this image contains text
the mOp inf0 fIle...is kinda of fruity.
old school lingo in cyan text
the truth is in black on black
mop is better than stab
Due to an enthusiastic repsonse to last months in
fo file, I 28 am now
in charge of writing this damn thing every month.
So sit back and enjoy,
as once again, I share my gift for info file writi
ng with the rest of the
world. ps: In this months info
file, you may notice an abundant use of the
phrase kick ass in one form or another. This is
because Ive decided that
other adjectives just arent descriptive enough.
pps: If you can email me
with the number of times I use a form of kick ass
in this info file, I
will personally arrange for bEdlAM to give you hea
d. - seriously.
news :
1. A few of those serious group-related
kind of things happended with
mOp this month...which irritates me to an extent, becaus
e that means
Ill have to write something about them. Yeah, like you
really care.
Anyways, Ill to be as brief as possible, so I can start
goofing off.
This month, we gained some members, but also lost a few.
left us due to complications associated with dual-groupi
ng. Thats
okay though, because we never actually got anything from
come, easy go. Another not-so-tragic loss if you could
call it that
was the departure of Ambassador Kosh. Actually, his tr
ick ass was
removed. I wasnt really involved, but from what Im tol
d, joining
/CiD gave him an ego. Anyway, its a lo
ng story, and I dont really
think anyone cares about it. In other news, we lost our
beloved ascii
divsion this month. This isnt nearly as bad as it sound
s though:
Basically, I was on the phone with Maestro when we both
realized that
mOps entire ascii division which consisted of me, Turt
le, and
Mr.Popeil were all members of Maestros ascii group, En
dow. And since
ascii had never been a really *huge* part of mOp, we af
ter talking
with Bobtj and Tweed decided to let the ascii division
go. Of course,
since Turtle and I both release stuff other than ascii i
n the packs,
the only true loss was Mr.Popeil. However, since Mr. Pop
eil is cool,
hes still a member. Hell still hang out with us, its
just that
now, he has no applicable talent to offer us. : Those w
ere the only
losses this month, so were still kicking ass, or someth
ing like that.
1. On a more positive note, Maestro joi
ned up with mOp this month. This
is just another testimony to mOps coolness. We werent
or begging or anything, he just joined because mOp is su
cool. Always remember that. It now appears that we will
now kick even
more ass than before...however, youre gay.
2. We also gained a pair of non-artist m
embers this month. Their names
are Bosstone and Skatality, and theyre our groupies. Ba
their job is, in theory, a lot like Psions, except we w
ont tolerate
as much abuse projected towards them. One kid in the 708
AC called
Bosstone a dork and he was never seen or heard from ag
ain. Also,
Skatality and Bosstone are always eager to peel the swea
t-shirt off a mOp artists back, and savor its musty, ma
nly aroma.
Bosstone and Skatality are a lot like those skanky teena
ge whores who
wear too much makeup and hang around backstage with Tesl
a, Warrant,
and other such hair-bands so...lets all extend a warm
mOp welcome
to them, or something, because theyre k-RAd
, and ELiTE...cool.
3. Saint Sinner has changed his handle t
o Misfit. Thats why the
memberlist says Misfit instead of Saint Sinner.
4. Vital Chaos, our intrepid young coder
, *narrowly* escaped a serious,
tremendous, monumental ass kicking this month by making
progress on
mOps official viewer, JiffyView 2000. I know we promi
sed it last
month, but hey, Vital Chaos is really Johnny Cochran,
so he can get away with lying a lot.
.btw, I confess, *I* killed Nicole. sorry. btw
5. Speaking of Vital Chaos, I think he q
uit this month. Im not really
sure though, so... Anyways were still on good terms wit
h him and all
that. Actually, Im almost kind of glad to see him go -
whenever Ive
talked to him on the phone, hes always panting in a way
that makes me
feel very uncomfortable...yet curious.
6. Haha, you read infofiles. Then again,
I write them...then again, you
read black on black text. I win.
7. We at mOp have passed a new ordinance
that calls for more abuse
projected towards our faithful mascot, Psion. So, if you
see him on
a board or something, be sure to call him names, flame h
im, or
threaten his well being. Also, if he has the gaul to req
uest an ansi,
appropriate discipline ranges from ridicule to outright
deletion. Last
but not least, if you catch Psion exhibiting any form of
thought, we are to be contacted immediately, so that we
can promptly
deliver to him a severe ass kicking. Remember: We not on
ly offer you
our *consent* in treating him in cruel and inhumanely, w
ere outspoken
advocates of psIOn-abUSe.
8. Mike Camp is cool... for a strok
e, that is.
acronym o dA mONth :
the official mOp acronym for august comes to us from num
ber 28:
.. manipulate our papayas ..
psIOns pICks : Each m
onth, Psion, our mascot chooses his favorite things
from our pack. This month, he chose:
ansi: psion ran off and joined t
rip : circus, or got drafted or
vga : deported or something, so
hes not around.
closing notes :
Yeah, so, the pack was a bit late this month. : Thanks
keeping the bitching down to a low roar though, we reall
appreciate it. To be truthful, the fact that our last 3
packs have been released near or around the 1st of the
month is purely coincidental. : By now, you probably
know that mOp isnt run like any other group around,
because of this, its not always easy to get organized..
Plus, were all lazy. Anyway, well try to release in 2
3 weeks to make up for it or something...yeah
right, like thatll ever
next months pack :
Thanks to my special connections and ove
rall savvy, Ive arranged
with the Unabomer to have his 35,000 word manifesto p
rinted in next
months infofile. After some coaxing, I convinced him
to choose the
the mOp inf0 fIle over Newsweek, Time, Penthouse and
USAToday, so
look forward to reading it next month.
old school lingo in cyan text
the truth is in black on black
mop is better than stab
Due to an enthusiastic repsonse to last months in
fo file, I 28 am now
in charge of writing this damn thing every month.
So sit back and enjoy,
as once again, I share my gift for info file writi
ng with the rest of the
world. ps: In this months info
file, you may notice an abundant use of the
phrase kick ass in one form or another. This is
because Ive decided that
other adjectives just arent descriptive enough.
pps: If you can email me
with the number of times I use a form of kick ass
in this info file, I
will personally arrange for bEdlAM to give you hea
d. - seriously.
news :
1. A few of those serious group-related
kind of things happended with
mOp this month...which irritates me to an extent, becaus
e that means
Ill have to write something about them. Yeah, like you
really care.
Anyways, Ill to be as brief as possible, so I can start
goofing off.
This month, we gained some members, but also lost a few.
left us due to complications associated with dual-groupi
ng. Thats
okay though, because we never actually got anything from
come, easy go. Another not-so-tragic loss if you could
call it that
was the departure of Ambassador Kosh. Actually, his tr
ick ass was
removed. I wasnt really involved, but from what Im tol
d, joining
/CiD gave him an ego. Anyway, its a lo
ng story, and I dont really
think anyone cares about it. In other news, we lost our
beloved ascii
divsion this month. This isnt nearly as bad as it sound
s though:
Basically, I was on the phone with Maestro when we both
realized that
mOps entire ascii division which consisted of me, Turt
le, and
Mr.Popeil were all members of Maestros ascii group, En
dow. And since
ascii had never been a really *huge* part of mOp, we af
ter talking
with Bobtj and Tweed decided to let the ascii division
go. Of course,
since Turtle and I both release stuff other than ascii i
n the packs,
the only true loss was Mr.Popeil. However, since Mr. Pop
eil is cool,
hes still a member. Hell still hang out with us, its
just that
now, he has no applicable talent to offer us. : Those w
ere the only
losses this month, so were still kicking ass, or someth
ing like that.
1. On a more positive note, Maestro joi
ned up with mOp this month. This
is just another testimony to mOps coolness. We werent
or begging or anything, he just joined because mOp is su
cool. Always remember that. It now appears that we will
now kick even
more ass than before...however, youre gay.
2. We also gained a pair of non-artist m
embers this month. Their names
are Bosstone and Skatality, and theyre our groupies. Ba
their job is, in theory, a lot like Psions, except we w
ont tolerate
as much abuse projected towards them. One kid in the 708
AC called
Bosstone a dork and he was never seen or heard from ag
ain. Also,
Skatality and Bosstone are always eager to peel the swea
t-shirt off a mOp artists back, and savor its musty, ma
nly aroma.
Bosstone and Skatality are a lot like those skanky teena
ge whores who
wear too much makeup and hang around backstage with Tesl
a, Warrant,
and other such hair-bands so...lets all extend a warm
mOp welcome
to them, or something, because theyre k-RAd
, and ELiTE...cool.
3. Saint Sinner has changed his handle t
o Misfit. Thats why the
memberlist says Misfit instead of Saint Sinner.
4. Vital Chaos, our intrepid young coder
, *narrowly* escaped a serious,
tremendous, monumental ass kicking this month by making
progress on
mOps official viewer, JiffyView 2000. I know we promi
sed it last
month, but hey, Vital Chaos is really Johnny Cochran,
so he can get away with lying a lot.
.btw, I confess, *I* killed Nicole. sorry. btw
5. Speaking of Vital Chaos, I think he q
uit this month. Im not really
sure though, so... Anyways were still on good terms wit
h him and all
that. Actually, Im almost kind of glad to see him go -
whenever Ive
talked to him on the phone, hes always panting in a way
that makes me
feel very uncomfortable...yet curious.
6. Haha, you read infofiles. Then again,
I write them...then again, you
read black on black text. I win.
7. We at mOp have passed a new ordinance
that calls for more abuse
projected towards our faithful mascot, Psion. So, if you
see him on
a board or something, be sure to call him names, flame h
im, or
threaten his well being. Also, if he has the gaul to req
uest an ansi,
appropriate discipline ranges from ridicule to outright
deletion. Last
but not least, if you catch Psion exhibiting any form of
thought, we are to be contacted immediately, so that we
can promptly
deliver to him a severe ass kicking. Remember: We not on
ly offer you
our *consent* in treating him in cruel and inhumanely, w
ere outspoken
advocates of psIOn-abUSe.
8. Mike Camp is cool... for a strok
e, that is.
acronym o dA mONth :
the official mOp acronym for august comes to us from num
ber 28:
.. manipulate our papayas ..
psIOns pICks : Each m
onth, Psion, our mascot chooses his favorite things
from our pack. This month, he chose:
ansi: psion ran off and joined t
rip : circus, or got drafted or
vga : deported or something, so
hes not around.
closing notes :
Yeah, so, the pack was a bit late this month. : Thanks
keeping the bitching down to a low roar though, we reall
appreciate it. To be truthful, the fact that our last 3
packs have been released near or around the 1st of the
month is purely coincidental. : By now, you probably
know that mOp isnt run like any other group around,
because of this, its not always easy to get organized..
Plus, were all lazy. Anyway, well try to release in 2
3 weeks to make up for it or something...yeah
right, like thatll ever
next months pack :
Thanks to my special connections and ove
rall savvy, Ive arranged
with the Unabomer to have his 35,000 word manifesto p
rinted in next
months infofile. After some coaxing, I convinced him
to choose the
the mOp inf0 fIle over Newsweek, Time, Penthouse and
USAToday, so
look forward to reading it next month.
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