this image contains text
o8888o o88888oo o88o o888o o888o.: har har har... its an ascii
o8 8o 8 8 o88o 8 8 8o.: sig! only becuz my hd got for- 88888o 8 8 o8oooo8o 8 8 8o. matted and i cant seem to
88o 88 o8o o8 8o o8o o8o 8o find the old one... greets to
88o88 o888o 8o o8 o888o o888o o8 everyone in the loonyverse....------------------------------------------------------------------------------this is my elite logo colly for 0695... i hope you like it i was away most of it----------------------------------------------------------------------------------st-dod.lgo------------------------------------------------------------------ this one i did cuz nd was bothering me just another 5-minute shell to dos and a sloppy
blue/purple font.
drink or die, you rat bastid
--st-fe1.lgo------------------------------------------------------------------this one was supposed to go in a united pack a long time ago, but evil ernie
said it looked like zoltars spastic font... well, it does. however,
spastic and fatal error only share one letter: A. go check, its not even a close comparison to zoltars a... block-by-block... but who cares...
greets to evil ernie, joe mama, and euphoria. this is a personal interpretation
of a font by zoltar in the spastic april pack. not a rip. go check it out.
--st-mist.lgo-----------------------------------------------------------------this two-minute quicky was for a global outdial that was lagged to hell and wentdown after 3 days. bleh.
--st-motio.lgo----------------------------------------------------------------this sucked. trying out a new ascii style. i even colored it. i hate colored ascii.
stmotiongraphics1995ereetmann/ /
--st-mtn.lgo------------------------------------------------------------------yet another quick one with inspiration from chromatik. i really like this stylecuz its quick and good-looking. i use it a lot now. thanx chromatik.
use this logo for
whatever the hell you
want, i guess
i yam stain. i yam the afro queen of noo jersie st
--st-pitt.lgo-----------------------------------------------------------------this one i got out of a maxx comic... 7 i think. havent given it out yet, if
you want it and youre willing to trade, catch me on irc or leave a message on
my vmb.
--st-sin.lgo------------------------------------------------------------------inspired by chromatik... im rilly kinda proud of myself on this one, i usually
dont take the effort to put a background in...
--st-sin2.lgo-----------------------------------------------------------------a very poor interpretation of a lord jazz font style
sin systems
--st-sin3.lgo-----------------------------------------------------------------inspired by various hallucinogens.
sin systems
--st-tph.lgo------------------------------------------------------------------ya know, i really loved this logo... but nobody else seemed to. inspired by
maestro. i love his fonts. he rules
t y p h o i d a r t p r o d u c t i o n s
--st-tph2.lgo-----------------------------------------------------------------i really didnt like this logo, but i was trying out styles that day, so its oki guess. again, inspired by maestro.
t y p h o i d
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------well, thats it. i hope you liked my sucky little collaboration.
o8 8o 8 8 o88o 8 8 8o.: sig! only becuz my hd got for- 88888o 8 8 o8oooo8o 8 8 8o. matted and i cant seem to
88o 88 o8o o8 8o o8o o8o 8o find the old one... greets to
88o88 o888o 8o o8 o888o o888o o8 everyone in the loonyverse....------------------------------------------------------------------------------this is my elite logo colly for 0695... i hope you like it i was away most of it----------------------------------------------------------------------------------st-dod.lgo------------------------------------------------------------------ this one i did cuz nd was bothering me just another 5-minute shell to dos and a sloppy
blue/purple font.
drink or die, you rat bastid
--st-fe1.lgo------------------------------------------------------------------this one was supposed to go in a united pack a long time ago, but evil ernie
said it looked like zoltars spastic font... well, it does. however,
spastic and fatal error only share one letter: A. go check, its not even a close comparison to zoltars a... block-by-block... but who cares...
greets to evil ernie, joe mama, and euphoria. this is a personal interpretation
of a font by zoltar in the spastic april pack. not a rip. go check it out.
--st-mist.lgo-----------------------------------------------------------------this two-minute quicky was for a global outdial that was lagged to hell and wentdown after 3 days. bleh.
--st-motio.lgo----------------------------------------------------------------this sucked. trying out a new ascii style. i even colored it. i hate colored ascii.
stmotiongraphics1995ereetmann/ /
--st-mtn.lgo------------------------------------------------------------------yet another quick one with inspiration from chromatik. i really like this stylecuz its quick and good-looking. i use it a lot now. thanx chromatik.
use this logo for
whatever the hell you
want, i guess
i yam stain. i yam the afro queen of noo jersie st
--st-pitt.lgo-----------------------------------------------------------------this one i got out of a maxx comic... 7 i think. havent given it out yet, if
you want it and youre willing to trade, catch me on irc or leave a message on
my vmb.
--st-sin.lgo------------------------------------------------------------------inspired by chromatik... im rilly kinda proud of myself on this one, i usually
dont take the effort to put a background in...
--st-sin2.lgo-----------------------------------------------------------------a very poor interpretation of a lord jazz font style
sin systems
--st-sin3.lgo-----------------------------------------------------------------inspired by various hallucinogens.
sin systems
--st-tph.lgo------------------------------------------------------------------ya know, i really loved this logo... but nobody else seemed to. inspired by
maestro. i love his fonts. he rules
t y p h o i d a r t p r o d u c t i o n s
--st-tph2.lgo-----------------------------------------------------------------i really didnt like this logo, but i was trying out styles that day, so its oki guess. again, inspired by maestro.
t y p h o i d
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------well, thats it. i hope you liked my sucky little collaboration.
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