this image contains text
welcome to my logo collie. lets get started shall we?!
anal rape for ???
,y4ys ,y4ys ,y4ys ,y4
fuck me harder you little bastard!
glll glll
syy no daddy, not more anal sex!
s, bts, bts, bts, bt ----- ------
,y4ys ,y4ys ,y4ys ,y4ys
l gllll
s, s, bts, s, bt
i dedicate this ascii to TGuardian, Sucidal5 and White7rash!
this also goes out to all the anal rapists of the world!
bleak, for dark shadows, where are you you little 12 year old fuck?!
yy. yy. mistigris96
bandicoot ,g ,gbt
: bt!
: y.
bt! g
b j
, e : a k
:nnn :
l gg
. + b l e a k + .
. + o p : d a r k s h a d o w s c i a + .
: . + c i a m e m b e r b o a r d + . :
yet again i pump out dat graphiti style shit you love
kaseys solar temple ascii.... one color shiTS! raR!
featuring hacking, phreaking, anarchy and 0-3 day ware philes, plus more!
--------- -----sYr
bt! bandicoot!mistigris
,sss ,y4ys ,y4 ,y4ys ,y4ys
,g kaseys
ssssssss, solar
yyy 4yl l glll temple! s
1 -- l - --- syy -- -- --- --
s ,ss, bt s, bts, bts, revenge,mistigris
enter your handle as it is in our records:
enter your password as it is in our records:
- --- --- - --- -- --- 1-604-pir-ate!
anal rape for ???
,y4ys ,y4ys ,y4ys ,y4
fuck me harder you little bastard!
glll glll
syy no daddy, not more anal sex!
s, bts, bts, bts, bt ----- ------
,y4ys ,y4ys ,y4ys ,y4ys
l gllll
s, s, bts, s, bt
i dedicate this ascii to TGuardian, Sucidal5 and White7rash!
this also goes out to all the anal rapists of the world!
bleak, for dark shadows, where are you you little 12 year old fuck?!
yy. yy. mistigris96
bandicoot ,g ,gbt
: bt!
: y.
bt! g
b j
, e : a k
:nnn :
l gg
. + b l e a k + .
. + o p : d a r k s h a d o w s c i a + .
: . + c i a m e m b e r b o a r d + . :
yet again i pump out dat graphiti style shit you love
kaseys solar temple ascii.... one color shiTS! raR!
featuring hacking, phreaking, anarchy and 0-3 day ware philes, plus more!
--------- -----sYr
bt! bandicoot!mistigris
,sss ,y4ys ,y4 ,y4ys ,y4ys
,g kaseys
ssssssss, solar
yyy 4yl l glll temple! s
1 -- l - --- syy -- -- --- --
s ,ss, bt s, bts, bts, revenge,mistigris
enter your handle as it is in our records:
enter your password as it is in our records:
- --- --- - --- -- --- 1-604-pir-ate!
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