this image contains text
. . . / bRm
. . . / / m
. . . / / / / c
:::: :: . p
:::: ::::: r ::::::::
::::::::::: e :::: ::
/ e ::::
: n ::::
t ::
yarr! bullshit made by me! ME! HEAR THAT! :: :::: bRmmmc .
:: :::: in the worst years of social and moral collapse
:: :::: at a time of economic crisis
:: :::: there was a tendency
:: :::: to preserve working class union and unity
:: :::: the principal task of communists and aware workers
:: :::: incorporating
:: :::: unemployed working class youth
:: :::: was to step up political
:: :::: and militant reaction
:: :::: public opinion has been formed...
:: :::: due to political activity
:: :::: the authority has
:: :::: in the year 1982
:: :::: cancelled
:: :::: Freedom.
:: :::: //laibach
this is my first real collie::dont expect too much.
remember kids, its my:collie: i choose whatever bullshit
texts i want for it. ::. ::::
::n ::::
:: o::::
::w ::::
::i ::::
:: n::::
::d ::::
:: e::::
::c ::::
:: o::::
::m ::::
:: i::::
::n ::::
:: g::::
:: u::::
::p ::::
.: allyourba.se :: ::::
.: asia carrera :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::
.: blood island ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::
.: cheat files :: ::::
.: cherry boy :: ::::
.: constipation of the mind :: ::::
.: downmix :: ::::
.: dust.nfo :: ::::
.: dynshells :: ::::
.: gauge :: ::::
.: hatchetradio.com :: ::::
.: jenna jameson :: ::::
.: krazm :: ::::
:: .: max hardcore ::::
:: ::::::::::mekanik:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: :::: .: necrotoad.com
:: :::: .: papercut
:: :::: .: radioforce.nfo
:: :::: .: revenge.nfo
:: :::: .: silvia saint
:: :::: .: sky lopez
:: :::: .: steveman
:: :::: .: testament
:: :::: .: thuglife x2
---.----.---:- allyourba.se
/ .a l l y o u r b a . s e // .// / /
/--------/ bRm!mmc /---
---.----.---:- asia carrera
bRm!/ / / / / / / / / / / / /
---.----.---:- blood island
bRm . . . / /
mmc -..-..-..- . .
---.----.---:- cheat files
:. .t h i s f i l e. /.:
:::. .p a s s e d. .:::
:: .t h r o u g h. :/:
. ::b .m:: .
:R - - - :m:
. .m c. .
---.----.---:- cherry boy
C h e r r y B o y / / /
bRm/ /mmc . . . //
---.----.---:- constipation of the mind
bRm/ / / / / / / / / // / / / / / / / /mmc /
. c o n s t i p a t i o n o f t h e m i n d .
---.----.---:- downmix
/ / / / / / / / / / //bRm //
/ /---/---//---//---//---//---/ mmc/ /------
---.----.---:- dust.nfo
: d U S T / / p R E S E N T S :
:bRm.----- -----.mmc:
: yadda yadda 2004 c yawhooza :
: Supplied By .: **************** Release Date .: **/**/**** :/
: Packed By ...: **************** Genre/Type ...: **************** :/
Tested By ...: **************** Release Size .: **************** /
/ Protection ..: **************** Method .......: ****************
.: Developer ...: **************** Rating .......: **************** :.
: r e l E A S E -. / / / / / / / / :
: - n o t e s / /.- :
: i n s t a l l n o t e s - -/---// / //---//---/./
-:---- g r o u p n e w s --- -/---//---//---/ //---//:
: g r e e t i n g s .- :
.this has been a dust presentation.
: brought to you in ascii :
last updated : 27/05/2004
nfo by: barium of mimic
---.----.---:- dynshells
bRm/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /m
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /mc
./ d y n s h e l l s / / .
Linux Version 2.4.25-grsec Compiled 3 *** *** * ******** CEST 2004
One 2GHZ Intel Celeron Processor, 512M RAM, 3997,69 Bogomips Total.
---.----.---:- gauge
bRm ./:mmc
g A U g E .
---.----.---:- hatchetradio.com
. h a t c h e t r a d i o . c o m .
b .
R / / / / / / / / / / /
m / / / / / / / // / / / /-.
! // / // / / // / / / / / m
-/---//---//--//---/ // // / m
/ - -.--/---//---//---/ c
---.----.---:- jenna jameson
.. / . . J E N N A J
/ .--------------.A
/: M
: bRm . . . E
. . / / . .. O
. .. / / .N
. ./: mmc
---.----.---:- krazm
bRm .- : .
mmc / . /
.- krazm .
---.----.---:- max hardcore
:mRb/ / / / / :
:m / / / / / / :
:c / /--------//--------//------------------- -
---.----.---:- mekanik
. m . e . k . a . n . i . k :
: bRmmmc / .
---.----.---:- necrotoad.com
bRm / - // -/ / / / / / // / / / /
mmc / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
---.----.---:- papercut
::::: : .w e l c o m e : ::::: .
: ::::: t o ::::: :
: bRm: .. / :mmc /:
.p a p e r c u t /
x.x TB HDD .. Xxx MBiT .se / /
Site Staff: ***** - ***** - ***** - *****
BNCs: ***.***.***.*** - ***.***.***.***
---.----.---:- radioforce.nfo
Rm/ / / / / / / / / /
b/ / / / / / / /
/ // / / / / / / / /c
r a d i o f o r c e/p r e s e n t s/ //---//---//---//---/mm:
. hot butter - popcorn
Supplier: -------------------- Encoder...: --------------------------------
Ripper..: -------------------- Quality...: ---kbps / --,-kHz / ------------
Scans...: -------------------- Catalogue: --------------------------------
Rel.Date: -------------------- Type......: --------------------------------
Str.Date: -------------------- Genre.....: --------------------------------
URL.....: ---
/ / / / / / / // / r E L E A S E n O T E S
/ / / / / / // / t R A C K L i S T
/ / / / / / / / / // / g R E E T i N G S
last updated: 27/05/2004 nfo by barium of mimic
---.----.---:- revenge.nfo
:/ / / / /brm / / / ./
/ / / / / / mmc/ / / /
r E V E N G E //
: proudly presents: popcorn c hot butter .
. Supplied By .: **************** Release Date .: **/**/**** :
: Packed By ...: **************** Genre/Type ...: ****************
Tested By ...: **************** Release Size .: ****************
Protection ..: **************** Method .......: ****************
Developer ...: **************** Rating .......: ****************
r E L E A S E i N F O /
so whats the reason the leechers should get their dirty hands on this release?
/ / // / / g R E E T i N G S
/ / / / / / / / / / / f L Y o U T t O
fill this area with weird group acronyms
/ / / / / / / / // / / / / some fitting text, mkay.
yadda yadda email contact.
/ / / / lAST uPDATED 24/05/2004 bY : rEVENGE
/ / / / nFO cREATED bY barium of MiMiC
---.----.---:- silvia saint
bRm! / /
/ / / / / / / / / mmc
---.----.---:- sky lopez
:mmc/ / / / / / / :
:m /----//----/ // / :
:R / / / :
:b/ / / s k y / l o p / e z :
---.----.---:- steveman
bRm/ / / / / / / / / / / / /mmc
s . t . e . v . e . m . a . n /
---.----.---:- testament
bRm .t E S T A M E N T mmc
---.----.---:- thuglife x2
Rm / / / / / / / / /
b / / / / / / // / / / / / !.
! //---//----/---// / / / // / c
/ / / / / mm
-/- www.thuglife.org -/- /
// : / bRm! ./ // // /
- - -//---- - - -/ !mmc// . - -//----- - ---.- /-
wW//.hUg:!fE.rG / . . /
:::: . . . . .c :: ::::::::::::::: :: :
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o:: :: . . .
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::n :: ::. ::::::::::: :: :
:::: t:: ::::::::::::: :: :
a :: :::
/ // / / / / c::/ / / //::: brmmmc
/ / / / / /:t :/ / / :::
e-mail: barium at mimic dot ca :::: .:: :::
irc: ascii @ efnet, ircnet :::: : :
mimic @ efnet :::::
b / / m
R / / / / m
b u l l s h i t b y b ar i u m
. . . / bRm
. . . / / m
. . . / / / / c
:::: :: . p
:::: ::::: r ::::::::
::::::::::: e :::: ::
/ e ::::
: n ::::
t ::
yarr! bullshit made by me! ME! HEAR THAT! :: :::: bRmmmc .
:: :::: in the worst years of social and moral collapse
:: :::: at a time of economic crisis
:: :::: there was a tendency
:: :::: to preserve working class union and unity
:: :::: the principal task of communists and aware workers
:: :::: incorporating
:: :::: unemployed working class youth
:: :::: was to step up political
:: :::: and militant reaction
:: :::: public opinion has been formed...
:: :::: due to political activity
:: :::: the authority has
:: :::: in the year 1982
:: :::: cancelled
:: :::: Freedom.
:: :::: //laibach
this is my first real collie::dont expect too much.
remember kids, its my:collie: i choose whatever bullshit
texts i want for it. ::. ::::
::n ::::
:: o::::
::w ::::
::i ::::
:: n::::
::d ::::
:: e::::
::c ::::
:: o::::
::m ::::
:: i::::
::n ::::
:: g::::
:: u::::
::p ::::
.: allyourba.se :: ::::
.: asia carrera :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::
.: blood island ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::
.: cheat files :: ::::
.: cherry boy :: ::::
.: constipation of the mind :: ::::
.: downmix :: ::::
.: dust.nfo :: ::::
.: dynshells :: ::::
.: gauge :: ::::
.: hatchetradio.com :: ::::
.: jenna jameson :: ::::
.: krazm :: ::::
:: .: max hardcore ::::
:: ::::::::::mekanik:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: :::: .: necrotoad.com
:: :::: .: papercut
:: :::: .: radioforce.nfo
:: :::: .: revenge.nfo
:: :::: .: silvia saint
:: :::: .: sky lopez
:: :::: .: steveman
:: :::: .: testament
:: :::: .: thuglife x2
---.----.---:- allyourba.se
/ .a l l y o u r b a . s e // .// / /
/--------/ bRm!mmc /---
---.----.---:- asia carrera
bRm!/ / / / / / / / / / / / /
---.----.---:- blood island
bRm . . . / /
mmc -..-..-..- . .
---.----.---:- cheat files
:. .t h i s f i l e. /.:
:::. .p a s s e d. .:::
:: .t h r o u g h. :/:
. ::b .m:: .
:R - - - :m:
. .m c. .
---.----.---:- cherry boy
C h e r r y B o y / / /
bRm/ /mmc . . . //
---.----.---:- constipation of the mind
bRm/ / / / / / / / / // / / / / / / / /mmc /
. c o n s t i p a t i o n o f t h e m i n d .
---.----.---:- downmix
/ / / / / / / / / / //bRm //
/ /---/---//---//---//---//---/ mmc/ /------
---.----.---:- dust.nfo
: d U S T / / p R E S E N T S :
:bRm.----- -----.mmc:
: yadda yadda 2004 c yawhooza :
: Supplied By .: **************** Release Date .: **/**/**** :/
: Packed By ...: **************** Genre/Type ...: **************** :/
Tested By ...: **************** Release Size .: **************** /
/ Protection ..: **************** Method .......: ****************
.: Developer ...: **************** Rating .......: **************** :.
: r e l E A S E -. / / / / / / / / :
: - n o t e s / /.- :
: i n s t a l l n o t e s - -/---// / //---//---/./
-:---- g r o u p n e w s --- -/---//---//---/ //---//:
: g r e e t i n g s .- :
.this has been a dust presentation.
: brought to you in ascii :
last updated : 27/05/2004
nfo by: barium of mimic
---.----.---:- dynshells
bRm/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /m
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /mc
./ d y n s h e l l s / / .
Linux Version 2.4.25-grsec Compiled 3 *** *** * ******** CEST 2004
One 2GHZ Intel Celeron Processor, 512M RAM, 3997,69 Bogomips Total.
---.----.---:- gauge
bRm ./:mmc
g A U g E .
---.----.---:- hatchetradio.com
. h a t c h e t r a d i o . c o m .
b .
R / / / / / / / / / / /
m / / / / / / / // / / / /-.
! // / // / / // / / / / / m
-/---//---//--//---/ // // / m
/ - -.--/---//---//---/ c
---.----.---:- jenna jameson
.. / . . J E N N A J
/ .--------------.A
/: M
: bRm . . . E
. . / / . .. O
. .. / / .N
. ./: mmc
---.----.---:- krazm
bRm .- : .
mmc / . /
.- krazm .
---.----.---:- max hardcore
:mRb/ / / / / :
:m / / / / / / :
:c / /--------//--------//------------------- -
---.----.---:- mekanik
. m . e . k . a . n . i . k :
: bRmmmc / .
---.----.---:- necrotoad.com
bRm / - // -/ / / / / / // / / / /
mmc / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
---.----.---:- papercut
::::: : .w e l c o m e : ::::: .
: ::::: t o ::::: :
: bRm: .. / :mmc /:
.p a p e r c u t /
x.x TB HDD .. Xxx MBiT .se / /
Site Staff: ***** - ***** - ***** - *****
BNCs: ***.***.***.*** - ***.***.***.***
---.----.---:- radioforce.nfo
Rm/ / / / / / / / / /
b/ / / / / / / /
/ // / / / / / / / /c
r a d i o f o r c e/p r e s e n t s/ //---//---//---//---/mm:
. hot butter - popcorn
Supplier: -------------------- Encoder...: --------------------------------
Ripper..: -------------------- Quality...: ---kbps / --,-kHz / ------------
Scans...: -------------------- Catalogue: --------------------------------
Rel.Date: -------------------- Type......: --------------------------------
Str.Date: -------------------- Genre.....: --------------------------------
URL.....: ---
/ / / / / / / // / r E L E A S E n O T E S
/ / / / / / // / t R A C K L i S T
/ / / / / / / / / // / g R E E T i N G S
last updated: 27/05/2004 nfo by barium of mimic
---.----.---:- revenge.nfo
:/ / / / /brm / / / ./
/ / / / / / mmc/ / / /
r E V E N G E //
: proudly presents: popcorn c hot butter .
. Supplied By .: **************** Release Date .: **/**/**** :
: Packed By ...: **************** Genre/Type ...: ****************
Tested By ...: **************** Release Size .: ****************
Protection ..: **************** Method .......: ****************
Developer ...: **************** Rating .......: ****************
r E L E A S E i N F O /
so whats the reason the leechers should get their dirty hands on this release?
/ / // / / g R E E T i N G S
/ / / / / / / / / / / f L Y o U T t O
fill this area with weird group acronyms
/ / / / / / / / // / / / / some fitting text, mkay.
yadda yadda email contact.
/ / / / lAST uPDATED 24/05/2004 bY : rEVENGE
/ / / / nFO cREATED bY barium of MiMiC
---.----.---:- silvia saint
bRm! / /
/ / / / / / / / / mmc
---.----.---:- sky lopez
:mmc/ / / / / / / :
:m /----//----/ // / :
:R / / / :
:b/ / / s k y / l o p / e z :
---.----.---:- steveman
bRm/ / / / / / / / / / / / /mmc
s . t . e . v . e . m . a . n /
---.----.---:- testament
bRm .t E S T A M E N T mmc
---.----.---:- thuglife x2
Rm / / / / / / / / /
b / / / / / / // / / / / / !.
! //---//----/---// / / / // / c
/ / / / / mm
-/- www.thuglife.org -/- /
// : / bRm! ./ // // /
- - -//---- - - -/ !mmc// . - -//----- - ---.- /-
wW//.hUg:!fE.rG / . . /
:::: . . . . .c :: ::::::::::::::: :: :
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o:: :: . . .
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::n :: ::. ::::::::::: :: :
:::: t:: ::::::::::::: :: :
a :: :::
/ // / / / / c::/ / / //::: brmmmc
/ / / / / /:t :/ / / :::
e-mail: barium at mimic dot ca :::: .:: :::
irc: ascii @ efnet, ircnet :::: : :
mimic @ efnet :::::
b / / m
R / / / / m
b u l l s h i t b y b ar i u m
log in to add a comment.