this image contains text
Straight No Chaser Ansi
FS-SNC1.ANS - a Flick of the Switch ANSi
If YOU want a
Flick of the Switch ANSi call
Falling Fast @ 601-895-9462 and Apply!!!
to Walters aunt... peace
Elapsed Time: 2 hour 21 minutes BIFF!
Taken from Wolverine 17 believe it or not.
ANSi by Flick of the Sw
itch EMPiRE
Straight No Chaser F
alling Fast Node/2
SysOps Psy
choTranE CoB F
lick of th
e Switch E
MPiRE Artistry
Co-Sys Fla
tline EMPiRE L
Affils Cry
ptoNet SU
CK Zine Si
te CounciL
of BlooD M
ember Board
V Oriented an
d yes tha
t means NO
fucking wareZ!
More to co
me considering
this Node
has been
up a WEEK!!!
Running ViS
iON/2 Registered v
Required 24O
O-14,4OO v3
2bis Remember:
HST sucks!
unless you ha
NUP Commu
nication Breakdown
Note! All
users on N
ode/1 will b
e Auto-va
led on thi
s system.
FS-SNC1.ANS - a Flick of the Switch ANSi
If YOU want a
Flick of the Switch ANSi call
Falling Fast @ 601-895-9462 and Apply!!!
to Walters aunt... peace
Elapsed Time: 2 hour 21 minutes BIFF!
Taken from Wolverine 17 believe it or not.
ANSi by Flick of the Sw
itch EMPiRE
Straight No Chaser F
alling Fast Node/2
SysOps Psy
choTranE CoB F
lick of th
e Switch E
MPiRE Artistry
Co-Sys Fla
tline EMPiRE L
Affils Cry
ptoNet SU
CK Zine Si
te CounciL
of BlooD M
ember Board
V Oriented an
d yes tha
t means NO
fucking wareZ!
More to co
me considering
this Node
has been
up a WEEK!!!
Running ViS
iON/2 Registered v
Required 24O
O-14,4OO v3
2bis Remember:
HST sucks!
unless you ha
NUP Commu
nication Breakdown
Note! All
users on N
ode/1 will b
e Auto-va
led on thi
s system.
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