this image contains text
THE ,, ,, ,, ,, EHT
,dP ?P 77 88 8b
b, 1s, P1 ,dl ,s1
l Pb, ,d ?
?1 ,sd 11 ,db, 7
b. ,d ,d88P4bsssssssssgdb, ,P
?SSyyt?by,,, 8y,,7bydP
det djupa -- opererad av cain The Deep 403-246-1174 ?7 NUP gUPPIE
a joint by haji and cain, of noname brand ascii.
THE ,, ,, ,, ,, EHT
,dP ?P 77 88 8b
b, 1s, P1 ,dl ,s1
l Pb, ,d ?
?1 ,sd 11 ,db, 7
b. ,d ,d88P4bsssssssssgdb, ,P
?SSyyt?by,,, 8y,,7bydP
det djupa -- opererad av cain The Deep 403-246-1174 ?7 NUP gUPPIE
a joint by haji and cain, of noname brand ascii.
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