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Twisted Reality
I feel nothing, I see
nothing,perverse t
ranquility,I want
nothing, I need nothing,I ca
n live so easil
y,I can fly high, I c
an swim dry,and from you I a
m free,you can
be mine, if not, then fine
,I no longer need yo
u to be,If you cannot lov
e me, Then you need not hate me,I
will simply remo
ve reality,We can fly t
ogether, like birds of feathe
r,We can forever be so
free.You cant love
me, You only hate me,
although Im in co
ntrol,You scare me a
wake, Your thought I can
not shake,twisting out
of shape my soul,
I cant control you,
Im trapped here beside you,I can
not be free, I will n
ot awaken,Help you offe
r me, Twisted always be,
I will not be free, f
or this reason,I cann
ot run, and beside, I can never h
ide,I always will r
eturn to you,
as long as I must slumb
er, your thoughts always encumber,
Someday I can awak
en and be free, too.
I feel nothing, I see
nothing,perverse t
ranquility,I want
nothing, I need nothing,I ca
n live so easil
y,I can fly high, I c
an swim dry,and from you I a
m free,you can
be mine, if not, then fine
,I no longer need yo
u to be,If you cannot lov
e me, Then you need not hate me,I
will simply remo
ve reality,We can fly t
ogether, like birds of feathe
r,We can forever be so
free.You cant love
me, You only hate me,
although Im in co
ntrol,You scare me a
wake, Your thought I can
not shake,twisting out
of shape my soul,
I cant control you,
Im trapped here beside you,I can
not be free, I will n
ot awaken,Help you offe
r me, Twisted always be,
I will not be free, f
or this reason,I cann
ot run, and beside, I can never h
ide,I always will r
eturn to you,
as long as I must slumb
er, your thoughts always encumber,
Someday I can awak
en and be free, too.
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