this image contains text
The Nation Extravaganza
09/94 Info File!
Well its that time again. Time for Nation to quench your
ansi hunger with only the best in cyber-art entertainment. Ye
s, we made it. Although we have found that one of our newest
opponents is not yet another art group, but that little nuisa
nce known as.. SCHOOL! Ack! Yes, and it has taken a few victi
ms this month. However, being the phenomenal group we are, we
will recover with great speed to ensure that next month you will
once again be treated to the great quality that everyone has kn
own to love and expect from Nation. Now what happened this mo
nth? ALOT!! But
before I venture into that zone, let me ONCE AGAIN reiterate myself fo
some of you. First, the pack is not late but just on time. When do we
release? From the 1st to the 5th. If its not out by the 5th then it i
late! Second, we do not accept distro site applications so do not ask
anymore. You will just be ignored. Third, United Nations Net is back i
action. All sites MUST poll if they wish to keep their affiliation. Yo
dont poll, you dont have the site. Ok, now on to the fun stuff..
Announcements 09/94
1. This month the miniature magazine that you have all
grown to love
known as Poop is out! Yes! Poop-02 is here and is filled with as
much zany and kooky crazyness as the first one. So make sure you
give it a look!
2. The NEXT System is under beta testing and is current
ly being supported
in this months Nation Extravaganza. What is it? Youll find out
here soon.
3. This month we kick off our killer new VGA devision.
Check out
the VGA0994.ZIP! Beautiful work guys!
4. Boy oh boy did we gain alot of members this month. L
ets start
with the breakup of Imperial. From there The Narccissist h
came over to handle some Administrative responsibilities in
the Canadian area. The Masked Pirate, Young,
Grateful Dead,
Suicidal Maniac, and Skyhigh are all here to gi
ve us some great
artwork to check out each month. Azrael came over from ACi
to share with us his amazing rips and to help out with Poop! From
the 516 area we gained Kronos from ACiD whos gonna be
contributing to our ansi department. Grave Digga formerly
MAG, who is also going to be giving us some great ansis to drewl
over. Indigestion ,Smooz, and Vandal
are all here to help kick
off our new VGA department! Village Idiot came over to hel
p out
with our couriering department as our new Administrative Courier.
And last but not least, Dreadnought from Assault, has came
use his writing skills to help us out as our staff writer. If you
want an article, he would be the guy to talk to.
5. Omega Redd was promoted to our new Global Administra
tor! Congrats
to him!
6. It seems that most groups look down upon releasing l
ogos with pics.
Well here at Nation we have some of the best Logo Artists in the
scene today. And we will continue to show off the great talent
we have under the Nation name by releasing logos with pics,
regardless of what anyone thinks. Because in my opinion an awesome
font can be just as cool as an awesome pic.
Ok, thats about it for this month. If you would like to get in
contact with any Nation member, we can be reached exclusively on
United Nations Net or the WHQ Death Row at 413-782-1851. See ya
around, thanks for supporting Nation and remember.. Ahh never mind.
Maestro El Presidente De Nation
Sociopath El Vice Presidente De Nation
The Nation Extravaganza
09/94 Info File!
Well its that time again. Time for Nation to quench your
ansi hunger with only the best in cyber-art entertainment. Ye
s, we made it. Although we have found that one of our newest
opponents is not yet another art group, but that little nuisa
nce known as.. SCHOOL! Ack! Yes, and it has taken a few victi
ms this month. However, being the phenomenal group we are, we
will recover with great speed to ensure that next month you will
once again be treated to the great quality that everyone has kn
own to love and expect from Nation. Now what happened this mo
nth? ALOT!! But
before I venture into that zone, let me ONCE AGAIN reiterate myself fo
some of you. First, the pack is not late but just on time. When do we
release? From the 1st to the 5th. If its not out by the 5th then it i
late! Second, we do not accept distro site applications so do not ask
anymore. You will just be ignored. Third, United Nations Net is back i
action. All sites MUST poll if they wish to keep their affiliation. Yo
dont poll, you dont have the site. Ok, now on to the fun stuff..
Announcements 09/94
1. This month the miniature magazine that you have all
grown to love
known as Poop is out! Yes! Poop-02 is here and is filled with as
much zany and kooky crazyness as the first one. So make sure you
give it a look!
2. The NEXT System is under beta testing and is current
ly being supported
in this months Nation Extravaganza. What is it? Youll find out
here soon.
3. This month we kick off our killer new VGA devision.
Check out
the VGA0994.ZIP! Beautiful work guys!
4. Boy oh boy did we gain alot of members this month. L
ets start
with the breakup of Imperial. From there The Narccissist h
came over to handle some Administrative responsibilities in
the Canadian area. The Masked Pirate, Young,
Grateful Dead,
Suicidal Maniac, and Skyhigh are all here to gi
ve us some great
artwork to check out each month. Azrael came over from ACi
to share with us his amazing rips and to help out with Poop! From
the 516 area we gained Kronos from ACiD whos gonna be
contributing to our ansi department. Grave Digga formerly
MAG, who is also going to be giving us some great ansis to drewl
over. Indigestion ,Smooz, and Vandal
are all here to help kick
off our new VGA department! Village Idiot came over to hel
p out
with our couriering department as our new Administrative Courier.
And last but not least, Dreadnought from Assault, has came
use his writing skills to help us out as our staff writer. If you
want an article, he would be the guy to talk to.
5. Omega Redd was promoted to our new Global Administra
tor! Congrats
to him!
6. It seems that most groups look down upon releasing l
ogos with pics.
Well here at Nation we have some of the best Logo Artists in the
scene today. And we will continue to show off the great talent
we have under the Nation name by releasing logos with pics,
regardless of what anyone thinks. Because in my opinion an awesome
font can be just as cool as an awesome pic.
Ok, thats about it for this month. If you would like to get in
contact with any Nation member, we can be reached exclusively on
United Nations Net or the WHQ Death Row at 413-782-1851. See ya
around, thanks for supporting Nation and remember.. Ahh never mind.
Maestro El Presidente De Nation
Sociopath El Vice Presidente De Nation
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