this image contains text
.....small ansi by soul of folly of fool productions, 2018.....................
ansi by ronald j
They say that you cant polish a turd, but we have been hard at work,
on our hands and knees, putting in the elbow grease needed to make this
seasonal collection really shine. I truly believe we can see our faces reflect
in it! A lot has happened since MiSTiGRiS last showed its true colours cyan
and puce, mostly back in April... so many people have joined. Even more have
quit! Some of them managed to quit twice -- thats a neat trick if you can
pull it off. We ran the numbers through VisiCalc and smoke started pouring out
of the machine. Thats also a neat trick if you can pull it off. Next time
we try it we can invite the elites over and hotbox the data center with
transistor fumes. But I digress.
Wrestling with our burgeoning member list due to the creative accounting
of managing double-negative numbers we found so many people wanted to be part
of our stupid fun huh, or was it our fun stupidity we did what any cadre of
elites would do and spun off the applicants to a trial division to use as a
farm team: for no particular reason weve named them FOOL: MiSTiGRiS TRiAL
or MiSTRiAL for short. Only a couple of them have managed to come up with
sufficiently head-scratching masterpieces for us to include in this collection,
already abundantly populated with the latest advances in memetic warfare, but
were confident that in time they will win this race to the bottom, and having
conquered failure by owning it, we will become undefeatable!
Anyway, why speak on behalf of these definitely-existent non-strawmen, here
well turn over a valuable slice of our widely-read newsletter to document
their affairs:
Where Am I? Why Am I
Using Technology From 20
o Years Ago? Can Someone
Please Contact My Family?
MiSTiGRiS Was Bad Enough, Now Theyre Subjecting Me To Further
Degradation As Part Of FOOL? Please Send Help If You Can Before Its
Too Late. Trace My IP Address, We Dont Know Where Were Being Held.
Well, that got dark quickly! A little bit of what the kids these days
like to refer to as fake news. We reassigned the teams a little bit and they
extended this far more coherent missive:
- original ansi by ic -
- The Lavendar Menace the fucking RIPPER!s version -
- cut here -
Well, that definitively settles the matter! OK, computer art fans, I
think weve just about gotten the scoop about MiSTiGRiS and FOOL, what are we
missing? Oh, of course, they had one more critical message to pass along:
Wow, sounded like a whole termite mound full of robot insects gnawing at
a giant sheet of plate metal! Like a firecracker-triggered percussion
instrument playing a wild solo. Like a dot-matrix printer... you know,
printing. I, for one, will definitely be sleeping better at night knowing that
this matter has safely been put to bed. Or is it ... the matter, put to bed,
will be sleeping better... knowing that I... no, wait...
Doesnt make much sense, does it? Yeah, thats par for the course. But
it looks and feels like an infofile, which is about the only metric by which
these things are measured. Is it about time to wrap up this confusing joke and
bring it on home? Why not -- there are at least a few jokes in this collection
funnier than this one. Hopefully, because this joke just aint funny!
THEY SAID IT COULDNT BE DONE! Fooling all of the people all of the time:
getting lard without boiling the hog
whole ansi art piece drawn by ronald j peppercorn.
Thanks to all our guest contributors, the Misters and the Girls, and to the
Fools who have found themselves rudely ripped out of their place in time to
dance, caper and cavort for hitherto unimagined generations. The joke may not
have been funny, but at least it wasnt un-funny, yknow? See you in May and
hope the transition into business as usual isnt too awkward... just awkward
ansi by ronald j
They say that you cant polish a turd, but we have been hard at work,
on our hands and knees, putting in the elbow grease needed to make this
seasonal collection really shine. I truly believe we can see our faces reflect
in it! A lot has happened since MiSTiGRiS last showed its true colours cyan
and puce, mostly back in April... so many people have joined. Even more have
quit! Some of them managed to quit twice -- thats a neat trick if you can
pull it off. We ran the numbers through VisiCalc and smoke started pouring out
of the machine. Thats also a neat trick if you can pull it off. Next time
we try it we can invite the elites over and hotbox the data center with
transistor fumes. But I digress.
Wrestling with our burgeoning member list due to the creative accounting
of managing double-negative numbers we found so many people wanted to be part
of our stupid fun huh, or was it our fun stupidity we did what any cadre of
elites would do and spun off the applicants to a trial division to use as a
farm team: for no particular reason weve named them FOOL: MiSTiGRiS TRiAL
or MiSTRiAL for short. Only a couple of them have managed to come up with
sufficiently head-scratching masterpieces for us to include in this collection,
already abundantly populated with the latest advances in memetic warfare, but
were confident that in time they will win this race to the bottom, and having
conquered failure by owning it, we will become undefeatable!
Anyway, why speak on behalf of these definitely-existent non-strawmen, here
well turn over a valuable slice of our widely-read newsletter to document
their affairs:
Where Am I? Why Am I
Using Technology From 20
o Years Ago? Can Someone
Please Contact My Family?
MiSTiGRiS Was Bad Enough, Now Theyre Subjecting Me To Further
Degradation As Part Of FOOL? Please Send Help If You Can Before Its
Too Late. Trace My IP Address, We Dont Know Where Were Being Held.
Well, that got dark quickly! A little bit of what the kids these days
like to refer to as fake news. We reassigned the teams a little bit and they
extended this far more coherent missive:
- original ansi by ic -
- The Lavendar Menace the fucking RIPPER!s version -
- cut here -
Well, that definitively settles the matter! OK, computer art fans, I
think weve just about gotten the scoop about MiSTiGRiS and FOOL, what are we
missing? Oh, of course, they had one more critical message to pass along:
Wow, sounded like a whole termite mound full of robot insects gnawing at
a giant sheet of plate metal! Like a firecracker-triggered percussion
instrument playing a wild solo. Like a dot-matrix printer... you know,
printing. I, for one, will definitely be sleeping better at night knowing that
this matter has safely been put to bed. Or is it ... the matter, put to bed,
will be sleeping better... knowing that I... no, wait...
Doesnt make much sense, does it? Yeah, thats par for the course. But
it looks and feels like an infofile, which is about the only metric by which
these things are measured. Is it about time to wrap up this confusing joke and
bring it on home? Why not -- there are at least a few jokes in this collection
funnier than this one. Hopefully, because this joke just aint funny!
THEY SAID IT COULDNT BE DONE! Fooling all of the people all of the time:
getting lard without boiling the hog
whole ansi art piece drawn by ronald j peppercorn.
Thanks to all our guest contributors, the Misters and the Girls, and to the
Fools who have found themselves rudely ripped out of their place in time to
dance, caper and cavort for hitherto unimagined generations. The joke may not
have been funny, but at least it wasnt un-funny, yknow? See you in May and
hope the transition into business as usual isnt too awkward... just awkward
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