this image contains text
Outcast from society, the life tha
t I prized, noone walks with me, Ive been o
stracized. I stalk through the sewers, a torch in my hand, this
is my kingdom, this is my land. Under a grate, the lig
ht strikes my skin, I flee from its
poison, I just cannot win. This game of existance, so hard do I
strive, Ill
never grow wealthy, just barely survive. The cloak of night fal
ls, the moons
born anew, my goal is now clear, I know what to do. Pull myself
to the surface
and breathe the fresh air, you all stare right at me but Ill ne
ver care. For
now I am free, to roam through the night, Ill creep through
your homes,
avoiding the light. Stand inches away, youll never suspect, th
at theres any
danger, no need to protect. Your life from my claws, your soul
from my mind,
those that see me rush by try to leave me behind. But Im alw
ays here, a
scourge on your land, Ill always torment you, I must take my
stand. Until
light returns, and the sun fills the sky, I return to my home a
nd there will
I lie. Wait for tomorrow, and return to my fight, rejoice in t
he day fools.
for I own the night. - Ronin iC
r a g e p h o s p h o
r u s
A really phat phunky phresh phosphorus board coming soon to a compu
ter near you.
Thanks to Ronin iCE for the neat poem, Rage, and Dark Deception
iCE for
the cool fonts which I DID find an ansi for!.
This here ansi was drawn somewhat regretfully by primordial chowd
er Empire.
Outcast from society, the life tha
t I prized, noone walks with me, Ive been o
stracized. I stalk through the sewers, a torch in my hand, this
is my kingdom, this is my land. Under a grate, the lig
ht strikes my skin, I flee from its
poison, I just cannot win. This game of existance, so hard do I
strive, Ill
never grow wealthy, just barely survive. The cloak of night fal
ls, the moons
born anew, my goal is now clear, I know what to do. Pull myself
to the surface
and breathe the fresh air, you all stare right at me but Ill ne
ver care. For
now I am free, to roam through the night, Ill creep through
your homes,
avoiding the light. Stand inches away, youll never suspect, th
at theres any
danger, no need to protect. Your life from my claws, your soul
from my mind,
those that see me rush by try to leave me behind. But Im alw
ays here, a
scourge on your land, Ill always torment you, I must take my
stand. Until
light returns, and the sun fills the sky, I return to my home a
nd there will
I lie. Wait for tomorrow, and return to my fight, rejoice in t
he day fools.
for I own the night. - Ronin iC
r a g e p h o s p h o
r u s
A really phat phunky phresh phosphorus board coming soon to a compu
ter near you.
Thanks to Ronin iCE for the neat poem, Rage, and Dark Deception
iCE for
the cool fonts which I DID find an ansi for!.
This here ansi was drawn somewhat regretfully by primordial chowd
er Empire.
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