this image contains text
thulu here, explo
iting a Mistigris logo and a
.BIN of the letter C
that The Extremist left
behind after his
little visit at my house after
his trip across Canada.
Anyway, the traditional
purpose of Mistigrisinfofiles, de
spite our previousmundane
one, is to harrass and bully the typical illit
erate scene-ster into
reading Kithe, the Mistigriselectronic mag
azine whichcoincidentally
contains information on us and ourexploits. And even th
ough our past seven
oreight packs have been missing the mag and the informat
ion contained
wherein,this month we have prevailedover apathy sorr
y, misfitand have
managed to crank out a relevant and mouth-watering issue!
So what does this all mean? More or less, it justifies thi
s infofiles
distinct lack of content by its urging of you to read Kithe
this month.
One other questionwhich may be on some of your lips
is, It isnt
September anymore. Why did you bother waiting until Octobe
r to release the
pack? Actually, aside from Mist members, Im sure that v
ery few of you eve
n noted the lack last month, but I get to make gross
misassumptions in the
newsletter because Im the leader and youre not blows
Anyway, Im afraid that I cant tell you. However, you sho
uld be finding out
on your own in about a week. ooh, mys
So this is Cthulu of Mistigris, signing off,
Mistigris 1996 - Yes, Mrs. Pedantik, he DID
pee in thesink.
iting a Mistigris logo and a
.BIN of the letter C
that The Extremist left
behind after his
little visit at my house after
his trip across Canada.
Anyway, the traditional
purpose of Mistigrisinfofiles, de
spite our previousmundane
one, is to harrass and bully the typical illit
erate scene-ster into
reading Kithe, the Mistigriselectronic mag
azine whichcoincidentally
contains information on us and ourexploits. And even th
ough our past seven
oreight packs have been missing the mag and the informat
ion contained
wherein,this month we have prevailedover apathy sorr
y, misfitand have
managed to crank out a relevant and mouth-watering issue!
So what does this all mean? More or less, it justifies thi
s infofiles
distinct lack of content by its urging of you to read Kithe
this month.
One other questionwhich may be on some of your lips
is, It isnt
September anymore. Why did you bother waiting until Octobe
r to release the
pack? Actually, aside from Mist members, Im sure that v
ery few of you eve
n noted the lack last month, but I get to make gross
misassumptions in the
newsletter because Im the leader and youre not blows
Anyway, Im afraid that I cant tell you. However, you sho
uld be finding out
on your own in about a week. ooh, mys
So this is Cthulu of Mistigris, signing off,
Mistigris 1996 - Yes, Mrs. Pedantik, he DID
pee in thesink.
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