this image contains text
ok guys, lets take this again
Production: MIST0918 artpack
Scene Take Roll
1 1 1
Date: Sept 1, 2018
Director: Cthulu / Mistigris
Here we are, folks, please turn off the ringers on your devices and enjoy the
show. This year Mistigris artists have looked at the popular culture mediums
of music back in January and childrens television July, then Tinseltown
was green-lit! Now the time has come for the cinema to take its turn! Our
theatre-, dance- and radio-themed artpacks dont yet have scheduled release
dates, but keep checking back for announcements. Its not a complete
accounting -- for purposes of this collection, weve budded off childrens
movies into its own waiting list, while we drank the science fiction well dry
back in May and have diverted everything pertaining to horror movies a month
further, lying in wait to spice up our grindhouse Halloween release coming
up. But if all we cover is comedies, dramas and thrillers, were still
dishing up over 200 blockbuster pieces of computer art to you -- nothing
thematic left on the cutting-room floor which is why our running time is well
over three hours -- so there ought to be something you can enjoy whether your
favourite flick on the silver screen is Raiders of the Lost Ark or Zardoz.
Surely I cant be the only one whose favorite movie is Zardoz... can I?
The, uh, the... line?
Whats my line? ... gun is good, the... OK, ok, got it!
OK, lets try it again. MIST0918 INFOFILE, TAKE 2! ACTION!
Production: MIST0918 artpack
Scene Take Roll
1 2 1
Date: Sept 1, 2018
Director: Cthulu / Mistigris
This collection includes big helpings of stars you know and love -- including
masterful performances by Horsenburger, Lego Colin, 8bitbaba and the breakout
star of our May 18 SF collection, Stephan Belin now rechristened
StephanRewind -- but to better help distinguish it from previous collections
we introduce some fresh faces to the cast -- first, an artist who eats, drinks
and sleeps movies: ChupPixel! Their pixelart practice isnt just a style, but
an entire genre. Also emerging from the woodwork at the literal last minute,
we welcome the fresh PETSCII stylings of Manuel Vio! But we touch on all kinds
of art styles here, from pixels to beads to Lego blocks to textmode art of
various kinds... and we cover nearly the entire history of film, from its
earliest days in black white to this summers hit movies. There should be
something here for everyone -- as they say, youll laugh, youll cry... youll
While Im touting our extraordinary participants, I need to gratefully
acknowledge the participation of our guests The Knight of Fuel and Nail of
Blocktronics, making small but impactful cameo appearances in our exploration
into the world of film. And speaking of guests from Blocktronics, the
courtesy is reciprocal -- you can find a few Mistigris regulars and alumni
appearing in their own recent 10th anniversary artpack collection, well worth
seeking out! Also atop this infofile you see us re-using an historic piece
of filmic ANSI art by artscene god Eerie -- the first file, alphabetically,
appearing in the first Mistigris artpack ever, way back in 1994. He has no
idea were recycling it this way, and surely none of you remember it, but yet
-- here it is! If we dont have license, who does?
All right, moving on! Mistigris artpacks are only one small way our
contributors share their creations with the world, but here are a few other
outlets that might be of interest: one-man teletext factory Horsenburger will
be acting as the artist in residence for the ARD service through September,
minting daily teletext illustrations for the enjoyment of patrons of the
German public service broadcaster. The rest of you, of course, find his
pictures by the wheelbarrow-load here.
While were talking teletext here, Carl TeletextR Attrill has just self-
published a book of 42 of his teletext designs - interested parties are invited
to contact him in order to obtain a copy!
Onetime Mistigris guest artists Elin Jonsson, Jenny Ritter and Mister Fire-Man
plus more frequent Mist participant Pinguino are all on board to exhibit
visual artwork on musical themes at the Echoes and Ripples art show at
Vancouvers Creative Coworkers space in Railtown, opening on Thursday
September 13th for two weeks. Well also be exhibiting a selection of musical
images from our illustrious artpack archives, with a focus on the works
released in our January 2018 collection plus a sneak preview at further
musical works slated to appear in our January 2019 one 8 ... and maybe a few
guest appearances from artscene colleagues!
Looking ahead a little here, but during the afternoons over the weekend of
October 20-21st, the wild teletext celebration of Blocktoberfest will be in
full effect at our ancillary UK HQ over at Wigan STEAM, featuring live
teletextery by such Mist artpack luminaries as Horsenburger, Alistair Cree,
Illarterate, TeletextR and Raquel Meyers -- among otters! Otters! I mean
otters, I mean others, others! Others! Among others! There will be no
otters at Blocktoberfest. Im sorry, I ruined that take, should we try it
again? What? Read from the script? OK, lets give it a shot:
Hello, everyone, and welcome to our
collection of computer art inspired by
the movies. Did I miss anything?
CRANE SHOT pulls back, revealing T-REX
slavering over CTHULUS shoulder.
I dont want to leave you on a
cliffhanger, but looking at our shooting
schedule, it seems like we hit all our
marks. I think we can safely consider
this artpack in the can!
T-REX taps CTHULU on shoulder. CTHULUs
eyes go wide as their eyes meet. They
hold a lingering glance, then they pull
each other close for a smoldering
Cut to credits in MIST0918.MEM.ANS
as CR-HOLLYWOOD.MP3 plays.
And thats a wrap!
Production: MIST0918 artpack
Scene Take Roll
1 1 1
Date: Sept 1, 2018
Director: Cthulu / Mistigris
Here we are, folks, please turn off the ringers on your devices and enjoy the
show. This year Mistigris artists have looked at the popular culture mediums
of music back in January and childrens television July, then Tinseltown
was green-lit! Now the time has come for the cinema to take its turn! Our
theatre-, dance- and radio-themed artpacks dont yet have scheduled release
dates, but keep checking back for announcements. Its not a complete
accounting -- for purposes of this collection, weve budded off childrens
movies into its own waiting list, while we drank the science fiction well dry
back in May and have diverted everything pertaining to horror movies a month
further, lying in wait to spice up our grindhouse Halloween release coming
up. But if all we cover is comedies, dramas and thrillers, were still
dishing up over 200 blockbuster pieces of computer art to you -- nothing
thematic left on the cutting-room floor which is why our running time is well
over three hours -- so there ought to be something you can enjoy whether your
favourite flick on the silver screen is Raiders of the Lost Ark or Zardoz.
Surely I cant be the only one whose favorite movie is Zardoz... can I?
The, uh, the... line?
Whats my line? ... gun is good, the... OK, ok, got it!
OK, lets try it again. MIST0918 INFOFILE, TAKE 2! ACTION!
Production: MIST0918 artpack
Scene Take Roll
1 2 1
Date: Sept 1, 2018
Director: Cthulu / Mistigris
This collection includes big helpings of stars you know and love -- including
masterful performances by Horsenburger, Lego Colin, 8bitbaba and the breakout
star of our May 18 SF collection, Stephan Belin now rechristened
StephanRewind -- but to better help distinguish it from previous collections
we introduce some fresh faces to the cast -- first, an artist who eats, drinks
and sleeps movies: ChupPixel! Their pixelart practice isnt just a style, but
an entire genre. Also emerging from the woodwork at the literal last minute,
we welcome the fresh PETSCII stylings of Manuel Vio! But we touch on all kinds
of art styles here, from pixels to beads to Lego blocks to textmode art of
various kinds... and we cover nearly the entire history of film, from its
earliest days in black white to this summers hit movies. There should be
something here for everyone -- as they say, youll laugh, youll cry... youll
While Im touting our extraordinary participants, I need to gratefully
acknowledge the participation of our guests The Knight of Fuel and Nail of
Blocktronics, making small but impactful cameo appearances in our exploration
into the world of film. And speaking of guests from Blocktronics, the
courtesy is reciprocal -- you can find a few Mistigris regulars and alumni
appearing in their own recent 10th anniversary artpack collection, well worth
seeking out! Also atop this infofile you see us re-using an historic piece
of filmic ANSI art by artscene god Eerie -- the first file, alphabetically,
appearing in the first Mistigris artpack ever, way back in 1994. He has no
idea were recycling it this way, and surely none of you remember it, but yet
-- here it is! If we dont have license, who does?
All right, moving on! Mistigris artpacks are only one small way our
contributors share their creations with the world, but here are a few other
outlets that might be of interest: one-man teletext factory Horsenburger will
be acting as the artist in residence for the ARD service through September,
minting daily teletext illustrations for the enjoyment of patrons of the
German public service broadcaster. The rest of you, of course, find his
pictures by the wheelbarrow-load here.
While were talking teletext here, Carl TeletextR Attrill has just self-
published a book of 42 of his teletext designs - interested parties are invited
to contact him in order to obtain a copy!
Onetime Mistigris guest artists Elin Jonsson, Jenny Ritter and Mister Fire-Man
plus more frequent Mist participant Pinguino are all on board to exhibit
visual artwork on musical themes at the Echoes and Ripples art show at
Vancouvers Creative Coworkers space in Railtown, opening on Thursday
September 13th for two weeks. Well also be exhibiting a selection of musical
images from our illustrious artpack archives, with a focus on the works
released in our January 2018 collection plus a sneak preview at further
musical works slated to appear in our January 2019 one 8 ... and maybe a few
guest appearances from artscene colleagues!
Looking ahead a little here, but during the afternoons over the weekend of
October 20-21st, the wild teletext celebration of Blocktoberfest will be in
full effect at our ancillary UK HQ over at Wigan STEAM, featuring live
teletextery by such Mist artpack luminaries as Horsenburger, Alistair Cree,
Illarterate, TeletextR and Raquel Meyers -- among otters! Otters! I mean
otters, I mean others, others! Others! Among others! There will be no
otters at Blocktoberfest. Im sorry, I ruined that take, should we try it
again? What? Read from the script? OK, lets give it a shot:
Hello, everyone, and welcome to our
collection of computer art inspired by
the movies. Did I miss anything?
CRANE SHOT pulls back, revealing T-REX
slavering over CTHULUS shoulder.
I dont want to leave you on a
cliffhanger, but looking at our shooting
schedule, it seems like we hit all our
marks. I think we can safely consider
this artpack in the can!
T-REX taps CTHULU on shoulder. CTHULUs
eyes go wide as their eyes meet. They
hold a lingering glance, then they pull
each other close for a smoldering
Cut to credits in MIST0918.MEM.ANS
as CR-HOLLYWOOD.MP3 plays.
And thats a wrap!
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