this image contains text
The Mirage Compendium Volume III
Release Date : October 1, 1992
Total Ansis : 59
Total VGAs : 2
Total Files : 62
Total Bytes : 1,124,243
Total Bytes Zipped : 281,195
NOTES: Mirage Graphic Designs was founded on 10/20/91 by
Kaska F. Kaska in Castro Valley, CA, and went public on
1/15/92, also the birtdate of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
The purpose of this organization is to create a service to
the various bulletin boards and user groups out there, free
of charge. The Mirage Compendium was first packaged on
6/1/92, and represents the entire collection of Mirage
graphics. Additional volumes will be released bi-monthly.
If you wish to request a Mirage ANSI or VGA, do so at your
nearest Mirage affiliate system, and become a part of the
new legacy.
Mirage Designs merged with License to Draw LTD on
9/5/92, an ANSI/VGA group out of Georgia state. On a
later date, 9/13/92, a small known but talented group
named House, also merged with Mirage. With the mergers
came many talented graphists, some of whose works are
featured in this package.
No Filename.Ext Size Description Artist
0 MIRAGE03 NFO 8935 Dox of The Compendium N/A
1 AP-BITU MIR 7111 Banned In The USA Atomic Playboy
2 AP-PHYSD MIR 14997 Physical Damage Atomic Playboy
3 AP-RAZOR MIR 6546 Razor 1911 Atomic Playboy
4 AP-SANC MIR 9147 Sanctuary Atomic Playboy
5 BZ-BONES MIR 5636 Dust N Bones Beez
6 BZ-DARKH MIR 3084 The Dark Half Beez
7 BZ-DIGIT MIR 4589 Digital Wasteland Beez
8 BZ-INFDR MIR 8344 Infinite Darkness Beez
9 BZ-MIDML MIR 8320 Midnight Millennium Beez
10 BZ-SI MIR 9228 Sudden Impact 1 Beez
11 BZ-SI2 MIR 125695 Sudden Impact 2 Beez
12 BZ-SIGNS MIR 2688 Signs of Chaos Beez
13 BZ-SPTRN MIR 10070 Spasmotron Beez
14 BZ-SSC MIR 4834 Satanic Syndicate Continued Beez
15 BZ-TIDAL MIR 4864 Tidal Wave Beez
16 BZ-USA MIR 6205 Banned In The USA Beez
17 BZ-WELFR MIR 51584 Welfare Department Beez
18 CT-TCS MIR 11520 The Crime Syndicate Network Cool T
19 DE-4AD MIR 5632 4 AD Dreamevil
20 DF-CA2 MIR 10112 Covert Action Dr. Freeze
21 FA-MIR1 EXE 33834 Mirage Logo Faust
22 FN-BLOOD MIR 8658 Blood Sport Fusion
23 FN-INFIN MIR 19060 Infinite Darkness Fusion
24 FN-OUTER MIR 6793 Outer Limits Fusion
25 FN-RIPXW MIR 3342 RIP-X Stats 1 Fusion
26 FN-RIPXY MIR 3387 RIP-X Stats 2 Fusion
27 FN-SKYN MIR 30007 Skynet Fusion
28 FN-TOXIC MIR 5506 Toxicnet Fusion
29 GW-APOCA MIR 22048 Apocalypse G. Washington
30 GW-ARCAD MIR 14865 Arcadia G. Washington
31 GW-ASYLM MIR 13638 The Asylum G. Washington
32 GW-EXOD MIR 10855 Exodus To Apocalypse G. Washington
33 GW-LCOA MIR 11405 Lost City Of Atlantis G. Washington
34 GW-MBLUE MIR 10200 Midnight Blues G. Washington
35 GW-MIR92 MIR 11028 Mirage 92 Site/Members G. Washington
36 GW-RIV MIR 9074 Rivendell G. Washington
37 GW-SI MIR 14682 Sudden Impact G. Washington
38 GW-VFILE MIR 3424 Venom File Stats G. Washington
39 GW-VINFO MIR 11505 Venom Info Screen G. Washington
40 IC-UC MIR 7936 United Couriers Icy
41 KF-BOG MIR 13056 The Bog Kafka Kierkegaard
42 KF-CLOAK MIR 244991 Cloak N Dagger 1 Kafka Kierkegaard
43 KF-CLOA2 MIR 10496 Cloak N Dagger 2 Kafka Kierkegaard
44 KF-ECHO MIR 36252 Echos In The Well Kafka Kierkegaard
45 KF-NOWHR MIR 14827 Nowhere Kafka Kierkegaard
46 KF-TRWS MIR 2944 The RapeWare Syndicate 1 Kafka Kierkegaard
47 KF-TRWS2 MIR 3328 The RapeWare Syndicate 2 Kafka Kierkegaard
48 LG-ATEM MIR 12023 Attilas Empire Logan
49 MH-MAINM MIR 4608 Vision-X Stats Metal Head
50 MH-TDT MIR 3999 The Dream Team Metal Head
51 MO-SONIC MIR 11253 Mirage Logo Blowing Holes The Morbid One
52 MX-TLT EXE 13192 The Last Trial Malcolm X
53 NB-APOCA MIR 43686 Apocalypse NightBlade
54 PM-FTB MIR 9633 Fade To Black Paul MuadDib
55 RN-ICE MIR 8693 Intnl Corp. for Espionage Ren
56 RN-KOTFS MIR 29952 Kingdom of the Forgotten Sou Ren
57 RN-M0920 MIR 6220 Mirage Member List Ren
58 RN-NEOT MIR 7217 Neo Tokyo Ren
59 SK-INFD MIR 17637 Infinite Darkness Shihear Kallizad
60 TD-CRYPT MIR 56760 Midieval Crypt The Drow
61 WZ-NRDS4 MIR 3267 Nerd Social 4 The Weeze
Our Members: sup dewds.. wanted to say great job, and keep it up..
ACiD, AiR, iCE, INC-AD, Legacy and other graphic groups: Ive seen
some pretty dope shit coming out, got some nice talent.
Fairlight, INC, Razor and the cracking clubs: Well, what can I say,
cept thanks for the /-Rad //areZ.
The Ghost in the Machine Members: Whaddup!
Dodger: Happy phuckin birthday!..
Tempus: When are you gonna join Mirage? grin
Lady in Black: Re-enter the scene, I miss ya..
Psylocke: Smoke some doobs and give me a kall.
Ren: Uh.. hows the computer system?
- Kaska F. Kaska 92
copyright 1992 Mirage Designs
The Mirage Compendium Volume III
Release Date : October 1, 1992
Total Ansis : 59
Total VGAs : 2
Total Files : 62
Total Bytes : 1,124,243
Total Bytes Zipped : 281,195
NOTES: Mirage Graphic Designs was founded on 10/20/91 by
Kaska F. Kaska in Castro Valley, CA, and went public on
1/15/92, also the birtdate of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
The purpose of this organization is to create a service to
the various bulletin boards and user groups out there, free
of charge. The Mirage Compendium was first packaged on
6/1/92, and represents the entire collection of Mirage
graphics. Additional volumes will be released bi-monthly.
If you wish to request a Mirage ANSI or VGA, do so at your
nearest Mirage affiliate system, and become a part of the
new legacy.
Mirage Designs merged with License to Draw LTD on
9/5/92, an ANSI/VGA group out of Georgia state. On a
later date, 9/13/92, a small known but talented group
named House, also merged with Mirage. With the mergers
came many talented graphists, some of whose works are
featured in this package.
No Filename.Ext Size Description Artist
0 MIRAGE03 NFO 8935 Dox of The Compendium N/A
1 AP-BITU MIR 7111 Banned In The USA Atomic Playboy
2 AP-PHYSD MIR 14997 Physical Damage Atomic Playboy
3 AP-RAZOR MIR 6546 Razor 1911 Atomic Playboy
4 AP-SANC MIR 9147 Sanctuary Atomic Playboy
5 BZ-BONES MIR 5636 Dust N Bones Beez
6 BZ-DARKH MIR 3084 The Dark Half Beez
7 BZ-DIGIT MIR 4589 Digital Wasteland Beez
8 BZ-INFDR MIR 8344 Infinite Darkness Beez
9 BZ-MIDML MIR 8320 Midnight Millennium Beez
10 BZ-SI MIR 9228 Sudden Impact 1 Beez
11 BZ-SI2 MIR 125695 Sudden Impact 2 Beez
12 BZ-SIGNS MIR 2688 Signs of Chaos Beez
13 BZ-SPTRN MIR 10070 Spasmotron Beez
14 BZ-SSC MIR 4834 Satanic Syndicate Continued Beez
15 BZ-TIDAL MIR 4864 Tidal Wave Beez
16 BZ-USA MIR 6205 Banned In The USA Beez
17 BZ-WELFR MIR 51584 Welfare Department Beez
18 CT-TCS MIR 11520 The Crime Syndicate Network Cool T
19 DE-4AD MIR 5632 4 AD Dreamevil
20 DF-CA2 MIR 10112 Covert Action Dr. Freeze
21 FA-MIR1 EXE 33834 Mirage Logo Faust
22 FN-BLOOD MIR 8658 Blood Sport Fusion
23 FN-INFIN MIR 19060 Infinite Darkness Fusion
24 FN-OUTER MIR 6793 Outer Limits Fusion
25 FN-RIPXW MIR 3342 RIP-X Stats 1 Fusion
26 FN-RIPXY MIR 3387 RIP-X Stats 2 Fusion
27 FN-SKYN MIR 30007 Skynet Fusion
28 FN-TOXIC MIR 5506 Toxicnet Fusion
29 GW-APOCA MIR 22048 Apocalypse G. Washington
30 GW-ARCAD MIR 14865 Arcadia G. Washington
31 GW-ASYLM MIR 13638 The Asylum G. Washington
32 GW-EXOD MIR 10855 Exodus To Apocalypse G. Washington
33 GW-LCOA MIR 11405 Lost City Of Atlantis G. Washington
34 GW-MBLUE MIR 10200 Midnight Blues G. Washington
35 GW-MIR92 MIR 11028 Mirage 92 Site/Members G. Washington
36 GW-RIV MIR 9074 Rivendell G. Washington
37 GW-SI MIR 14682 Sudden Impact G. Washington
38 GW-VFILE MIR 3424 Venom File Stats G. Washington
39 GW-VINFO MIR 11505 Venom Info Screen G. Washington
40 IC-UC MIR 7936 United Couriers Icy
41 KF-BOG MIR 13056 The Bog Kafka Kierkegaard
42 KF-CLOAK MIR 244991 Cloak N Dagger 1 Kafka Kierkegaard
43 KF-CLOA2 MIR 10496 Cloak N Dagger 2 Kafka Kierkegaard
44 KF-ECHO MIR 36252 Echos In The Well Kafka Kierkegaard
45 KF-NOWHR MIR 14827 Nowhere Kafka Kierkegaard
46 KF-TRWS MIR 2944 The RapeWare Syndicate 1 Kafka Kierkegaard
47 KF-TRWS2 MIR 3328 The RapeWare Syndicate 2 Kafka Kierkegaard
48 LG-ATEM MIR 12023 Attilas Empire Logan
49 MH-MAINM MIR 4608 Vision-X Stats Metal Head
50 MH-TDT MIR 3999 The Dream Team Metal Head
51 MO-SONIC MIR 11253 Mirage Logo Blowing Holes The Morbid One
52 MX-TLT EXE 13192 The Last Trial Malcolm X
53 NB-APOCA MIR 43686 Apocalypse NightBlade
54 PM-FTB MIR 9633 Fade To Black Paul MuadDib
55 RN-ICE MIR 8693 Intnl Corp. for Espionage Ren
56 RN-KOTFS MIR 29952 Kingdom of the Forgotten Sou Ren
57 RN-M0920 MIR 6220 Mirage Member List Ren
58 RN-NEOT MIR 7217 Neo Tokyo Ren
59 SK-INFD MIR 17637 Infinite Darkness Shihear Kallizad
60 TD-CRYPT MIR 56760 Midieval Crypt The Drow
61 WZ-NRDS4 MIR 3267 Nerd Social 4 The Weeze
Our Members: sup dewds.. wanted to say great job, and keep it up..
ACiD, AiR, iCE, INC-AD, Legacy and other graphic groups: Ive seen
some pretty dope shit coming out, got some nice talent.
Fairlight, INC, Razor and the cracking clubs: Well, what can I say,
cept thanks for the /-Rad //areZ.
The Ghost in the Machine Members: Whaddup!
Dodger: Happy phuckin birthday!..
Tempus: When are you gonna join Mirage? grin
Lady in Black: Re-enter the scene, I miss ya..
Psylocke: Smoke some doobs and give me a kall.
Ren: Uh.. hows the computer system?
- Kaska F. Kaska 92
copyright 1992 Mirage Designs
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