this image contains text
oh lord.. its white insanity trying to draw spawn.. what next..
bedlam said I had to do a pic of some sort.. oh lord...
- wi mop
this took me somewhere around 2 hours and 30 minutes.. just imagine if i could,
spend more time on my ansis god, id be the best... yeah... right...
note: rip this off, and I rip YOUR limbs off. like you want to rip it
l a n s l a u g h t e r
op: bedlam
alt-y here allright, since i hadnt touched acid draw in a MONTH, i decided to go at it
and draw my first DECENT pic, as above its spawn, im getting better hey SL,
now your in mOp give me some lessons! Greetz to bleak, bedlam, 28 please do
me an ansi for pandemonium op: wi .. pleeeease? :: surreal logic god
all the mOp dewdle boy-EEE-z. Im gonna work hard and maybe i could be DECENT.
Nivenh, give me a yell at: arantoul@cln.etc.bc.ca ..
if you want your own shitty wi creation, email arantoul@cln.etc.bc.ca and talk
to me.. i get lonely at school.. its a school email address.. comeon do it!
end of file3.5 hours spentpic and logo 72 lines
bedlam said I had to do a pic of some sort.. oh lord...
- wi mop
this took me somewhere around 2 hours and 30 minutes.. just imagine if i could,
spend more time on my ansis god, id be the best... yeah... right...
note: rip this off, and I rip YOUR limbs off. like you want to rip it
l a n s l a u g h t e r
op: bedlam
alt-y here allright, since i hadnt touched acid draw in a MONTH, i decided to go at it
and draw my first DECENT pic, as above its spawn, im getting better hey SL,
now your in mOp give me some lessons! Greetz to bleak, bedlam, 28 please do
me an ansi for pandemonium op: wi .. pleeeease? :: surreal logic god
all the mOp dewdle boy-EEE-z. Im gonna work hard and maybe i could be DECENT.
Nivenh, give me a yell at: arantoul@cln.etc.bc.ca ..
if you want your own shitty wi creation, email arantoul@cln.etc.bc.ca and talk
to me.. i get lonely at school.. its a school email address.. comeon do it!
end of file3.5 hours spentpic and logo 72 lines
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