![lan's laughter by whitesnake](/pack/mop-9607/x1/WS-LANS.ANS.png)
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if you want to contact me e-mail at
cool.vanhout@ping.be or go on irc at mop
lans laughter
+Operated by bedlam.
ansi made by ws for mop nineteen ninety six -
greetings to : burps, bedlam, tweed, illogic, bobtj, thrasher, b2,
necrofiliac, rotting christ, blatz, creator, spellbinder, catbones,
syntax, tomppa1, tosh1O, pus9head, abnormal, the knight, zarkof, bob,
and our mops mascot mrsmiley! think got them all D, hope so...
I know my header sux... whitesnakemop
cool.vanhout@ping.be or go on irc at mop
lans laughter
+Operated by bedlam.
ansi made by ws for mop nineteen ninety six -
greetings to : burps, bedlam, tweed, illogic, bobtj, thrasher, b2,
necrofiliac, rotting christ, blatz, creator, spellbinder, catbones,
syntax, tomppa1, tosh1O, pus9head, abnormal, the knight, zarkof, bob,
and our mops mascot mrsmiley! think got them all D, hope so...
I know my header sux... whitesnakemop
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