this image contains text
Helter the sysop of Queen has a new albu
mSalems Lot claims that coming out later this year
.this pic should have been I bet none of you care, bu
tdrawn for his board. this just proves that no
tApparently, Salems Lot is even DEATH can stop th
ea book about green vampires power of Queen!!! Buhahaha
!attacking a town. Plus, You know...sometimes bein
ghes Irish. Well, he N i t n a t s n o c an obsessive Qeeun fan ca
nwanted me to mention that. M i S T really suck. Bah. Oh well
Just try an bite me ya wee bastards!
t h e v a m p i r e l e s t a t
6 0 4 5 3 5 3 8 3 3
mSalems Lot claims that coming out later this year
.this pic should have been I bet none of you care, bu
tdrawn for his board. this just proves that no
tApparently, Salems Lot is even DEATH can stop th
ea book about green vampires power of Queen!!! Buhahaha
!attacking a town. Plus, You know...sometimes bein
ghes Irish. Well, he N i t n a t s n o c an obsessive Qeeun fan ca
nwanted me to mention that. M i S T really suck. Bah. Oh well
Just try an bite me ya wee bastards!
t h e v a m p i r e l e s t a t
6 0 4 5 3 5 3 8 3 3
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