this image contains text
mOtiOn graphics yes everyone...that little logo says nG. nG is
for negative creep of course. this is the first
motion pack i my work is relesed in. so if the
pack sucks then it is your problem and not mine!
but anyway, if you want me to do a logo for you
then e-mail me at claw@clark.net. also, my board will be up in weeks. i am hopefully gonna run
imp *plug*. the board is to be called Like No
Other so keep an ear out for it. it should rock it is a motion and saga member and a pow distro. so call it! it will be in 410. ok...well...now negative creep for the art. see ya on the net .. nG
toony ass logo by --- -- negative creep..
kingdom of groove
leet obv/2 setup
.S, !ascii made by negative creep s.S,
okok...i admit that this month is not mOtiOn graphics
that great but i spent a lot of time on
the board. i hope for it to be great.
i mean worth the long distance call.
also check out the other file in the
pack by me. nG-cYbiA.bIn thats right
a bin. it resembles the kog font but i
think it came out better. see ya on the
net all!
-negative creep-
for negative creep of course. this is the first
motion pack i my work is relesed in. so if the
pack sucks then it is your problem and not mine!
but anyway, if you want me to do a logo for you
then e-mail me at claw@clark.net. also, my board will be up in weeks. i am hopefully gonna run
imp *plug*. the board is to be called Like No
Other so keep an ear out for it. it should rock it is a motion and saga member and a pow distro. so call it! it will be in 410. ok...well...now negative creep for the art. see ya on the net .. nG
toony ass logo by --- -- negative creep..
kingdom of groove
leet obv/2 setup
.S, !ascii made by negative creep s.S,
okok...i admit that this month is not mOtiOn graphics
that great but i spent a lot of time on
the board. i hope for it to be great.
i mean worth the long distance call.
also check out the other file in the
pack by me. nG-cYbiA.bIn thats right
a bin. it resembles the kog font but i
think it came out better. see ya on the
net all!
-negative creep-
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