this image contains text
egotistical newbie -
24 baud
aint that a little slow?
viewing all my ansis
using pEEPsHOW
starting a group
whenever i can
using the little i
like RaD MaN
ripping all my ansi
from day to day
recruiting all my members
none really ever stay
sitting on irc
with all my h0m13s
dccing everthing
and asking for ansis
saying lit sucks
i like legos
ego newbies must die
before the scene goes
civid dAMp/mOist
24 baud
aint that a little slow?
viewing all my ansis
using pEEPsHOW
starting a group
whenever i can
using the little i
like RaD MaN
ripping all my ansi
from day to day
recruiting all my members
none really ever stay
sitting on irc
with all my h0m13s
dccing everthing
and asking for ansis
saying lit sucks
i like legos
ego newbies must die
before the scene goes
civid dAMp/mOist
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