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nausia ansee produkskinz 1996 information
From the ashes of groups such as, gubbie,
nbn, fever, and many more comes the a new
art group started by a bunch of crazy ass
doodle boys who want to do something with
the slowly dieing art sceen.
Our goal for 96 is to make this one of the
tope 10 art groups in the sceen.
We are currently looking for as many good
members as we can get. Over the last few
weeks since I came up with the idea for
this group we have jumped from about 5-6
members to over 20+ members which is not
bad for a new group.
We are not a strict group. We do not try
to demand anything out of our artist.
The only thing we do ask is that you hand
in only quality art work to us. We arent
worried about quanity we want quality.
Here are the requirements for some of the
openings we have right now.
ansi artist - 1 pic, 2 logos a month
ascii artist - 3 logos a month
coder - only when needed
modder - 2 mods a month
vga - 1-2 pics a month, 1or more logos
We are also looking for an ansi coordinator
to help us find more quality doodle boys so
if you are interested e-mail me on the net
or call my baord.
Ok now that we have all that shit outa the
way well get to the good part. The release
date for the first pack will be jan 1st 96.
Please have all art turned in at least 3-4
days before that if you can.
If you would like to find out how to become
a nausia member board or distro site e-mail
me or call my board.
If I have missed you on the member listing
let me know a.s.a.p so I can fix it b4 we
put the pack out.
If you would like to request work you can do
so by calling any of the member boards and
sending one of the members mail or by sendin
me e-mail on the net.
If you have any questions or comments send me
mail at torture@gate.net
To call the Nausia whq call. 4o7.433.1473 but
after the first of the year the area code is
changing so do it soon.
the Nup for the whq is : punkindrublic
Welp thats about it for the info form and if
yer still reading this I guess you show some
interest in the groups so send at least one
sample pic and a logo along with any info you
want us to know about you to the whq.
genocyber.nausia.ink.wicked.del. etc etc
nausia ansee produkskinz 1996 information
From the ashes of groups such as, gubbie,
nbn, fever, and many more comes the a new
art group started by a bunch of crazy ass
doodle boys who want to do something with
the slowly dieing art sceen.
Our goal for 96 is to make this one of the
tope 10 art groups in the sceen.
We are currently looking for as many good
members as we can get. Over the last few
weeks since I came up with the idea for
this group we have jumped from about 5-6
members to over 20+ members which is not
bad for a new group.
We are not a strict group. We do not try
to demand anything out of our artist.
The only thing we do ask is that you hand
in only quality art work to us. We arent
worried about quanity we want quality.
Here are the requirements for some of the
openings we have right now.
ansi artist - 1 pic, 2 logos a month
ascii artist - 3 logos a month
coder - only when needed
modder - 2 mods a month
vga - 1-2 pics a month, 1or more logos
We are also looking for an ansi coordinator
to help us find more quality doodle boys so
if you are interested e-mail me on the net
or call my baord.
Ok now that we have all that shit outa the
way well get to the good part. The release
date for the first pack will be jan 1st 96.
Please have all art turned in at least 3-4
days before that if you can.
If you would like to find out how to become
a nausia member board or distro site e-mail
me or call my board.
If I have missed you on the member listing
let me know a.s.a.p so I can fix it b4 we
put the pack out.
If you would like to request work you can do
so by calling any of the member boards and
sending one of the members mail or by sendin
me e-mail on the net.
If you have any questions or comments send me
mail at torture@gate.net
To call the Nausia whq call. 4o7.433.1473 but
after the first of the year the area code is
changing so do it soon.
the Nup for the whq is : punkindrublic
Welp thats about it for the info form and if
yer still reading this I guess you show some
interest in the groups so send at least one
sample pic and a logo along with any info you
want us to know about you to the whq.
genocyber.nausia.ink.wicked.del. etc etc
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