this image contains text
written by Bob the Janitor, Bedlam, 28, and Quisling.
e W s...
1 Some new members joined. Theyre good. They whoop a ponys ass with
a belt. Baltazer, Deaccesion, Gigglefoxes, Liitn, Mendator, Pfez
Whitesnake joined to do ansi. Also, Wildcat from RCA joined us. Read
about the arrivals of new VGA artists in Quislings long narrative
below. Joining as misc. members, we acquired dedicated groupies
Coffee and Winston, here to help cheer us along, and all that crap.
Also, Professa Booty will be doing some Telecomm. stuff for us, and
Red Reflection will...lets not talk about that right now, ok? So,
anyway, gettin new members is cool. Hot-diggity damn, mOP will rule.
2 Oh yeah, and there were some changes in the coodination department.
Quisling replaces Catbones as our VGA department coordinator, Pushead
is the new ansi head, Bob the Janitor has taken over RIP from Bedlam,
who has been promoted to the prestigious title of general coordinator.
3 We think our bitchin viewer, jifFyView 2OOO will be done next month.
s t Uf f ...
4 We would like to thank Pharcyde and Arzach for their kick ass guest
appearances this month. Contrary to the belief of some, we didnt
use any sneaky mOP tactics to get these guys, they came to us and
asked. Pharcyde of ACiD gave us a magnificent ansi, and Arzach of
Dark did an outstanding mOP promo vga. Yet more proof that mOP is
cooler than your mom.
5 Bedlam would like to announce that he wishes to stop playing
kiddie games with Radman of ACiD fame. He continues to insist
that if Radman really does love him, he should be prepared to go
all the way.
5 Bedlam also stated that he and Radman need to stop all this
pointless arguing, especially since its being construed as a war
between ACiD and mOP, which really isnt so. So from now on he
will abstain from the senseless cheap shots as much as possible.
Too bad most computers couldnt handle the list of all the members that DID
leave ACiD and never came back. It was just too damn long.
6 Thanks to the people at Classic Emag for giving Bedlam and mOP
the esteemed Bitchin Bandwagon award for the best reason to
join a group. Although we shouldnt need to give anyone any
reason to join mOP. The fact that we are mOP should be enough.
7 An extra special thanx from Bedlam to lagO on irc for giving him
the files he needed after an unfortunate last minute virus problem
on Bedlams computer. Without those files, you wouldnt have this
amazing pack in front of you.
q u Is l i Ng sP e Ak s ...
Quisling here, rambling on about how the world ought to be reunited
in one master... oh, wrong file...
mOP 96... After it was decided that CatBones dedication to ACiD and
the fact that he has a real life would put a little too much pressure
on the poor old guy, he went back to being a regular contributor to
mOP and I was asked to be VGA coord... This month weve added some
absolutely fabulous *plug* the BBC is paying me MONDO bucks for that
one Anime style artists, namely Winbee, and CPU. Winbee comes to us
from fire, and CPU is his friend whom he actually met at a convention
pretty neat huh? Blandest is another new member who left decades to
release with us. Hes got a really nice style that varies from old
school Heathcliff style cartoon, to elite anime. As for what Ive
contributed to the pack as many of you know Im a photographer and
have been for about 4 years now. My VGAs consist of scanned photos
which are then manipulated via photoshop. Basically if you dont
like it or dont think it should be in the scene you should moisten
my buttocks with your lips -editors I suppose thats just about all..
Oh, just a personal side note, if you ask me for graphics for your
webpage and such, just note that i work 8-5/M-F doing graphics and
webdesign, have been comissioned to do work for other webpages, am
a photographer, and work for a magazine on occasion while still
trying to make time to go out with Danielle qs-mOP1.jpg. So if I dont get around to it, go out and get a life like Quisling here.
Alright, enough rambling about the shit...
mOP - VGA co
Elite Photo Nut
Webmaster that just sounds cool...
bedlam is there anything youd like to say in the infofile about
your feelings about mOP now or about not being the VGA coord any
CatBones no way! just tell them im sad.
m iS c el l a nE o Us s Tu f f Z ...
mOP acronym o dA month: more orb please - Tweed
quotes 0 dA mONth:
this month weve decided that us mOP guys just say too damn many cool things to pick one for the pack. so from now on this section will contain lots of good quotes from the last month.
Whats happening now, NIGGAH?! - tweed, while discussing old tv shows.
bedlam: Shes not in a great mood, she just found out her mOm went blind
and doesnt know if its permanent.
tweed: That sucks.
bedlam: Yeah, so shes not really in the mood to screw around, you know?
tweed: Why not? bedlam: Would you be in the mood if your mom just went blind?
tweed: Youre gonna go blind if you dont get with her soon.
If i wanted head from anyone it would be CatBones. - coffee discussing
his sexual preferences.
bobtj: mOP needs an official line of products. And frisbees need to be
included in said product line. Well, laundry detergent is almost
implied. Condoms are implied too because mOP guys get all the
coffee: do they make condoms big enough though? thats the real setback.
intensity: illinois has the best of everything.
toez: too bad you were born there.. threw things off track.
tweed: what do you need a penis for anyways?
surreal logic: ask yourself that question three times fast.
tweed: what do you need a penis for anyways?
tweed: what do you need a penis for anyways?
tweed: what do you need a penis for anyways?
tweed: i dont have a penis. I have a phat dick. -- hE dUz! I
SeEn iT!
i n t E R V i e w !! stARt
This month, were proud to bring you a unique, in-depth interview
with our own bedlam of mOP. conducted by 28 on 6/23/96
bedlam okay, im ready if you are. wink
28 Quit your flirting, queer ass. Were not here for netsex, I just told you
that so youd join the channel and I could interview you for our infofile.
bedlam okay, fine. but could you at least tell me what youre wearing?
28 None of your business, homo. 1st question: How did you end up in mOP?
bedlam well, i got my start about a year or two ago in this suck-ass local
group called Stab, hung with them for a while, and eventually joined
this group called was pretty gay, but radman the founder
promised me that if i joined, i could dip into his private library of
hardcore hi-rez koala porn whenever i wanted. But around spring of
1995, i heard of this new local group called mOP. Of course, it was
really cool, and i applied. It took a while before i heard from anyone
about being accepted, but a few weeks later, word got to me that
Bob The Janitor, Tweed and you took pity on my sorry, talentless ass
and let me in. i was thrilled, of course. the rest history!
28 What an uninteresting story. I wish youd just gotten to the point
without delving into the details of your boring and pathetic life. Anyway, next question: What is it that makes mOP so great?
bedlam id have to say, for the most part, you. never before have i seen such
a talented, gifted, and swell individual. merely viewing one of his
many excellent ansis or rips is a religious and spiritual experience
in itself.
28 Well, obviously. But besides that though. What about the mOPs off-beat
and wacky approach to the scene?
bedlam yeah, thats good too. its hard for me to comment on that though,
because i lack any sense of humor. i just go along with what people
tell me to do, and makes things less fun for everyone. You might say
Im an outcast. in fact, you have, many times...
28 Right. Anyway, how do you feel about the way youre treated by other mOP
members, especially the staff? Anyone can plainly see an elevated level
of genuine malice if not outright hatred towards you. Why do you put up
with that kind of abuse?
bedlam I put up with it, because at least over the computer, i cant be
physically assaulted, like at home. i have a really messed up family
life and when im not duct-taped to the swivel chair forced to give
oral sex to my dad and his friends, im usually getting taunted by my
abusive, alcolholic step-mom.
28 Too bad..anyway, Im sick of dealing with you, so, bye.
i n t E R V i e w !! dOne
c o n s P I R a c y !! stARt
Also this month, an interesting conversation took place between
Rainmaker the mOP assassin, Bedlam the mOP general coordinator,
Mr. Happy who is thought to be Visigoth of ACiD in disguise, and
a couple of bystanders who had one or two little things of note to
add. Decide for yourself exactly what the truth is.
Rainmaker I think icto is really just cats alter-ego..
mrhappy he is, hes cats friend or something, hehe sounds fishy eh?
bedlam rain: they ARE like, best friends.
Rainmaker bedlam: exactly how good friends.. like same person good friends?
mrhappy hes the poor guy cat has chained in his basement :
mrhappy naww... just probably likes cats style a lot
Rainmaker I bet youve never seen icto and cat in the same place.
Rainmaker and look if you rearrange icto, take out the i and the o, and an A... then it spells.. CAT!
bedlam no icto is NOT catbones if he were, catbones would quit mOP and stay in acid, and icto would stay in mop.
Rainmaker bedlam: maybe he just wants you to believe that..
Rainmaker maybe ICTO was the second gunman..
Rainmaker or the second spitter, if youre a seinfeld fan.
Rainmaker but for all we know, ICTO is really just CATs.. hmm, Mr. Hyde, if
you will.
mrhappy cats left hand?
mrhappy if he draws right handed, its cat, and left handed, its icto?
Rainmaker maybe cat drank a VGA potion once, and he grew a second head, and
named it ICTO
Rainmaker cause ICTo backwards is OTCI.. and we all know OCTI means 2 in Ancient Greek
jae rain: ictos name is vICTOr
Rainmaker jae: thats what theyd have you believe.
Rainmaker jae: but I suggest you look deaper..
Rainmaker behind the facts
mrhappy and two is the number of letters cat has in his first name, minus one, also!
Rainmaker 2 is also the amount of first and last names cat has..
bedlam hmm.. you know, ive never talked to icto.
mrhappy and its the number of eyes, testicles, nostrils, ears, and other body parts cat has!! my god!!
bedlam hes supposedly moved away, left no art behind, and we have no way to
get in touch with him except through Cat.
bedlam yet icto keeps coming up with more and more art.
bedlam hmmmm.
Rainmaker if you look closely, ICTO is also a part of the word FICTION..
Rainmaker maybe its not VICTOR after all.
jae bed: icto moved away?
Rainmaker I think this case is pretty much solved.
mrhappy yes!
bedlam jae: to las vegas i think.
bedlam i think rainmaker is on the right track..
mrhappy yes, and cat added bones to his handle, just like ictos bones in his
bedlam aha!
Rainmaker Icto is really Cats second head, grown after Cat drank a special VG VGA drawing potion. And now Icto is chained to the computer in Cats
while cat can prounce on his merry way.
bedlam catbones DID put the bones on, just after icto entered the scene..
Rainmaker hmm.. very suspicious..
mrhappy in a guilt ridden need to admit his wrongdoing, he tacked the bones on.
bedlam my only question is why would cat AND icto both be in mOP, when he knows his dual grouping is causing problems? why not have cat quit and
leave icto in?
Rainmaker but what does the word BONES really mean? In ancient Swahili, it
means Icto Is my Second Head, not attached to my body..
Rainmaker cause cat really hates acid, and its his way of fighting back.
bedlam rain: aha..
mrhappy because cat, as well as icto have a deep seated dislike of radman,
who crippled icto in a car accident, and cat found him out on an abandonded
stretch of road, near his house.
bedlam and taking this so called ICTO out of acid to piss radman off even more..
Rainmaker Think about it. What would piss Radman off more? Cat staying in
the group, or Cat leaving?
Rainmaker Obviously Cat staying.
bedlam yeah.
mrhappy yes, cat hobbled icto, to keep him at his house, but they both hate
radman, for different reasons
bedlam but icto is dead!
mrhappy icto died as a result of internal bleeding from the hobbling
bedlam aha
bedlam yes, and that would leave plenty of BONES behind.. from the legs..
Rainmaker I GOT IT
bedlam now, we must figure out how the Doobateria fits into all this..
mrhappy now ictos ghost haunts teleconferences as a lurker, and plays loud
bedlam ictos ghost tones all the fucking confs@@
mrhappy haha
mrhappy its even more devious, and an even darker part of this mystery
mrhappy icto is also cats gay lover!
mrhappy he and ictos ghost have sex while maniaccally toning teleconference
Rainmaker mrhappy: that means he has sex with his own genitalia.. eww... must be like rubber.. and pretty darn long too..
bedlam well he IS in mOP, so that would explain the enormous size of his...
Rainmaker haha
bedlam cat DOES have a fascination with bones in his pics! i think theyre airbrushed copies of pics of ictos remains, after he has sex with them!
mrhappy yes
mrhappy he uses the holes in ictos pelvis as cockring, just like in one of
his vga pictures he showed the pelvis bone
Rainmaker I heard that Visigoth skullfucked Icto to death, and then covered it up with Cat while they were in ACiD..
mrhappy please, we must hide my, err, visigoths involvement with this!
mrhappy ASTOUNDING EVIDENCE of cats sexual perversion and devious criminal
bedlam so when cat says hes going to smoke my breakfast doobie he MUST be
using code for going to the basement and fucking ictos remains!!!
bedlam so the doobateria is really his killing room in his basement!
mrhappy yes! he cant get the pelvis off of him, and is developing ganggrene, thus he smokes doobs to ease the pain
bedlam aha..
bedlam it all makes sense now
mrhappy so he smokes doobs while screwing ictos remains with his gangrenous
Rainmaker so weve solved it?
Rainmaker to sum things up.
Rainmaker Cat drank a VGA potion, and grew a second head, ICTO aka Radman.. and then Visigoth Skull-Fucked it to death.. he and cat covered it up, while cat drew VGAs under Ictos name so no one would notice he was gone..
bedlam of COURSE!
mrhappy noone should know I, err, he committed such a perverse crime, it would destroy his great reputation!
mrhappy :
mrhappy hahaha
bedlam we must not let visigoths reputation be sullied by such accusations
Rainmaker visigoth is an upstanding member of society.
LrdKrnus bedlam: Nice words!
bedlam rain: but we MUST find a way to remove his presence from this terrible
tradjedy that IS the catbones/icto/radman head fusion.
Rainmaker and if anyone sees visigoth, tell someone the police will find him
sooner or later.
Rainmaker bedlam: no, the TRUTH must come out.
bedlam hmm..
mrhappy I think just like oj simpson, visigoth will weather the scandal quite nicely!
bedlam but the more i think about it, visigoths head DOES look bony.. like a SKULL.. maybe vis is cats THIRD head!
mrhappy cat, however, might be forced to give up doobs!
mrhappy a punishment worse than death
Rainmaker bedlam: ythink? that is very interestking..
Rainmaker that must be why he wouldnt go personally to NAID
bedlam aha! and cat wasnt there either!
bedlam cat and visigoth, two close scene friends, and two of the better
artists, and NEITHER could go to naid? i guess well never fully understand
the mystery.
Rainmaker we will never rest! although the truth may still illude us, someday itll all come out.
c o n s P I R a c y !! dOne
mOps sALute to the 4th 0f jUly!
written by Bob the Janitor, Bedlam, 28, and Quisling.
e W s...
1 Some new members joined. Theyre good. They whoop a ponys ass with
a belt. Baltazer, Deaccesion, Gigglefoxes, Liitn, Mendator, Pfez
Whitesnake joined to do ansi. Also, Wildcat from RCA joined us. Read
about the arrivals of new VGA artists in Quislings long narrative
below. Joining as misc. members, we acquired dedicated groupies
Coffee and Winston, here to help cheer us along, and all that crap.
Also, Professa Booty will be doing some Telecomm. stuff for us, and
Red Reflection will...lets not talk about that right now, ok? So,
anyway, gettin new members is cool. Hot-diggity damn, mOP will rule.
2 Oh yeah, and there were some changes in the coodination department.
Quisling replaces Catbones as our VGA department coordinator, Pushead
is the new ansi head, Bob the Janitor has taken over RIP from Bedlam,
who has been promoted to the prestigious title of general coordinator.
3 We think our bitchin viewer, jifFyView 2OOO will be done next month.
s t Uf f ...
4 We would like to thank Pharcyde and Arzach for their kick ass guest
appearances this month. Contrary to the belief of some, we didnt
use any sneaky mOP tactics to get these guys, they came to us and
asked. Pharcyde of ACiD gave us a magnificent ansi, and Arzach of
Dark did an outstanding mOP promo vga. Yet more proof that mOP is
cooler than your mom.
5 Bedlam would like to announce that he wishes to stop playing
kiddie games with Radman of ACiD fame. He continues to insist
that if Radman really does love him, he should be prepared to go
all the way.
5 Bedlam also stated that he and Radman need to stop all this
pointless arguing, especially since its being construed as a war
between ACiD and mOP, which really isnt so. So from now on he
will abstain from the senseless cheap shots as much as possible.
Too bad most computers couldnt handle the list of all the members that DID
leave ACiD and never came back. It was just too damn long.
6 Thanks to the people at Classic Emag for giving Bedlam and mOP
the esteemed Bitchin Bandwagon award for the best reason to
join a group. Although we shouldnt need to give anyone any
reason to join mOP. The fact that we are mOP should be enough.
7 An extra special thanx from Bedlam to lagO on irc for giving him
the files he needed after an unfortunate last minute virus problem
on Bedlams computer. Without those files, you wouldnt have this
amazing pack in front of you.
q u Is l i Ng sP e Ak s ...
Quisling here, rambling on about how the world ought to be reunited
in one master... oh, wrong file...
mOP 96... After it was decided that CatBones dedication to ACiD and
the fact that he has a real life would put a little too much pressure
on the poor old guy, he went back to being a regular contributor to
mOP and I was asked to be VGA coord... This month weve added some
absolutely fabulous *plug* the BBC is paying me MONDO bucks for that
one Anime style artists, namely Winbee, and CPU. Winbee comes to us
from fire, and CPU is his friend whom he actually met at a convention
pretty neat huh? Blandest is another new member who left decades to
release with us. Hes got a really nice style that varies from old
school Heathcliff style cartoon, to elite anime. As for what Ive
contributed to the pack as many of you know Im a photographer and
have been for about 4 years now. My VGAs consist of scanned photos
which are then manipulated via photoshop. Basically if you dont
like it or dont think it should be in the scene you should moisten
my buttocks with your lips -editors I suppose thats just about all..
Oh, just a personal side note, if you ask me for graphics for your
webpage and such, just note that i work 8-5/M-F doing graphics and
webdesign, have been comissioned to do work for other webpages, am
a photographer, and work for a magazine on occasion while still
trying to make time to go out with Danielle qs-mOP1.jpg. So if I dont get around to it, go out and get a life like Quisling here.
Alright, enough rambling about the shit...
mOP - VGA co
Elite Photo Nut
Webmaster that just sounds cool...
bedlam is there anything youd like to say in the infofile about
your feelings about mOP now or about not being the VGA coord any
CatBones no way! just tell them im sad.
m iS c el l a nE o Us s Tu f f Z ...
mOP acronym o dA month: more orb please - Tweed
quotes 0 dA mONth:
this month weve decided that us mOP guys just say too damn many cool things to pick one for the pack. so from now on this section will contain lots of good quotes from the last month.
Whats happening now, NIGGAH?! - tweed, while discussing old tv shows.
bedlam: Shes not in a great mood, she just found out her mOm went blind
and doesnt know if its permanent.
tweed: That sucks.
bedlam: Yeah, so shes not really in the mood to screw around, you know?
tweed: Why not? bedlam: Would you be in the mood if your mom just went blind?
tweed: Youre gonna go blind if you dont get with her soon.
If i wanted head from anyone it would be CatBones. - coffee discussing
his sexual preferences.
bobtj: mOP needs an official line of products. And frisbees need to be
included in said product line. Well, laundry detergent is almost
implied. Condoms are implied too because mOP guys get all the
coffee: do they make condoms big enough though? thats the real setback.
intensity: illinois has the best of everything.
toez: too bad you were born there.. threw things off track.
tweed: what do you need a penis for anyways?
surreal logic: ask yourself that question three times fast.
tweed: what do you need a penis for anyways?
tweed: what do you need a penis for anyways?
tweed: what do you need a penis for anyways?
tweed: i dont have a penis. I have a phat dick. -- hE dUz! I
SeEn iT!
i n t E R V i e w !! stARt
This month, were proud to bring you a unique, in-depth interview
with our own bedlam of mOP. conducted by 28 on 6/23/96
bedlam okay, im ready if you are. wink
28 Quit your flirting, queer ass. Were not here for netsex, I just told you
that so youd join the channel and I could interview you for our infofile.
bedlam okay, fine. but could you at least tell me what youre wearing?
28 None of your business, homo. 1st question: How did you end up in mOP?
bedlam well, i got my start about a year or two ago in this suck-ass local
group called Stab, hung with them for a while, and eventually joined
this group called was pretty gay, but radman the founder
promised me that if i joined, i could dip into his private library of
hardcore hi-rez koala porn whenever i wanted. But around spring of
1995, i heard of this new local group called mOP. Of course, it was
really cool, and i applied. It took a while before i heard from anyone
about being accepted, but a few weeks later, word got to me that
Bob The Janitor, Tweed and you took pity on my sorry, talentless ass
and let me in. i was thrilled, of course. the rest history!
28 What an uninteresting story. I wish youd just gotten to the point
without delving into the details of your boring and pathetic life. Anyway, next question: What is it that makes mOP so great?
bedlam id have to say, for the most part, you. never before have i seen such
a talented, gifted, and swell individual. merely viewing one of his
many excellent ansis or rips is a religious and spiritual experience
in itself.
28 Well, obviously. But besides that though. What about the mOPs off-beat
and wacky approach to the scene?
bedlam yeah, thats good too. its hard for me to comment on that though,
because i lack any sense of humor. i just go along with what people
tell me to do, and makes things less fun for everyone. You might say
Im an outcast. in fact, you have, many times...
28 Right. Anyway, how do you feel about the way youre treated by other mOP
members, especially the staff? Anyone can plainly see an elevated level
of genuine malice if not outright hatred towards you. Why do you put up
with that kind of abuse?
bedlam I put up with it, because at least over the computer, i cant be
physically assaulted, like at home. i have a really messed up family
life and when im not duct-taped to the swivel chair forced to give
oral sex to my dad and his friends, im usually getting taunted by my
abusive, alcolholic step-mom.
28 Too bad..anyway, Im sick of dealing with you, so, bye.
i n t E R V i e w !! dOne
c o n s P I R a c y !! stARt
Also this month, an interesting conversation took place between
Rainmaker the mOP assassin, Bedlam the mOP general coordinator,
Mr. Happy who is thought to be Visigoth of ACiD in disguise, and
a couple of bystanders who had one or two little things of note to
add. Decide for yourself exactly what the truth is.
Rainmaker I think icto is really just cats alter-ego..
mrhappy he is, hes cats friend or something, hehe sounds fishy eh?
bedlam rain: they ARE like, best friends.
Rainmaker bedlam: exactly how good friends.. like same person good friends?
mrhappy hes the poor guy cat has chained in his basement :
mrhappy naww... just probably likes cats style a lot
Rainmaker I bet youve never seen icto and cat in the same place.
Rainmaker and look if you rearrange icto, take out the i and the o, and an A... then it spells.. CAT!
bedlam no icto is NOT catbones if he were, catbones would quit mOP and stay in acid, and icto would stay in mop.
Rainmaker bedlam: maybe he just wants you to believe that..
Rainmaker maybe ICTO was the second gunman..
Rainmaker or the second spitter, if youre a seinfeld fan.
Rainmaker but for all we know, ICTO is really just CATs.. hmm, Mr. Hyde, if
you will.
mrhappy cats left hand?
mrhappy if he draws right handed, its cat, and left handed, its icto?
Rainmaker maybe cat drank a VGA potion once, and he grew a second head, and
named it ICTO
Rainmaker cause ICTo backwards is OTCI.. and we all know OCTI means 2 in Ancient Greek
jae rain: ictos name is vICTOr
Rainmaker jae: thats what theyd have you believe.
Rainmaker jae: but I suggest you look deaper..
Rainmaker behind the facts
mrhappy and two is the number of letters cat has in his first name, minus one, also!
Rainmaker 2 is also the amount of first and last names cat has..
bedlam hmm.. you know, ive never talked to icto.
mrhappy and its the number of eyes, testicles, nostrils, ears, and other body parts cat has!! my god!!
bedlam hes supposedly moved away, left no art behind, and we have no way to
get in touch with him except through Cat.
bedlam yet icto keeps coming up with more and more art.
bedlam hmmmm.
Rainmaker if you look closely, ICTO is also a part of the word FICTION..
Rainmaker maybe its not VICTOR after all.
jae bed: icto moved away?
Rainmaker I think this case is pretty much solved.
mrhappy yes!
bedlam jae: to las vegas i think.
bedlam i think rainmaker is on the right track..
mrhappy yes, and cat added bones to his handle, just like ictos bones in his
bedlam aha!
Rainmaker Icto is really Cats second head, grown after Cat drank a special VG VGA drawing potion. And now Icto is chained to the computer in Cats
while cat can prounce on his merry way.
bedlam catbones DID put the bones on, just after icto entered the scene..
Rainmaker hmm.. very suspicious..
mrhappy in a guilt ridden need to admit his wrongdoing, he tacked the bones on.
bedlam my only question is why would cat AND icto both be in mOP, when he knows his dual grouping is causing problems? why not have cat quit and
leave icto in?
Rainmaker but what does the word BONES really mean? In ancient Swahili, it
means Icto Is my Second Head, not attached to my body..
Rainmaker cause cat really hates acid, and its his way of fighting back.
bedlam rain: aha..
mrhappy because cat, as well as icto have a deep seated dislike of radman,
who crippled icto in a car accident, and cat found him out on an abandonded
stretch of road, near his house.
bedlam and taking this so called ICTO out of acid to piss radman off even more..
Rainmaker Think about it. What would piss Radman off more? Cat staying in
the group, or Cat leaving?
Rainmaker Obviously Cat staying.
bedlam yeah.
mrhappy yes, cat hobbled icto, to keep him at his house, but they both hate
radman, for different reasons
bedlam but icto is dead!
mrhappy icto died as a result of internal bleeding from the hobbling
bedlam aha
bedlam yes, and that would leave plenty of BONES behind.. from the legs..
Rainmaker I GOT IT
bedlam now, we must figure out how the Doobateria fits into all this..
mrhappy now ictos ghost haunts teleconferences as a lurker, and plays loud
bedlam ictos ghost tones all the fucking confs@@
mrhappy haha
mrhappy its even more devious, and an even darker part of this mystery
mrhappy icto is also cats gay lover!
mrhappy he and ictos ghost have sex while maniaccally toning teleconference
Rainmaker mrhappy: that means he has sex with his own genitalia.. eww... must be like rubber.. and pretty darn long too..
bedlam well he IS in mOP, so that would explain the enormous size of his...
Rainmaker haha
bedlam cat DOES have a fascination with bones in his pics! i think theyre airbrushed copies of pics of ictos remains, after he has sex with them!
mrhappy yes
mrhappy he uses the holes in ictos pelvis as cockring, just like in one of
his vga pictures he showed the pelvis bone
Rainmaker I heard that Visigoth skullfucked Icto to death, and then covered it up with Cat while they were in ACiD..
mrhappy please, we must hide my, err, visigoths involvement with this!
mrhappy ASTOUNDING EVIDENCE of cats sexual perversion and devious criminal
bedlam so when cat says hes going to smoke my breakfast doobie he MUST be
using code for going to the basement and fucking ictos remains!!!
bedlam so the doobateria is really his killing room in his basement!
mrhappy yes! he cant get the pelvis off of him, and is developing ganggrene, thus he smokes doobs to ease the pain
bedlam aha..
bedlam it all makes sense now
mrhappy so he smokes doobs while screwing ictos remains with his gangrenous
Rainmaker so weve solved it?
Rainmaker to sum things up.
Rainmaker Cat drank a VGA potion, and grew a second head, ICTO aka Radman.. and then Visigoth Skull-Fucked it to death.. he and cat covered it up, while cat drew VGAs under Ictos name so no one would notice he was gone..
bedlam of COURSE!
mrhappy noone should know I, err, he committed such a perverse crime, it would destroy his great reputation!
mrhappy :
mrhappy hahaha
bedlam we must not let visigoths reputation be sullied by such accusations
Rainmaker visigoth is an upstanding member of society.
LrdKrnus bedlam: Nice words!
bedlam rain: but we MUST find a way to remove his presence from this terrible
tradjedy that IS the catbones/icto/radman head fusion.
Rainmaker and if anyone sees visigoth, tell someone the police will find him
sooner or later.
Rainmaker bedlam: no, the TRUTH must come out.
bedlam hmm..
mrhappy I think just like oj simpson, visigoth will weather the scandal quite nicely!
bedlam but the more i think about it, visigoths head DOES look bony.. like a SKULL.. maybe vis is cats THIRD head!
mrhappy cat, however, might be forced to give up doobs!
mrhappy a punishment worse than death
Rainmaker bedlam: ythink? that is very interestking..
Rainmaker that must be why he wouldnt go personally to NAID
bedlam aha! and cat wasnt there either!
bedlam cat and visigoth, two close scene friends, and two of the better
artists, and NEITHER could go to naid? i guess well never fully understand
the mystery.
Rainmaker we will never rest! although the truth may still illude us, someday itll all come out.
c o n s P I R a c y !! dOne
mOps sALute to the 4th 0f jUly!
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