this image contains text
-- t0AT, toat, tOAT, tUNA plus gOAT -- /
oO / ,x@!+.+.,@@ .,.,. o0 /
.---:: // /. : / !oO0 --.
:::feral aka tOAT presents something waCKY called a lOGO collECsHUN:::
- undenied error -
physical formulas
// e r r o r // fl
- undenied error -
/ / / / / / /fl/
operator: physical formula
- land of lettuce -
::: o f :::
- huma -
! /fl
--------- aWP: suicidal snowman s5 -------
- alpha centauri -
:/ / / / / / /fl
alpha centauri
- piranha -
- scum -
--fl / / / /--
- the gas chamber -
t h e
@ . / . /. /.
/fl / / / / / /
- chaotic reality -
/ / / / /fl / /
+-- sorry, me cant draw ys --+
- malpractice -
/ fl
m a l p r a c t i c e
- cenobite -
- legion -
/ / / / /fl
- incarcerated scarfaces -
* .@ .
- solace -
/----- / fl
awporatur - dreclipz
- shades of a shade -
of a
/ / / / fl/
- dragons lair -
rOAR! rOAR! wait... gRRR! gRRR! fIRE! rUN!
/ / / / / /fl/
: the place ran by some guy named spelljammer :
- hamster ereet irc script -
hamster ereet v1.2 or something by s1 soi : art by feral
- digital neurosis -
/ / ---- / ----- fl
--------------------------- digital neurosis -----------------------------
- empire 1 -
// /fl
couriers 1996 /
- empire 2 -
@ / /
---::::::::::::::::::::::: empire ::::::::::::::::::::::::::---
.,,., empire couriering 1996 ,.,,.
- solar temple -
- manifest destiny -
d e s t i n y
- manifest destiny -
// /fl
-- d e s t i n y --
- noname -
:::,. n o n a m e .,:::
- omega -
- epoch -
----------------- ep0ch -------------------fl
- tth -
- final notes and shtuff -
wow. i finally finished by 400line logo colly. this is my *first* one so
id presume my work is subpar or something. this was intended was airs
release, but i didnt want to draw a 500liner, so, i submitted this for
noname ascii. if you want a request, uhm.. ask me on irc or catch me on
any local 604 art boards. well, nothing more to say. byebye
i say hi to: cain, tikko, zero from 604, and some other people i know.
oO / ,x@!+.+.,@@ .,.,. o0 /
.---:: // /. : / !oO0 --.
:::feral aka tOAT presents something waCKY called a lOGO collECsHUN:::
- undenied error -
physical formulas
// e r r o r // fl
- undenied error -
/ / / / / / /fl/
operator: physical formula
- land of lettuce -
::: o f :::
- huma -
! /fl
--------- aWP: suicidal snowman s5 -------
- alpha centauri -
:/ / / / / / /fl
alpha centauri
- piranha -
- scum -
--fl / / / /--
- the gas chamber -
t h e
@ . / . /. /.
/fl / / / / / /
- chaotic reality -
/ / / / /fl / /
+-- sorry, me cant draw ys --+
- malpractice -
/ fl
m a l p r a c t i c e
- cenobite -
- legion -
/ / / / /fl
- incarcerated scarfaces -
* .@ .
- solace -
/----- / fl
awporatur - dreclipz
- shades of a shade -
of a
/ / / / fl/
- dragons lair -
rOAR! rOAR! wait... gRRR! gRRR! fIRE! rUN!
/ / / / / /fl/
: the place ran by some guy named spelljammer :
- hamster ereet irc script -
hamster ereet v1.2 or something by s1 soi : art by feral
- digital neurosis -
/ / ---- / ----- fl
--------------------------- digital neurosis -----------------------------
- empire 1 -
// /fl
couriers 1996 /
- empire 2 -
@ / /
---::::::::::::::::::::::: empire ::::::::::::::::::::::::::---
.,,., empire couriering 1996 ,.,,.
- solar temple -
- manifest destiny -
d e s t i n y
- manifest destiny -
// /fl
-- d e s t i n y --
- noname -
:::,. n o n a m e .,:::
- omega -
- epoch -
----------------- ep0ch -------------------fl
- tth -
- final notes and shtuff -
wow. i finally finished by 400line logo colly. this is my *first* one so
id presume my work is subpar or something. this was intended was airs
release, but i didnt want to draw a 500liner, so, i submitted this for
noname ascii. if you want a request, uhm.. ask me on irc or catch me on
any local 604 art boards. well, nothing more to say. byebye
i say hi to: cain, tikko, zero from 604, and some other people i know.
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