this image contains text
first ansis in a long time. YOu want ansi.. just
jaby! ---------------------------------------------- 1 -------------
civid mOist
j a b y
lost legends ----------------------------------------- 2 -------------
new door game from Magic Man!
missing link --------------------------------------- 3 -------------
sops nofx/civid
acidic ---------------------------------------------- 4 --------------
a c i c i d m o d d i n g
pinacle! ------------------------------------------- 5 --------------
c i v i d
5 7 5 - 5 O 2 o p i n a c l e
pinacle! ------------------------------------------- 5 --------------
ci S SSSS sS sS sS SS
i should be in tranK. its my first
jaby! ---------------------------------------------- 1 -------------
civid mOist
j a b y
lost legends ----------------------------------------- 2 -------------
new door game from Magic Man!
missing link --------------------------------------- 3 -------------
sops nofx/civid
acidic ---------------------------------------------- 4 --------------
a c i c i d m o d d i n g
pinacle! ------------------------------------------- 5 --------------
c i v i d
5 7 5 - 5 O 2 o p i n a c l e
pinacle! ------------------------------------------- 5 --------------
ci S SSSS sS sS sS SS
i should be in tranK. its my first
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