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mOp info file... 28
welp, mOp is finally back, with tons of changes and stuff to talk about.
unfortunately, ill have to explain all this, so get ready for a rip
roarin ride on the boring train. I bedlam am writing this because 28
seems to have gotten a life or something.
news :
1. the biggest change is our memberlist. youll notice that just
about the whole thing is new artists. this is because after
that long expanse of laziness, our artists were either in other
groups, uninterested, or just out of the scene altogether. so
we went and got a brand spankin new buncha guys, and hopefully
this batch will be a bit more reliable than the last. myself
and number 28 have been promoted to senior staff, since were
both so involved in everything that is mOp. our new artists
include illusion x, who may have already left us but were not
quite sure, so well see. scribble has quit blade and apathy
to join up, and even though he was pushed into joining odium,
hes become one of our coolest and most highly producing guys.
we lub him. 7 degrees and mephitopeles seem to have joined our
ranks, although as of yet we have no proof of their joining.
trip, apathy ss, has come over to do rip, hes not half bad at
it either! white insanity of mist has graced us with his
presence, and i think drew the most mOp-like ansi this month, i
just really hope he wasnt serious. youll see oh yeah,
skatality, formerly the assistant groupie, has taken up the
whole groupie job after changing his name to skadistic not
that a groupie actually does anything yet. and finally were
proud to have catbones and halaster in the memberlist, both as
consistent contributors! disclaimer: radman, dont wet yourself,
cat didnt break your holy dualing rule, hes just giving us all
that good stuff that you reject for some idiotic reason.
2. mOp has finally gotten on the net! our official ftp site is
on arpeggio.res.cmu.edu, in the subdir /othersupport/mop
thanx to halaster for giving us this space. we also have a web
page! http://shoga.wwa.com/mcgrath/mOp/ will take you to the
place where you can get all the latest mOp news, check out an
up to date memberlist, view latest pack online, download all
five of the mOp packs, apply, and a bunch more! theres a
couple of projects in the works for the page, so bookmark it and
lookout for some of that mOp wackyness youve come to expect,
even though youre not getting it from me right now. on a side
note, you can email btj or tweed at bobtj@wwa.com or me at
mcgrath@wwa.com if you have any questions or comments. ill get
the mail and reply a lot quicker than btj and tweed, but dont
ask me if you can join or have a distro or something, cuz the
founders handle that.
3. applying has become a lot easier! first and most preferably,
theres the application page on our web page. if you dont have
netscape 2.0, add mopapp.html to the end of the url. this will
send form info to us, but youll have to take it upon yourself
to zip up some of your best stuff and email it to us separately,
or put it in the /packstuff/ subdir of our ftp site. if you use
the appgen we need a coder that can make a new one, email the
.app file to one of us and attach a zip file of your stuff.
acronym o dA mONth :
the official mOp acronym for february comes to us from bedlam :
.. mOnkeys On pOrches ..
closing notes :
um, yeah. this pack is late we said it would be out on new
years cuz well, nobody wants to draw on the holidays. everybody
join mOp. its cool. believe me, i know. um, yeah. oh and call
gyromite. and lans laughter. and stuff. okay.
next months pack :
um, next month... hmm... we hope to have a pack. thats about
all i have to say about that.
welp, mOp is finally back, with tons of changes and stuff to talk about.
unfortunately, ill have to explain all this, so get ready for a rip
roarin ride on the boring train. I bedlam am writing this because 28
seems to have gotten a life or something.
news :
1. the biggest change is our memberlist. youll notice that just
about the whole thing is new artists. this is because after
that long expanse of laziness, our artists were either in other
groups, uninterested, or just out of the scene altogether. so
we went and got a brand spankin new buncha guys, and hopefully
this batch will be a bit more reliable than the last. myself
and number 28 have been promoted to senior staff, since were
both so involved in everything that is mOp. our new artists
include illusion x, who may have already left us but were not
quite sure, so well see. scribble has quit blade and apathy
to join up, and even though he was pushed into joining odium,
hes become one of our coolest and most highly producing guys.
we lub him. 7 degrees and mephitopeles seem to have joined our
ranks, although as of yet we have no proof of their joining.
trip, apathy ss, has come over to do rip, hes not half bad at
it either! white insanity of mist has graced us with his
presence, and i think drew the most mOp-like ansi this month, i
just really hope he wasnt serious. youll see oh yeah,
skatality, formerly the assistant groupie, has taken up the
whole groupie job after changing his name to skadistic not
that a groupie actually does anything yet. and finally were
proud to have catbones and halaster in the memberlist, both as
consistent contributors! disclaimer: radman, dont wet yourself,
cat didnt break your holy dualing rule, hes just giving us all
that good stuff that you reject for some idiotic reason.
2. mOp has finally gotten on the net! our official ftp site is
on arpeggio.res.cmu.edu, in the subdir /othersupport/mop
thanx to halaster for giving us this space. we also have a web
page! http://shoga.wwa.com/mcgrath/mOp/ will take you to the
place where you can get all the latest mOp news, check out an
up to date memberlist, view latest pack online, download all
five of the mOp packs, apply, and a bunch more! theres a
couple of projects in the works for the page, so bookmark it and
lookout for some of that mOp wackyness youve come to expect,
even though youre not getting it from me right now. on a side
note, you can email btj or tweed at bobtj@wwa.com or me at
mcgrath@wwa.com if you have any questions or comments. ill get
the mail and reply a lot quicker than btj and tweed, but dont
ask me if you can join or have a distro or something, cuz the
founders handle that.
3. applying has become a lot easier! first and most preferably,
theres the application page on our web page. if you dont have
netscape 2.0, add mopapp.html to the end of the url. this will
send form info to us, but youll have to take it upon yourself
to zip up some of your best stuff and email it to us separately,
or put it in the /packstuff/ subdir of our ftp site. if you use
the appgen we need a coder that can make a new one, email the
.app file to one of us and attach a zip file of your stuff.
acronym o dA mONth :
the official mOp acronym for february comes to us from bedlam :
.. mOnkeys On pOrches ..
closing notes :
um, yeah. this pack is late we said it would be out on new
years cuz well, nobody wants to draw on the holidays. everybody
join mOp. its cool. believe me, i know. um, yeah. oh and call
gyromite. and lans laughter. and stuff. okay.
next months pack :
um, next month... hmm... we hope to have a pack. thats about
all i have to say about that.
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