this image contains text
d,gdb, ,gdb,?bg, ,gdP,gdbg,
dP gggggggggg Pggd ggggggggggg b d?b
d P,gd?l P,gd?7bgg,? l b ?P d
,d: : ,d:/:,l :mm m ?P d
P dl l,. P?ggP :gy:,?bgg: : gggggggggg
dP ,db, ,d:../:: ggg gggggggg :
g P ,gd ggg :bgggd ggg ggg b P gg ? g
,d: l: :b,,gd :bgg,?
b,?l ? 7,gg,?l l lbgg, d
g b,.7b, ,d db ,?bymmmmmP,gg,?ymdP,P d
? bg, ,dP d bgggg gg,gd b?ggggg,,dP,d
mP dPb ?yb?yP ?7,d
?7,7 7b,47CAINP dP
,dP the digital chateau
wow.. that wouldve won the compo, but i never got t hand it in, so here is your
ascii buddy.. party on, hope you like it.
dP gggggggggg Pggd ggggggggggg b d?b
d P,gd?l P,gd?7bgg,? l b ?P d
,d: : ,d:/:,l :mm m ?P d
P dl l,. P?ggP :gy:,?bgg: : gggggggggg
dP ,db, ,d:../:: ggg gggggggg :
g P ,gd ggg :bgggd ggg ggg b P gg ? g
,d: l: :b,,gd :bgg,?
b,?l ? 7,gg,?l l lbgg, d
g b,.7b, ,d db ,?bymmmmmP,gg,?ymdP,P d
? bg, ,dP d bgggg gg,gd b?ggggg,,dP,d
mP dPb ?yb?yP ?7,d
?7,7 7b,47CAINP dP
,dP the digital chateau
wow.. that wouldve won the compo, but i never got t hand it in, so here is your
ascii buddy.. party on, hope you like it.
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