this image contains text
Nitro is back for our third and final release. I would lik
e to thank the following for the last time: Fizban: T
hanks for all the help. Good luck wherever you are : Satan
s Jester: Thanks for couriering all the packs. Reaper: You
d be the workhorse. Thanks for everything. Thanatos: You we
re great when you were around. Dont lose what you already
have. Maestro: Kick ass with Nation. Phaser-X: I
didnt mean to go off on you on HM.. Good luck in Manifest.
Decker: I dont know what you did : but have a good one.
Nitro Sites: Thanks for helping us out. Hot Rod: How
ere my Lits? Not too bad I think for my first attempts. Te
chnophreak: Your an excellent artist.. Dont slack off.. Nem
esis: Well, you were here for about 2 weeks. Thanks.. Sceo:
Thanks for the Lits.. Just work on your color schemes : An
yone I forgot: Thanks.. :---
---- I want
to give a big fuck you to all those cut-throat ansi artists.
The scene is really beginning to flal apart. Why do you all have to
ruin it by bashing people you dont even know? So what if the group
sucks or whatever, keep it to yourself. In my opinion, Ansi Art is
just another hobby. No one in the scene is going to become a
Professional Ansi Artist. If you cant really enjoy drawing ansi
or writing literary, then dont do it. I wasnt around for long,
but for the time I was around, I could see this whole scene slipping
---- Thanks to all who supported us hah. We didn
t want to close
operations but we were getting nowhere. So, for the final time,
..Hammer Nitro Prez..
e to thank the following for the last time: Fizban: T
hanks for all the help. Good luck wherever you are : Satan
s Jester: Thanks for couriering all the packs. Reaper: You
d be the workhorse. Thanks for everything. Thanatos: You we
re great when you were around. Dont lose what you already
have. Maestro: Kick ass with Nation. Phaser-X: I
didnt mean to go off on you on HM.. Good luck in Manifest.
Decker: I dont know what you did : but have a good one.
Nitro Sites: Thanks for helping us out. Hot Rod: How
ere my Lits? Not too bad I think for my first attempts. Te
chnophreak: Your an excellent artist.. Dont slack off.. Nem
esis: Well, you were here for about 2 weeks. Thanks.. Sceo:
Thanks for the Lits.. Just work on your color schemes : An
yone I forgot: Thanks.. :---
---- I want
to give a big fuck you to all those cut-throat ansi artists.
The scene is really beginning to flal apart. Why do you all have to
ruin it by bashing people you dont even know? So what if the group
sucks or whatever, keep it to yourself. In my opinion, Ansi Art is
just another hobby. No one in the scene is going to become a
Professional Ansi Artist. If you cant really enjoy drawing ansi
or writing literary, then dont do it. I wasnt around for long,
but for the time I was around, I could see this whole scene slipping
---- Thanks to all who supported us hah. We didn
t want to close
operations but we were getting nowhere. So, for the final time,
..Hammer Nitro Prez..
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