllllllllllj/ /llll l lllll lS/ .
:::j/ , ..::::::::::::j/ . : /jj:S : /:::::
::/ / jj s :: j:: /: /jj
lls l/. /llll ll ,, /llll/.
222222222222222S ,, /jj 22222222j /222222222/ . 22
/ , @j/ .,
j. .j j/. ., j/
. jjj /j/ ,,
sjj/ jfmm
/ s s /j
. ..p . l . u . x . i . t . y.. . /
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: attaq db.dj b. for: unfinished ascii k jjj/
j acidic
. @@ . jS S . @@ .
db. . , .. jj jb. . @@ .
jSSSj . , , . 1b.
jj S .SSjjl
, ... ,, jj
jSS :, ... ,, .
. l
.ss. j .ss. jL .. ,, .
jL .ss. ss. j/ /
jLjL ... .1j/ /
j . lj .1j/.. ,, j .1 .j j .1 j /j jl ,.. .., sj
- welcome to acidic greetz part /l ,, jj - greets goes to . 7. s .. .. .jj 1 ascii men .j . jS jashiin roodolph h7 kempy rm jk, s@ blkjack wik poise pogue shrimp exocet schafft kejsersoze konami sketch rimanez kami aeternam maytag jjSSj
bLa tigrr icedi d-man etc... jj . . jl . ascii groups ,j innate impure secular coma . P . ., . jS ,. , .. , , .... , s @SSk , sjSSjjS Sjj. .jP.ss.j jL j - acidic ss. . ,, .. , - c-jeff/mimic productions, 2oo4 L jj . j/j
s iS . .jjS j . .j. .jj. .j /j . jj
., sj.
.S@@Sj .,. , . .,
.1 S@@Sj .j
j j .S@s..1 .K . ,, ,.
j j /S@s.1K
jjS .S@ @S jl - ... for life ,.. .., sj
- another day, another vision, another /l ,, ascii... welcome to acidic colly of jj pure nu-school . 7. s .. .. .jj 1 - theres a little part of our ascii .j . jS world, and, i think, that youll like it jk, s@ - nice to see guest here: jashiin/mimic. thank u, man! jjSSj
jj . . - feedbacks you can send to: cjflexo@rambler.ru jl . ,j - c-jeff of mimic ascii productions . P . - 13.o1.2oo4 .jj j ., . jS ,. , .. , , .... , s @SSk , sjS Sjj. .j jjSSj a . c . i . d . i . c jj
.jS jl
. . s / .jj
. /, . ., sl.jS ,. jS .,
l .jj ,,,d S Sj
.jjl. jS @@. @@ .j
. @@ . . @SS@ . ,,,djb.
db.dj b.jj
k jj/jSSjj....
jjj/ .,,.
jj ,, SS .
. . j S@ s @S.. ,,,, ..
.jj. .jj. .
. .j
. , . , - acidic ns colly
- journey 3
for my unfinished colly
- haciend
jSSjj for h7/ds+mmc+27 haciend bbs
., ,. jj - haciend 2
,. lj for h7/ds+mmc+27 haciend bbs
. jS Sj - qbee
. , , . for 512b intro by voodoo/dt
jSSj - cafe
j j. ss . for cafe2oo3 ansi ! compo, 3rd plc
j.sSSSs / - arachno joe header
lL for goc productions
S - pluxity remix
for acidic colly
jj - attaq
jjjjjj for unfinished ascii
.j . SS thats all folks!
/. jk,., . well, press down key!
L / .. ., @ , .... , s @SS jjSSj jj . .jj. .jSL. jl j jS S j / .
. P .
jS jY .
a c i d i c
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: journey 3 db.dj b. for: unfinished colly k jjj/
j acidic
: sS l :.,,.::j:::jSSj: .. .l : :
: SS :::. j. ,, ,, :S l jS
jS: l ,, . /.:/. . ./. l SS ..
. . : / : / l. .. : / . , l
.j : / / .l. . ./. l/ . : l
S:@:. / . .. l . jS. .j :
jfmmc:::Sj:..:.:::....l. .....:: ss .. :
. . ..:: . .. :: III
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: haciend.bbs db.dj b. for: h7/ds/mmc/27 k jjj/
j acidic
: .,, j :: : .dj/ : / . ,, . .. . ... . . ,,..
/ . ,, .j!/ ..: / .dj/ /j : ::: .,
! ji,., . ,!/jj/ ./ ., ,.d
?i,. . !/ jji,., .d!
j ?i,. j!j!i,.,
: . j SS ?i,. . ?i, j
j ::: .. SS j j
:::: ::: :: jfmmc
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: haciend.bbs 2 db.dj b. for: h7/ds/mmc/27 k jjj/
j acidic
:jjjjSjSSj SjjSSj , .. ,
: jjSSjj ... ,.: ... /jjjj
jSSj . jjSSj ...
j/ / s . .,,.
/ /., ,.., S!@@!S ..
jfmmcSSjj haciend.bbs insert some text here
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: qbee db.dj b. for: 512b intro by voodoo/dt k note: pic from far summer of 2oo3 jjj/
j acidic
.jf . .j.
:: ::::.dP::::::.,ss. dP 4P,
:: ::.dl::. /d?*?i j/.... ?/./
. : .d74b.:d:::::dP:::.::....j7. .
jL :?jSs,j.+,*SS* ::
:: b/ :::::?i:::4P,::: ::
.,ySjP:::::::j7:::dP :4P,
4P* /,.::.,P:::j/ :: ?/./
?/.::::: *SS*:::::. :: j7 .
. j7 /,. .,P .:
/,. .,P q b . e e ,d.*SS* .:::
*SS* *Sj,. .::::::
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: cafe db.dj b. for: for cafe2oo3 ansi ! compo k note: 3rd place and i won a prize jjj/
j acidic
. /. .:. .s@*.::::: .sSSs.
.:::: b. :::. dPb :::: j
.:::::. jb.:: jl . : .::. /P . . / , . .
. ::: 4 ?jb /,. iL ,::. jb :.
/ .sSSs.4i :. ?S@ /bS@@j7 .::.
.:. /,.l i. .dP /L. ::::.
.::::: . ?S@, 47 jy@S , P . :::. :
:. /.dP. ji.d .?P jP. ::::::::: .
/ .,y@.:: d7...: j7.: .dP ./,. :
... ?b, :jP :::. . d7: db. ::. ?S@/ :.
.::::::. jP .: ? ::::.. /j, ?jS, .djP. ::::.
::::: d7 .:::. / :::::::..*/.Py@jS .::. ::
:. /j.:::::. .::::::::. .,d j. ::::
.jf */, . ...::::::::::/j. .::::. .:
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: arachno joe header db.dj b. for: goc productions k jjj/
j acidic
jf jjjj
jj jjjj /jjjj
., jj jj
,.., ,.., ,.., l / jj s ,..,
j s j ,.., /
j ss j /.
jj j s s j,..,
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: pluxity remix db.dj b. for: acidic colly k jjj/
j acidic
...:j /j
22. 222222..../2222j/ /22 2 22222222222 /
lllllj/ llllllllllllllj/ /llll l lllll lS/ .
:::j/ , ..::::::::::::j/ . : /jj:S : /:::::
::/ / jj s :: j:: /: /jj
lls l/. /llll ll ,, /llll/.
222222222222222S ,, /jj 22222222j /222222222/ . 22
/ , @j/ .,
j. .j j/. ., j/
. jjj /j/ ,,
sjj/ jfmm
/ s s /j
. ..p . l . u . x . i . t . y.. . /
. @@ . . @SS@ .
name: attaq db.dj b. for: unfinished ascii k jjj/
j acidic
. @@ . jS S . @@ .
db. . , .. jj jb. . @@ .
jSSSj . , , . 1b.
jj S .SSjjl
, ... ,, jj
jSS :, ... ,, .
. l
.ss. j .ss. jL .. ,, .
jL .ss. ss. j/ /
jLjL ... .1j/ /
j . lj .1j/.. ,, j .1 .j j .1 j /j jl ,.. .., sj
- welcome to acidic greetz part /l ,, jj - greets goes to . 7. s .. .. .jj 1 ascii men .j . jS jashiin roodolph h7 kempy rm jk, s@ blkjack wik poise pogue shrimp exocet schafft kejsersoze konami sketch rimanez kami aeternam maytag jjSSj
bLa tigrr icedi d-man etc... jj . . jl . ascii groups ,j innate impure secular coma . P . ., . jS ,. , .. , , .... , s @SSk , sjSSjjS Sjj. .jP.ss.j jL j - acidic ss. . ,, .. , - c-jeff/mimic productions, 2oo4 L jj . j/j
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