this image contains text
up 4ll j00 funky fr3h d4wgz fr0m d4 gh3tt0 with p3ntium/200? di b3
mouse, 0ffih3l 4it4nt t0 noname brand 0ffici4l p03r, mighty m0u3.
m3 b3 h3r3 t0 bitch 4b0ut d4 c3n3 lyk3 3v3ry1 3l3. d4 firt pr0b i d4t
ppl jut d0nt whin3 4b0ut 0p 3nuff 0n irc. j00 guy g0tt4 l34rn t0
c0mpl3t3ly fl00d d4 ch4nn3l with gimm3 0p, 0p m3, I w4nt 0p, 3tc...
n0n3 0f di 0nly 1 m34g3 3v3ry 5 3c0nd bullhit! d4t n0t 4ll d4tz
wr0ng wit irc. irc iz p4ck3d with 4ll j00 ph34r m3 cyb3r 3g0z n hit
wh3n j00 kn0w j0r jut 4 littl3 kid, ittin th3r3 with j0r fr3ckl3,
gl43, br4c3, 4nd right h4nd 0n y3r 2 12 y34r 0ld 0rry 3xcu3 f0r 4
dick. w3ll, n0t 4ll j00 4r3 kid... th3r3 i 4 c3rt4in m4n wh0 i r34lly
jut 4 50 y34r 0ld l03r h4nging 4r0und with kid, n0b0dy r34lly kn0w why,
but n0b0dy c4n 3xpl4in mich43l j4ck0n 3ith3r. but 4nyw4yz, th3 BIGG3T
pr0b with irc i d4t th3r3 jut 4r3nt 3n0ugh n3w gr0up p0pping up! Iv3
4lw4y 4id th4t W3 N33D M0R3 TINY HITTY GR0UP IN TH3 C3N3! int34d, 0nly
tw0 0r thr33 p0p up 3v3ry h0ur. wh4t wr0ng with y0u p30pl3! 34CH P3R0N
H4 T0 M4K3 HI 0WN GR0UP! th4t 4 l4w 0f th3 c3n3, d0nch4 kn0w?!
but 3v3ry0n3 kn0w d4t m4ll gr0up f4il. 4ll 3xc3pt noname brand 0f c0ur3.
4ww, fuck it.. th3 c3n3 uck, it h4 4lw4y uck3d, it 4lw4y will uck,
4nd p30pl3 will 4lw4y 4gr33 th4t it uck. 0 why 4r3 w3 4ll 0 4ctiv3 in
it? WH0 KN0W?! 4ll I kn0w i th4t if thi i th3 0nly w4y y0u kid c4n
build up 3lf 3t33m c4u3 j00r uch 4 l03r 0utid3 0f cyb3rp4c3, fin3!
with d4 0ffih3l noname brand p03r r3p0rt,
by the way, now that you see how annoying , 4, and 3s are instead of
s, a, and e... QUIT USING THEM! and this is actually serious....
mouse, 0ffih3l 4it4nt t0 noname brand 0ffici4l p03r, mighty m0u3.
m3 b3 h3r3 t0 bitch 4b0ut d4 c3n3 lyk3 3v3ry1 3l3. d4 firt pr0b i d4t
ppl jut d0nt whin3 4b0ut 0p 3nuff 0n irc. j00 guy g0tt4 l34rn t0
c0mpl3t3ly fl00d d4 ch4nn3l with gimm3 0p, 0p m3, I w4nt 0p, 3tc...
n0n3 0f di 0nly 1 m34g3 3v3ry 5 3c0nd bullhit! d4t n0t 4ll d4tz
wr0ng wit irc. irc iz p4ck3d with 4ll j00 ph34r m3 cyb3r 3g0z n hit
wh3n j00 kn0w j0r jut 4 littl3 kid, ittin th3r3 with j0r fr3ckl3,
gl43, br4c3, 4nd right h4nd 0n y3r 2 12 y34r 0ld 0rry 3xcu3 f0r 4
dick. w3ll, n0t 4ll j00 4r3 kid... th3r3 i 4 c3rt4in m4n wh0 i r34lly
jut 4 50 y34r 0ld l03r h4nging 4r0und with kid, n0b0dy r34lly kn0w why,
but n0b0dy c4n 3xpl4in mich43l j4ck0n 3ith3r. but 4nyw4yz, th3 BIGG3T
pr0b with irc i d4t th3r3 jut 4r3nt 3n0ugh n3w gr0up p0pping up! Iv3
4lw4y 4id th4t W3 N33D M0R3 TINY HITTY GR0UP IN TH3 C3N3! int34d, 0nly
tw0 0r thr33 p0p up 3v3ry h0ur. wh4t wr0ng with y0u p30pl3! 34CH P3R0N
H4 T0 M4K3 HI 0WN GR0UP! th4t 4 l4w 0f th3 c3n3, d0nch4 kn0w?!
but 3v3ry0n3 kn0w d4t m4ll gr0up f4il. 4ll 3xc3pt noname brand 0f c0ur3.
4ww, fuck it.. th3 c3n3 uck, it h4 4lw4y uck3d, it 4lw4y will uck,
4nd p30pl3 will 4lw4y 4gr33 th4t it uck. 0 why 4r3 w3 4ll 0 4ctiv3 in
it? WH0 KN0W?! 4ll I kn0w i th4t if thi i th3 0nly w4y y0u kid c4n
build up 3lf 3t33m c4u3 j00r uch 4 l03r 0utid3 0f cyb3rp4c3, fin3!
with d4 0ffih3l noname brand p03r r3p0rt,
by the way, now that you see how annoying , 4, and 3s are instead of
s, a, and e... QUIT USING THEM! and this is actually serious....
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