this image contains text
maestro.. maestro.. hes sooo neat.. compared to
him you all stink like feet! + +
pretty pretty colors - m a
e s t r o s n a t i
o n g r a p h i c
s - colors
greetings and salutations all you diagnosed
holy cow!
maestro actually drew! maestro actually
sed his long awaited pack!! you are now witnessing
history in the making my friend
s! lets see, i guess
ill start off by explaining t
he origin of this pack so
that i may
eliminate any confusion do to its release.
there seems to be somewhat of a large misconcept
that anyone that draws an ansi is there
fore involved in
the a
nsi scene itself. a scene is a sphere of activity
which in the ansi scenes case, consis
ts largely of
elitism, anti-individualism, egotism, bashing, ragg
lying, childishness, and so much more that i no longer want any part of
pretty much made that clear in my goodbye letter. my friends, i have a
so why did i release this pack? hmm, good question. well lets
i recently decided with a little time management, i would be ab
le to
occasionally produce an ansi here and there small pics and logos howe
now, as many of you know, i am an extremely busy individual. which of c
would explain the oh so complexed system i have setup to aid my h
schedule.. i draw when i want to.. and when i do, theyll be going
my solo pack known as the nation extravaganza. no more groups for me
well to all of the diehard maestro supporters out there that enjoy m
y art
and find themselves captivated by my babbling, i dedicate this releas
e to
you. enjoy the pack you walking prostrates!
maestro na
features this month..
i actually drew you schmucks! What else do you want!
things to ponder.. death row and leave matrix feedback te
lling me the
t0T4l33 k-Ra mAN! n0W i aM k00L L1k3 eV3R330N3 eLZ3! el33tnEzz iZ gAY!
! bAH!
what makes your socks harden after wearing them for a few days?
why do farts sometimes not make a sound at all?
why the hell were my ansis in the union pack?
did you notice..
how lame all the mtv vjs are?
how much of a loser mca is? try and get some sun man
things you dont want to do..
put rubbing alcohol on your balls. Ugh.. Ill stop there..
frequently asked maestro questions..
is it true that you are gods gift to women?
is it true that not only are you an amazing ansi artist, but you also
can cook a mean burrito?
is it true that you are what some would call a god?
is it true that you once killed a man by ripping out his prostrate wi
your toes?
well, if you dont already know, death row has now changed its
name and
look. it is now called elixir and has been totally revamped by y
truly. i wont hype it up that much its rad! its the best board yo
ever call! because you all know im sure how good it is. however, i
tell you that you should definately give it a call, because withou
t a
little elixir in your life, you will be seriously deprived.
cool ansi dudes..
godspeed.. the guy is totally cool, he let me borrow his i
nternet shell
account just for the hell of it. hes a great artist with alot
potential. i talk to him every now and then and find him to be a v
down to earth dude.
chromatik.. another cool guy. he did elixir some great ansis
and seems to
be a pretty friendly kid. his art just plain rocks so check it out
upcoming blade packs. incidently, his board prayer is up, so call
eerie.. well contrary to some opinions i found on irc, eerie
seems to be
a pretty cool guy. as im sure alot of you have noticed, his art
more than exceptional he did a neato elixir ansi so the kids got to
cool! . hes got a new group in which he is prez called spastic.
check out the upcoming pack. his board is sarcastic toaster so do him
ansi or something after you do elixirs of course .
cardiac.. cardiac is one of the only guys on irc that
is actually
worth talking too. hes been around for quite some time now, and when
wants to he can dish out some pretty amazing ansis maybe one day i
ll get an elixir ansi from him
lord jazz.. now im sure you all know how much this guys
ansis rock
but one thing i found about lord jazz is
that he is also one of the coolest guys i have ever met while invol
in the ansi scene. hes not hung up on an ego trip and is always will
to help out. hes recently decided to leave the art group scene
start bleach. you definately should call his board huma, its gre
ok, thats all for now, if you werent listed that doesnt mean you
not cool, this is just starting to get lame..
if you get a chance, download the element packet. element is a n
ew net
which me and sociopath have founded. were going to keep it fairly sm
as far as bases go because too many times i see nets with over 20 ba
and only a few of them are active. however, we have no limit as to
amount of boards that may join. were looking for quality boards wh
will generate quality posts. so join now!
something to think about..
wouldnt it be interesting if every artist decided to do what i a
m doing
and release on their own? imagine it, tons of solo packs float
around everywhere. it would be great! no more spending an hour to d
l a
pack in which over 50 of the art is CRAP! ya see, this way, you c
choose whos art you want to see, because each artist would have his
pack. if youre a big maestro fan, you could just dl my pack. if
hate mcas art, you just wouldnt dl his pack. ya see? wow, i feel
revolution coming on! or a fit of hysterical laughter
currently, nation is solo.. which means, i am the only member.
dont send me applications for memberships or sites. well have none
that here! hmm, after i thought about it for a sec i decided it wou
be ok to have maybe a few.. so, welcome devils sin to nat
ion as my one
and only courier!!!!! hell like ul it to the internet and stuf
and if you run a cool board he might just ul it there too!
the maestro fan klub..
i am currently accepting members and boards for the maestro fan
dont be a fool and miss out on this chance of a lifetime! join today
one more thing..
elixir is ran on sociopaths computer..
another thing..
i hear all these stupid groups bragging about how much fun they
and how much cooler they are than everyone else. too them i say BAH!
him you all stink like feet! + +
pretty pretty colors - m a
e s t r o s n a t i
o n g r a p h i c
s - colors
greetings and salutations all you diagnosed
holy cow!
maestro actually drew! maestro actually
sed his long awaited pack!! you are now witnessing
history in the making my friend
s! lets see, i guess
ill start off by explaining t
he origin of this pack so
that i may
eliminate any confusion do to its release.
there seems to be somewhat of a large misconcept
that anyone that draws an ansi is there
fore involved in
the a
nsi scene itself. a scene is a sphere of activity
which in the ansi scenes case, consis
ts largely of
elitism, anti-individualism, egotism, bashing, ragg
lying, childishness, and so much more that i no longer want any part of
pretty much made that clear in my goodbye letter. my friends, i have a
so why did i release this pack? hmm, good question. well lets
i recently decided with a little time management, i would be ab
le to
occasionally produce an ansi here and there small pics and logos howe
now, as many of you know, i am an extremely busy individual. which of c
would explain the oh so complexed system i have setup to aid my h
schedule.. i draw when i want to.. and when i do, theyll be going
my solo pack known as the nation extravaganza. no more groups for me
well to all of the diehard maestro supporters out there that enjoy m
y art
and find themselves captivated by my babbling, i dedicate this releas
e to
you. enjoy the pack you walking prostrates!
maestro na
features this month..
i actually drew you schmucks! What else do you want!
things to ponder.. death row and leave matrix feedback te
lling me the
t0T4l33 k-Ra mAN! n0W i aM k00L L1k3 eV3R330N3 eLZ3! el33tnEzz iZ gAY!
! bAH!
what makes your socks harden after wearing them for a few days?
why do farts sometimes not make a sound at all?
why the hell were my ansis in the union pack?
did you notice..
how lame all the mtv vjs are?
how much of a loser mca is? try and get some sun man
things you dont want to do..
put rubbing alcohol on your balls. Ugh.. Ill stop there..
frequently asked maestro questions..
is it true that you are gods gift to women?
is it true that not only are you an amazing ansi artist, but you also
can cook a mean burrito?
is it true that you are what some would call a god?
is it true that you once killed a man by ripping out his prostrate wi
your toes?
well, if you dont already know, death row has now changed its
name and
look. it is now called elixir and has been totally revamped by y
truly. i wont hype it up that much its rad! its the best board yo
ever call! because you all know im sure how good it is. however, i
tell you that you should definately give it a call, because withou
t a
little elixir in your life, you will be seriously deprived.
cool ansi dudes..
godspeed.. the guy is totally cool, he let me borrow his i
nternet shell
account just for the hell of it. hes a great artist with alot
potential. i talk to him every now and then and find him to be a v
down to earth dude.
chromatik.. another cool guy. he did elixir some great ansis
and seems to
be a pretty friendly kid. his art just plain rocks so check it out
upcoming blade packs. incidently, his board prayer is up, so call
eerie.. well contrary to some opinions i found on irc, eerie
seems to be
a pretty cool guy. as im sure alot of you have noticed, his art
more than exceptional he did a neato elixir ansi so the kids got to
cool! . hes got a new group in which he is prez called spastic.
check out the upcoming pack. his board is sarcastic toaster so do him
ansi or something after you do elixirs of course .
cardiac.. cardiac is one of the only guys on irc that
is actually
worth talking too. hes been around for quite some time now, and when
wants to he can dish out some pretty amazing ansis maybe one day i
ll get an elixir ansi from him
lord jazz.. now im sure you all know how much this guys
ansis rock
but one thing i found about lord jazz is
that he is also one of the coolest guys i have ever met while invol
in the ansi scene. hes not hung up on an ego trip and is always will
to help out. hes recently decided to leave the art group scene
start bleach. you definately should call his board huma, its gre
ok, thats all for now, if you werent listed that doesnt mean you
not cool, this is just starting to get lame..
if you get a chance, download the element packet. element is a n
ew net
which me and sociopath have founded. were going to keep it fairly sm
as far as bases go because too many times i see nets with over 20 ba
and only a few of them are active. however, we have no limit as to
amount of boards that may join. were looking for quality boards wh
will generate quality posts. so join now!
something to think about..
wouldnt it be interesting if every artist decided to do what i a
m doing
and release on their own? imagine it, tons of solo packs float
around everywhere. it would be great! no more spending an hour to d
l a
pack in which over 50 of the art is CRAP! ya see, this way, you c
choose whos art you want to see, because each artist would have his
pack. if youre a big maestro fan, you could just dl my pack. if
hate mcas art, you just wouldnt dl his pack. ya see? wow, i feel
revolution coming on! or a fit of hysterical laughter
currently, nation is solo.. which means, i am the only member.
dont send me applications for memberships or sites. well have none
that here! hmm, after i thought about it for a sec i decided it wou
be ok to have maybe a few.. so, welcome devils sin to nat
ion as my one
and only courier!!!!! hell like ul it to the internet and stuf
and if you run a cool board he might just ul it there too!
the maestro fan klub..
i am currently accepting members and boards for the maestro fan
dont be a fool and miss out on this chance of a lifetime! join today
one more thing..
elixir is ran on sociopaths computer..
another thing..
i hear all these stupid groups bragging about how much fun they
and how much cooler they are than everyone else. too them i say BAH!
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