this image contains text
..an oOps ascii collection..
Yes, for all those out there who are wondering why
Im in oOps, well.. its simple, i like what i see
and.. i want a place to release my old school, and
a neato place to release a colly every so often
Oh, this wonderful colly is being brought to you
I dont exactly have a lot to talk about, so ill
just get on with the reasons for this collection
the reason for the name, and so on.. your average
introduction i would suppose. oh maybe i should
tell you the name ..
/ / / /cn
jedyny notorczny
Yep, jedyny notorczny. Its polish for The
Notorious One.. thank tinyz for the translation, I
chose this name, because I know that i can do
anything, give me a challenge, and i can show up
and represent. Its called this because people
said i sucked at old school, and i rose above you
all. you said i was played out, and.. once again
i rose above you. now, if you havent caught the
hint, then you should be sitting in a corner think
ing about it. I will ALWAYS rise above a challenge
and i will ALWAYS rise above the people who try to
pull me down into their stupidity
Jedyny Notorczny, contains 100 original ascii, by
myself.. seeing as how i will be considering this
my first collection, because it is old schoo art,
and my first two collections contained a variation
of the two those collections were 1 Never Forget
and 2 Soulfood.. both of which were full of
extremely good ascii art. This colly should top
off at roughly 800-1000 lines, and it will blow
your fucking mind, i gurantee it. -cn
Respects Due
001 - Mass murderer AWE!A
002 - Discyple Noname,AWE!A
003 - OmicroN RMRS
004 - Fahrenheit WUTK,RMRS
005 - Megga Hertz RMRS
006 - Rheostatic Noname
007 - Hiro protagonist KTS,QDP,RMRS
RequestsBoard AdsGroups
008 - The Deep for Cain
009 - Remorse for Rmrs people
010 - Blade for Mindcrime
011 - Scum for MistabewmCain
012 - America on Allum for Someone
013 - Drowning in Madness for Kweiheri Tron
014 - The Thirteenth Halo for FourDegrees
015 - The Mob for Miasma
016 - ModemLand for Hiro Protagonist
017 - Mind Safari for Shamen
018 - Quad-P for Quad-P guys
Section 1 -- This is for my people, in the alleys over there.
------------------------/ For: Mass Murderer
Says: Mass Murderer /
cn0n / /
/ due
mass murderah / / all respect
of /
the // awe ascii division .. .
------------------------/ For: Discyple
Says: Discyple / hes the man
hi scott. all respect.
------------------------/ For: OmicroN
Says: OmicroN / nigger.
cn /
------------------------/ For: fAH D-O double G
Says: Fahrenheit / wigger .
::::: .. t
::::: Fah D-O double G
------------------------/ For: mHz
Says: Megga Hertz / influenz-A.
/ /cn/ / / /
Megga Hertz / // //
------------------------/ For: rheO
Says: Rheostatic / where are you?
/ / :: sTATIC!!!@
rheOstatic :::::::::
------------------------/ For: Hiro Protagonist
Says: hIROP / word up pimpola.
/ //------------ cn!-------------------
---------/----------------/---------- rotagonist..
big extreme mad greets fly out to mhz, pm, dy, hp, om, wh0d, kal, prism
shamen, 4degrees, flame, skatter, all noname people, necromancer, mortimer
twang, windrider, enigmatic, ascii and all the people i chill with.
Section 2 -- Requests and What Not.
------------------------/ For: That Guy Cain.
Says: The Deep / coming soon yo.
tHE dEEP +o cAIN
------------------------/ For: MindCrime
Says: Blade Ascii / i heard they suck
// //cn!
// The Blade Ascii Nation
------------------------/ For: MistabewmCain
Says: Scum / please, be patient!
------------------------/ For: Human Vox I Believe?
Says: Ameria On Allum / Dig it.. whoever you
cn! //
------------------------/ For: Rmrs People.
Says: Remorse1981 / what can i say?
/ cn! / //
remorse 1981 ascii .. /
------------------------/ For: Kweiheri Tron
Says: Drowing in / hi dave.
drowning in madness -- sysop: kweiheiri tron -- hpacv -- heresy whq
------------------------/ For: 4degrees
Says: The Thirteenth / lEWK!! aSCII@@@!!
the thirteenth halo -- sysop: 4degrees -- noname whq
------------------------/ For: Miasma
Says: The Mob / Sorry it took so long.
::::: //cn .:::::: //
------------------------/ For: Hiro Protagonist
Says: Modemland / herro hiro
:/ modemland .. operated b hiro protagonist
:::::::::::: rmrs WHQ -- quad-p WHQ -- and other stuff.. . .
------------------------/ For: Shamen
Says: Mind Safari / here it is man..
the mind safari -- sysop: shamenquadp :::::::::::
------------------------/ For: Quad-P People.
Says: Quad-P / here it is man..
Quad-P Productions ::::::://c !
ownedoperated by: Hiro Protagonist ::::::::::
and so it ends
I guess I have a few things up my sleeve, that you should look
forward to. first off.. noname ascii numero 9, gonna be some
dope shit, the second book of the pimpedia too!.. something to
look for. secondly, pimpedia.txt -- welcome to the pimpedia
nonames FIRST group colly, with a large chunk of the noname
pimps representin.. so cheg that out. also my next colly,
which should be somethin funky to look for, featuring a little
bit of polymorphs x-ascii, and a new style im working on yo.
id like to give HUGE shouts to baltazar, and spike..for giving
me a chance with my old school, i WILL do some new school shit,
just not this month.. im representin some roots i should have
picked up a long, long time ago. once again, word up blz and sk
much love goes out to all the old school artists drawing today.
Jedyny Notorczny
/ An Old School Ascii Collection!
Brought to you In part by:
oOps!aScii /
Brought to you In full by:
cain of oOps
..an oOps ascii collection..
Yes, for all those out there who are wondering why
Im in oOps, well.. its simple, i like what i see
and.. i want a place to release my old school, and
a neato place to release a colly every so often
Oh, this wonderful colly is being brought to you
I dont exactly have a lot to talk about, so ill
just get on with the reasons for this collection
the reason for the name, and so on.. your average
introduction i would suppose. oh maybe i should
tell you the name ..
/ / / /cn
jedyny notorczny
Yep, jedyny notorczny. Its polish for The
Notorious One.. thank tinyz for the translation, I
chose this name, because I know that i can do
anything, give me a challenge, and i can show up
and represent. Its called this because people
said i sucked at old school, and i rose above you
all. you said i was played out, and.. once again
i rose above you. now, if you havent caught the
hint, then you should be sitting in a corner think
ing about it. I will ALWAYS rise above a challenge
and i will ALWAYS rise above the people who try to
pull me down into their stupidity
Jedyny Notorczny, contains 100 original ascii, by
myself.. seeing as how i will be considering this
my first collection, because it is old schoo art,
and my first two collections contained a variation
of the two those collections were 1 Never Forget
and 2 Soulfood.. both of which were full of
extremely good ascii art. This colly should top
off at roughly 800-1000 lines, and it will blow
your fucking mind, i gurantee it. -cn
Respects Due
001 - Mass murderer AWE!A
002 - Discyple Noname,AWE!A
003 - OmicroN RMRS
004 - Fahrenheit WUTK,RMRS
005 - Megga Hertz RMRS
006 - Rheostatic Noname
007 - Hiro protagonist KTS,QDP,RMRS
RequestsBoard AdsGroups
008 - The Deep for Cain
009 - Remorse for Rmrs people
010 - Blade for Mindcrime
011 - Scum for MistabewmCain
012 - America on Allum for Someone
013 - Drowning in Madness for Kweiheri Tron
014 - The Thirteenth Halo for FourDegrees
015 - The Mob for Miasma
016 - ModemLand for Hiro Protagonist
017 - Mind Safari for Shamen
018 - Quad-P for Quad-P guys
Section 1 -- This is for my people, in the alleys over there.
------------------------/ For: Mass Murderer
Says: Mass Murderer /
cn0n / /
/ due
mass murderah / / all respect
of /
the // awe ascii division .. .
------------------------/ For: Discyple
Says: Discyple / hes the man
hi scott. all respect.
------------------------/ For: OmicroN
Says: OmicroN / nigger.
cn /
------------------------/ For: fAH D-O double G
Says: Fahrenheit / wigger .
::::: .. t
::::: Fah D-O double G
------------------------/ For: mHz
Says: Megga Hertz / influenz-A.
/ /cn/ / / /
Megga Hertz / // //
------------------------/ For: rheO
Says: Rheostatic / where are you?
/ / :: sTATIC!!!@
rheOstatic :::::::::
------------------------/ For: Hiro Protagonist
Says: hIROP / word up pimpola.
/ //------------ cn!-------------------
---------/----------------/---------- rotagonist..
big extreme mad greets fly out to mhz, pm, dy, hp, om, wh0d, kal, prism
shamen, 4degrees, flame, skatter, all noname people, necromancer, mortimer
twang, windrider, enigmatic, ascii and all the people i chill with.
Section 2 -- Requests and What Not.
------------------------/ For: That Guy Cain.
Says: The Deep / coming soon yo.
tHE dEEP +o cAIN
------------------------/ For: MindCrime
Says: Blade Ascii / i heard they suck
// //cn!
// The Blade Ascii Nation
------------------------/ For: MistabewmCain
Says: Scum / please, be patient!
------------------------/ For: Human Vox I Believe?
Says: Ameria On Allum / Dig it.. whoever you
cn! //
------------------------/ For: Rmrs People.
Says: Remorse1981 / what can i say?
/ cn! / //
remorse 1981 ascii .. /
------------------------/ For: Kweiheri Tron
Says: Drowing in / hi dave.
drowning in madness -- sysop: kweiheiri tron -- hpacv -- heresy whq
------------------------/ For: 4degrees
Says: The Thirteenth / lEWK!! aSCII@@@!!
the thirteenth halo -- sysop: 4degrees -- noname whq
------------------------/ For: Miasma
Says: The Mob / Sorry it took so long.
::::: //cn .:::::: //
------------------------/ For: Hiro Protagonist
Says: Modemland / herro hiro
:/ modemland .. operated b hiro protagonist
:::::::::::: rmrs WHQ -- quad-p WHQ -- and other stuff.. . .
------------------------/ For: Shamen
Says: Mind Safari / here it is man..
the mind safari -- sysop: shamenquadp :::::::::::
------------------------/ For: Quad-P People.
Says: Quad-P / here it is man..
Quad-P Productions ::::::://c !
ownedoperated by: Hiro Protagonist ::::::::::
and so it ends
I guess I have a few things up my sleeve, that you should look
forward to. first off.. noname ascii numero 9, gonna be some
dope shit, the second book of the pimpedia too!.. something to
look for. secondly, pimpedia.txt -- welcome to the pimpedia
nonames FIRST group colly, with a large chunk of the noname
pimps representin.. so cheg that out. also my next colly,
which should be somethin funky to look for, featuring a little
bit of polymorphs x-ascii, and a new style im working on yo.
id like to give HUGE shouts to baltazar, and spike..for giving
me a chance with my old school, i WILL do some new school shit,
just not this month.. im representin some roots i should have
picked up a long, long time ago. once again, word up blz and sk
much love goes out to all the old school artists drawing today.
Jedyny Notorczny
/ An Old School Ascii Collection!
Brought to you In part by:
oOps!aScii /
Brought to you In full by:
cain of oOps
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