this image contains text
artpack contributors:
8bitbaba is an accomplished South Asian graphic designer with a side line in
minimalist pixel art, which he paints on canvases as well as screens.
8bitpoet comes by his small-scale pixelart virtuosity by genuinely oldschool
means, in a former life the late 90s designing Macintosh program icons as
Doc Halpern of Mad Science Laboratories. He is a co-founder of the Dead Pixel
instagram.com/8bitpoet / thedeadpixelsociety.net occupies a rarefied echelon of glitch production, like a tree
that drops apparently effortless scrambled fruit at peak ripeness.
apam is the author of the Magicka BBS software and a bunch of open-source BBS
doors, and if he has to draw the ANSI art himself to sell you on them, hes
github.com/apamment / magickabbs.com
Axl is a Parisian artist who works in many styles but who has recently stumbled
upon the Commodore 64s PETSCII aesthetic and is currently feverishly working
every angle of it, machine-generated and bespoke.
Dos Grog continues in the expansion of our Italian contingent, demonstrating a
playful devotion to the pixelart medium.
The bio of the misleadingly-named Fractallearning, who works nearly exclusively
in kaleidoscopic abstractions, reads that they primarily engage themes of
flowers and other natural things. This is only true in a Georgia OKeefe
context. Perhaps no force out there in the world is more strange than human
sexuality, and through their distortions of sexually-charged images, the
strangeness crawls out of the well.
A genuine professional teletext illustrator two decades hence, Steve
Horsenburger Horsley has recently returned to the game for love of the art:
Its kind of frustrating to discover you are good at something only to
realise its pointless in todays world, but I just really like doing it so I
am going to carry on. We feel your pain, Steve! At his website you can
commission original teletext creations from him, so dont delay to get your
own piece of textmode art history!
Every medium has several modes: a pre-modern approach, a clean modern
style, and a post-modern detournement, often in the glitch idiom. In
Jellica Jake, teletext has found its glitch ma/onster! It is such a simple
3-bit medium there quite simply isnt the complexity needed for things to go
really wrong, but somehow this artist, doing more with less, has found depths
of texture to imply psychological profundity between the lines.
twitter.com/jellicajake / instagram.com/jellica / kittenrock.co.uk
Kazunari Kalcha Naito represents the tip of an iceberg we know little of and
understand still less of -- Japans ShiftJIS parallel textmode art scene. His
works are informed by his interests in 70s prog rock, jazz, and fine art.
The Knight of Fuel is what we like to consider an OG underground computer
artist, emerging in tandem to Mistigris Classic for a run from 1995-1998 in
Belgium, only to disappear for a little longer than we did, roaring back to
life in 2017 in a fantastic profusion of ANSI art. They do amazing work that
is well worth checking out, and once in a while they very helpfully toss us a
bone 8
You wont see any of Mavriks creative work in this archive, but theres a very
good chance that the collection will have passed through his graciously-offered
web hosting at mistigris.org en route to you, picking up from his historical
facilitator role greasing the gears of Mists KiTSCHNet echomail network from
its home at Daemons Gate BBS.
Mentalpop is a Toronto-based pixelartist who works in collaboration with indie
game development teams and streams their creation sessions for Patreon
mylifecomputerized explores the imposition of the aesthetics of vintage
computing specifically, the IBM PC CGA palette to help make sense of our
postmodern era.
The man, the myth... Mythical Man handily satisfies both categories. Long
known for his prowess on the euphonium, visual art is a relatively recent
development to which he has applied himself ardently.
euphoniousmyth.tumblr.com / instagram.com/themythicalman
Pinguino grew up on the Internet, doing telco for CiA, and VGA for GAS and
Rival. Lately, she runs the design studio Pinguhaus, goes raving on every
continent, and experiments with obscure foods -- her latest accomplishment is
making ramen noodles out of crickets.
ivomitrainbows.co / twitter.com/pinguino
Many diamonds in the rough cut their faces in Mistigris before dazzling the
masses, but for advancement in all metrics through everything he tried his hand
at, none wanted it as badly as Quip, who in a disciplined fashion forged
himself into a self-made man of the scene, then found he didnt need it to
continue being who he wanted to be.
Formerly known as Silver Angel, Tillie continues to live and write in the 604
area. Shes been published in Salacious Magazine, and was featured in the
Dirty Queer Anthology. Balancing being a queer, polyamourous feral leatherwoman
and handling donations at a church/homeless shelter, Tillie can be found at
@echnoidsymmetry on Twitter and on the book of face.
Carl TeletextR Attrill represents Mistigris continuing wave of
introducing the great public textmode art tradition -- teletext -- to the
underground computer artscene.
teletextr.blogspot.com / twitter.com/thatotherCarl
Every time I include her in an artpack, I find myself completely rewriting
Theresa Oborns bio, as though I might somehow hew closer to the truth, like
a darts player hoping to hit a bullseye. She draws and sculpts, and perhaps
the work speaks for itself.
Textmode experimenter t1po has it backwards, bringing computer art
sensibilities to typewriters and typewriter sensibilities to computers.
Failing to cross the streams wouldnt yield anything extraordinary, while going
contrariwise both ways makes strange magic emerge from the dullest artifacts of
the mundane. Nice trick!
instagram.com/ty.p0 / t1po.tumblr.com
Webersso.n brings about a deft marriage of subject and audience, initially
making hyperstylized perler bead portraits of an endless series of women before
branching out into pixelated still lives with fauvist pop art colour schemes.
Communities of text art practice emerge through certain social contexts but
the basic premise is such an appealing idea that it keeps getting invented
and reinvented. XTComics draws comic strips using a combination of low ASCII
characters and emoji.
and our usual round of greetz to our colleagues at: fuel.wtf, blocktronics.org
impure.nl, amish.0w.nz, galza.org, Fire Dream, Break, pungas.space,
paleotronic.com, soundcloud.com/bitcouver, vanchipmusic.ca, and TABNet!
artpack contributors:
8bitbaba is an accomplished South Asian graphic designer with a side line in
minimalist pixel art, which he paints on canvases as well as screens.
8bitpoet comes by his small-scale pixelart virtuosity by genuinely oldschool
means, in a former life the late 90s designing Macintosh program icons as
Doc Halpern of Mad Science Laboratories. He is a co-founder of the Dead Pixel
instagram.com/8bitpoet / thedeadpixelsociety.net occupies a rarefied echelon of glitch production, like a tree
that drops apparently effortless scrambled fruit at peak ripeness.
apam is the author of the Magicka BBS software and a bunch of open-source BBS
doors, and if he has to draw the ANSI art himself to sell you on them, hes
github.com/apamment / magickabbs.com
Axl is a Parisian artist who works in many styles but who has recently stumbled
upon the Commodore 64s PETSCII aesthetic and is currently feverishly working
every angle of it, machine-generated and bespoke.
Dos Grog continues in the expansion of our Italian contingent, demonstrating a
playful devotion to the pixelart medium.
The bio of the misleadingly-named Fractallearning, who works nearly exclusively
in kaleidoscopic abstractions, reads that they primarily engage themes of
flowers and other natural things. This is only true in a Georgia OKeefe
context. Perhaps no force out there in the world is more strange than human
sexuality, and through their distortions of sexually-charged images, the
strangeness crawls out of the well.
A genuine professional teletext illustrator two decades hence, Steve
Horsenburger Horsley has recently returned to the game for love of the art:
Its kind of frustrating to discover you are good at something only to
realise its pointless in todays world, but I just really like doing it so I
am going to carry on. We feel your pain, Steve! At his website you can
commission original teletext creations from him, so dont delay to get your
own piece of textmode art history!
Every medium has several modes: a pre-modern approach, a clean modern
style, and a post-modern detournement, often in the glitch idiom. In
Jellica Jake, teletext has found its glitch ma/onster! It is such a simple
3-bit medium there quite simply isnt the complexity needed for things to go
really wrong, but somehow this artist, doing more with less, has found depths
of texture to imply psychological profundity between the lines.
twitter.com/jellicajake / instagram.com/jellica / kittenrock.co.uk
Kazunari Kalcha Naito represents the tip of an iceberg we know little of and
understand still less of -- Japans ShiftJIS parallel textmode art scene. His
works are informed by his interests in 70s prog rock, jazz, and fine art.
The Knight of Fuel is what we like to consider an OG underground computer
artist, emerging in tandem to Mistigris Classic for a run from 1995-1998 in
Belgium, only to disappear for a little longer than we did, roaring back to
life in 2017 in a fantastic profusion of ANSI art. They do amazing work that
is well worth checking out, and once in a while they very helpfully toss us a
bone 8
You wont see any of Mavriks creative work in this archive, but theres a very
good chance that the collection will have passed through his graciously-offered
web hosting at mistigris.org en route to you, picking up from his historical
facilitator role greasing the gears of Mists KiTSCHNet echomail network from
its home at Daemons Gate BBS.
Mentalpop is a Toronto-based pixelartist who works in collaboration with indie
game development teams and streams their creation sessions for Patreon
mylifecomputerized explores the imposition of the aesthetics of vintage
computing specifically, the IBM PC CGA palette to help make sense of our
postmodern era.
The man, the myth... Mythical Man handily satisfies both categories. Long
known for his prowess on the euphonium, visual art is a relatively recent
development to which he has applied himself ardently.
euphoniousmyth.tumblr.com / instagram.com/themythicalman
Pinguino grew up on the Internet, doing telco for CiA, and VGA for GAS and
Rival. Lately, she runs the design studio Pinguhaus, goes raving on every
continent, and experiments with obscure foods -- her latest accomplishment is
making ramen noodles out of crickets.
ivomitrainbows.co / twitter.com/pinguino
Many diamonds in the rough cut their faces in Mistigris before dazzling the
masses, but for advancement in all metrics through everything he tried his hand
at, none wanted it as badly as Quip, who in a disciplined fashion forged
himself into a self-made man of the scene, then found he didnt need it to
continue being who he wanted to be.
Formerly known as Silver Angel, Tillie continues to live and write in the 604
area. Shes been published in Salacious Magazine, and was featured in the
Dirty Queer Anthology. Balancing being a queer, polyamourous feral leatherwoman
and handling donations at a church/homeless shelter, Tillie can be found at
@echnoidsymmetry on Twitter and on the book of face.
Carl TeletextR Attrill represents Mistigris continuing wave of
introducing the great public textmode art tradition -- teletext -- to the
underground computer artscene.
teletextr.blogspot.com / twitter.com/thatotherCarl
Every time I include her in an artpack, I find myself completely rewriting
Theresa Oborns bio, as though I might somehow hew closer to the truth, like
a darts player hoping to hit a bullseye. She draws and sculpts, and perhaps
the work speaks for itself.
Textmode experimenter t1po has it backwards, bringing computer art
sensibilities to typewriters and typewriter sensibilities to computers.
Failing to cross the streams wouldnt yield anything extraordinary, while going
contrariwise both ways makes strange magic emerge from the dullest artifacts of
the mundane. Nice trick!
instagram.com/ty.p0 / t1po.tumblr.com
Webersso.n brings about a deft marriage of subject and audience, initially
making hyperstylized perler bead portraits of an endless series of women before
branching out into pixelated still lives with fauvist pop art colour schemes.
Communities of text art practice emerge through certain social contexts but
the basic premise is such an appealing idea that it keeps getting invented
and reinvented. XTComics draws comic strips using a combination of low ASCII
characters and emoji.
and our usual round of greetz to our colleagues at: fuel.wtf, blocktronics.org
impure.nl, amish.0w.nz, galza.org, Fire Dream, Break, pungas.space,
paleotronic.com, soundcloud.com/bitcouver, vanchipmusic.ca, and TABNet!
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