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Be true to yourself,dont conform,dont ever give in,think for yourself,morals, Freedom of speech, no matter what form,Art,Music...Must continue to be a freedom.Keep Church and State seperate,Freedom of Religion, Freedom fromReligion,Abolish helmet laws,abolish seat-belt laws,down with the anti-smoking lawAbolish income tax,Abolish Apartheid,
legalize drugslegalize prostitution,abolish the PMRC,Keep abortion legal! Freedom of choice No discrimination for race,sexual preferences,gender,religious choices,no more animal testing,dont wear fur,boycott Procter and Gamble,impeach president Hilary,impeach Clinton!, Dont blame me I voted for Bush!abolish seat-belt laws,stop book burning,peace,Aids doesnt discriminate,use condoms,do unto others,as you wouldwant them to do unto you.FreeWilly,do the right thing,follow your dreams,wherever they may lead you to,dont conform,be original,be yourself,be different,go take on the day,Freedom of the press,stop animal research.This has been brought to you by the Sysop of the Music Shop BBS.These opinions,are that of the Sysop,and not necessarily those of the users of thisboard.
legalize drugslegalize prostitution,abolish the PMRC,Keep abortion legal! Freedom of choice No discrimination for race,sexual preferences,gender,religious choices,no more animal testing,dont wear fur,boycott Procter and Gamble,impeach president Hilary,impeach Clinton!, Dont blame me I voted for Bush!abolish seat-belt laws,stop book burning,peace,Aids doesnt discriminate,use condoms,do unto others,as you wouldwant them to do unto you.FreeWilly,do the right thing,follow your dreams,wherever they may lead you to,dont conform,be original,be yourself,be different,go take on the day,Freedom of the press,stop animal research.This has been brought to you by the Sysop of the Music Shop BBS.These opinions,are that of the Sysop,and not necessarily those of the users of thisboard.
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