this image contains text
,gg********gp, .gg*********gp, ***gggg*********gp, gg***ggg
: :,gQQp ,gQp, :g********* ,gQp, :*gg***.
l: ll llo O :ll l :QQpp,, ll: l ll :lQ l
l: : :.,: l: l: l l: l: : l: ll l
:l 7: l : :ll,:ll l : ll,:
,d ,ll - Screwhead, l,llgJ, ,ll .gJ
,gQl :l: the friendly :l d*. ,dl :l lQp, ,p.
l,,d lion... Say hi. noname - lb,,dl: pm :
-- january 1st, 1997., cain had this to say..
good evening, its new years eve and im stuck at home with my parents, watchingdave clark or whatever his name is.. fucking shitty. meanwhile, its 1997 now,
and we here at noname would like to say the following noname brand ascii in
1997 - happy motherfucking new phear. were gonna remain maniacally supreme thisyear, and if we dont keep contending.. then my name is not negroid jones.
in light of newreturningleaving members.. we had a fucking hay day this month,cheg it to start it off, my good friend flame returns to the tribe, to kick
some flame stylee for us, now were not sure how much work hell have.. but itsdamn good to have him back., in other news, haji comes off the inactive list,
due to his quitting remorse ascii., defiant, an ascii pimp who moved over to us
from the recently semi-deceased s0ap rip, joined.. did one ascii, and decided
to leave.. because he felt ascii wasnt for him, thats ok bro, much love., also
d3mented, and skatter moved to us from s0ap rip to release their dopeness, oneproblem being the fact that i cant find d3mented.. ahh well, hell show up
eventually, they always do., the prodigy, a good bud of mine comes to us from
his own group, odelay.. good to have him around., and one last pimp caithor,
comes to us from his elite european scene, he does some nice, colored ascii,
cheg out his colly this month., ahh yes, one more tek, hes dope, no work this
month though a big shout out to all new and returning members!
umm, what else is there to talk about?.. ahh yes the pack . there is a few
things you should really take the time to look at, number 1 being the *.bins
that are being released this month, they are REALLY good., big ups to polymorph
and purify, the two swedes for drawing them . umm there really isnt much
going on this month with us, were just kicking ass. a couple things to look
for are my all-ascii board - the deep - ., should be up soon, and big ups to
necromancer by keeping bbss alive with his telnet board - back in the day -.,
good stuff there man. bah.
-- cain closed off, mind idling..
-- on january 1st, 1997., discyple had this to say..
To whom it may concern,
An ascii is a light, delicate pancake with a French name. It may
be sprinkled with sugar and a few drops of lemon juice, or encase an
unending variety of fillings.
Many great dishes evolve from simple beginnings. An appetizer
made from leftover ham, chicken or turkey tucked into an ascii, makes a
perfect beginning to a fine meal. Seafoods or vegetables may be incor-
porated into a sauce and spread into an ascii for a main course. A handful
of fresh fruit wrapped into an ascii and flamed with brandy will make a
spectacular ending to the finest dinner.
Ascii, blintzes and pancakes have evolved from many countries.
With scattered regions developing their own specialty, it is not surprising
that their name evokes a certain nostalgia that few other foods can match.
Not so long ago a wealthy Russian would dine on buckwheat blintzes filled
with black caviar and topped with sour cream the less affluent had red
caviar and the poor had a revolution -- but always there was ascii.
Serving ascii with three or four different fillings can be the
foundation of many a successful party. The fillings can be made ahead of
time and kept warm in chafing dishes, fondue pots or on warming trays.
Guests will often try their hand at making their own ascii, and at the end
of the evening you dont even have to wash the pots and pans. Toss a few
asciis around, and your reputation as a pimp is made forever. Certainly
nothing could be easier. Countless times I have seen people timorously
approach an ascii and discover that they too can be as theatrical and
flamboyant as the suavest Maitre d ascii pimp on the boardwalk!
With Love,
-- thank you discyple, your theories are much appreciated.
-- on january 1st, 1997., skatter had this to say..
This month was the month i finally joined noname! no i did not have to
do any sexual deeds for ca1n to get in anything anyone else tells you is a liE
Since i havent released since October this is by far, my largest release, and
logo-wise my best. noname is now in a big competition with remorse, consider-
-ing were pretty much the only two ascii groups left to fight with skill
wise. This has started long fights in ascii about who is the best.
A new thing has happened to noname.. it was, yes, occupied! Through
all this time noname has remained empty for all those noname lovers to wonder
where do they go?? Not even the noname artists knew what irc channel to go
to.. so they all sat idle wondering. So all you idlers can join noname now!
Our new bot is Septik who knows how long it will last but its there for
all to come poke and look at.
-- skatter fell asleep at the keyboard from boredom.
-- on january 1st, 1997.. savage dragon had this to say..
hi. i think an introduction is in order here. im savage dragon. ive been innoname since the start and nobody fuggin knows OR cares. just thought id drop
a friendly reminder.
anyways .. its been months since you last heard me bitch so .. i gotta lotta
woo that rhymes shit to complain about. hmm .. gotta think.
okay well .. anyways. history lesson for you. i used to be able to draw ascii
i wasnt too bad, but over the past 2 months i havent been able to do SHIT.
it has not been fun. i got ONE thing in this pack .. sorry but it took me
the whole month to do something semi-releasable. im back on track now though
discyple and cain wouldnt let me give it up. thank you. also .. i used to be
like .. a colour ascii freak. now it sucks.
SavgDrgn gimme something to complain about biznatch. i forget everything
you did to piss me off.
i just said that to cain. its 3:00 .. its new years day now i guess, hes
baked to shit, im half drunk and i only have 30 mins to write this damn thing
ca1n i dont care... you have 5 mins. starts NOW. ill release without you
i dont give a fuck. fuck man, im sick of this shit. HURRY THE FUCK UP I GOTTA GO PARTY SOME MORE.
ack .. i dont think hes too happy. ahh well .. fuckem. anyways .. next
month ill have more work I PROMISE ..... AND ill do the info earlier than
30 minutes before we release. my new years resolution or something. anyways
were bringin 97 in wif a bang. phear. happy new year. -- eh? check the
freestyle cain/discyple
year .. happy new phear. err .. argh .. fuckit. later.
your sincerely
savage dragon SENIOR STAFF
-- cain is kickin a member listin..
goddamnit mommy.. give me my koochee-cutters back.
l ll l l/ // //
. . / 3 /
c4 :........ . nOname.. . / :.............. . /
tO /
-- - -------- ---??------ - // :: : member list 01/97!!!
*** senior staff consists of., cain, discyple, savage dragon and spinsane
*** artists consist of., the ss guys, 4degrees, liquid s0ap, flame, erupt
c4nniabass, pixel pusha, mistaboom, the prodigy, rheostatic
polymorph, fear, pariah, midnight judge, haji, purify, risu
skatter, d3mented, caithor, purify, cyndicide, nahal, and -
*** alumni pimps consist of., polymorph and fear, our swedish friend
there ya go.. i love that ascii c4nn, its awesome
no site list, get the paq on g0at, cdrom.com, or from me ..
and so another month over.. and man, i feel like i forgot something again, this
is the sucky part of being a founder type.. you always feel as if youve forgot-ten something, oh well.. its all good, hope you enojy the pack.
-- im comatose for ascii to use here .. so live with it.
-- good night.
: :,gQQp ,gQp, :g********* ,gQp, :*gg***.
l: ll llo O :ll l :QQpp,, ll: l ll :lQ l
l: : :.,: l: l: l l: l: : l: ll l
:l 7: l : :ll,:ll l : ll,:
,d ,ll - Screwhead, l,llgJ, ,ll .gJ
,gQl :l: the friendly :l d*. ,dl :l lQp, ,p.
l,,d lion... Say hi. noname - lb,,dl: pm :
-- january 1st, 1997., cain had this to say..
good evening, its new years eve and im stuck at home with my parents, watchingdave clark or whatever his name is.. fucking shitty. meanwhile, its 1997 now,
and we here at noname would like to say the following noname brand ascii in
1997 - happy motherfucking new phear. were gonna remain maniacally supreme thisyear, and if we dont keep contending.. then my name is not negroid jones.
in light of newreturningleaving members.. we had a fucking hay day this month,cheg it to start it off, my good friend flame returns to the tribe, to kick
some flame stylee for us, now were not sure how much work hell have.. but itsdamn good to have him back., in other news, haji comes off the inactive list,
due to his quitting remorse ascii., defiant, an ascii pimp who moved over to us
from the recently semi-deceased s0ap rip, joined.. did one ascii, and decided
to leave.. because he felt ascii wasnt for him, thats ok bro, much love., also
d3mented, and skatter moved to us from s0ap rip to release their dopeness, oneproblem being the fact that i cant find d3mented.. ahh well, hell show up
eventually, they always do., the prodigy, a good bud of mine comes to us from
his own group, odelay.. good to have him around., and one last pimp caithor,
comes to us from his elite european scene, he does some nice, colored ascii,
cheg out his colly this month., ahh yes, one more tek, hes dope, no work this
month though a big shout out to all new and returning members!
umm, what else is there to talk about?.. ahh yes the pack . there is a few
things you should really take the time to look at, number 1 being the *.bins
that are being released this month, they are REALLY good., big ups to polymorph
and purify, the two swedes for drawing them . umm there really isnt much
going on this month with us, were just kicking ass. a couple things to look
for are my all-ascii board - the deep - ., should be up soon, and big ups to
necromancer by keeping bbss alive with his telnet board - back in the day -.,
good stuff there man. bah.
-- cain closed off, mind idling..
-- on january 1st, 1997., discyple had this to say..
To whom it may concern,
An ascii is a light, delicate pancake with a French name. It may
be sprinkled with sugar and a few drops of lemon juice, or encase an
unending variety of fillings.
Many great dishes evolve from simple beginnings. An appetizer
made from leftover ham, chicken or turkey tucked into an ascii, makes a
perfect beginning to a fine meal. Seafoods or vegetables may be incor-
porated into a sauce and spread into an ascii for a main course. A handful
of fresh fruit wrapped into an ascii and flamed with brandy will make a
spectacular ending to the finest dinner.
Ascii, blintzes and pancakes have evolved from many countries.
With scattered regions developing their own specialty, it is not surprising
that their name evokes a certain nostalgia that few other foods can match.
Not so long ago a wealthy Russian would dine on buckwheat blintzes filled
with black caviar and topped with sour cream the less affluent had red
caviar and the poor had a revolution -- but always there was ascii.
Serving ascii with three or four different fillings can be the
foundation of many a successful party. The fillings can be made ahead of
time and kept warm in chafing dishes, fondue pots or on warming trays.
Guests will often try their hand at making their own ascii, and at the end
of the evening you dont even have to wash the pots and pans. Toss a few
asciis around, and your reputation as a pimp is made forever. Certainly
nothing could be easier. Countless times I have seen people timorously
approach an ascii and discover that they too can be as theatrical and
flamboyant as the suavest Maitre d ascii pimp on the boardwalk!
With Love,
-- thank you discyple, your theories are much appreciated.
-- on january 1st, 1997., skatter had this to say..
This month was the month i finally joined noname! no i did not have to
do any sexual deeds for ca1n to get in anything anyone else tells you is a liE
Since i havent released since October this is by far, my largest release, and
logo-wise my best. noname is now in a big competition with remorse, consider-
-ing were pretty much the only two ascii groups left to fight with skill
wise. This has started long fights in ascii about who is the best.
A new thing has happened to noname.. it was, yes, occupied! Through
all this time noname has remained empty for all those noname lovers to wonder
where do they go?? Not even the noname artists knew what irc channel to go
to.. so they all sat idle wondering. So all you idlers can join noname now!
Our new bot is Septik who knows how long it will last but its there for
all to come poke and look at.
-- skatter fell asleep at the keyboard from boredom.
-- on january 1st, 1997.. savage dragon had this to say..
hi. i think an introduction is in order here. im savage dragon. ive been innoname since the start and nobody fuggin knows OR cares. just thought id drop
a friendly reminder.
anyways .. its been months since you last heard me bitch so .. i gotta lotta
woo that rhymes shit to complain about. hmm .. gotta think.
okay well .. anyways. history lesson for you. i used to be able to draw ascii
i wasnt too bad, but over the past 2 months i havent been able to do SHIT.
it has not been fun. i got ONE thing in this pack .. sorry but it took me
the whole month to do something semi-releasable. im back on track now though
discyple and cain wouldnt let me give it up. thank you. also .. i used to be
like .. a colour ascii freak. now it sucks.
SavgDrgn gimme something to complain about biznatch. i forget everything
you did to piss me off.
i just said that to cain. its 3:00 .. its new years day now i guess, hes
baked to shit, im half drunk and i only have 30 mins to write this damn thing
ca1n i dont care... you have 5 mins. starts NOW. ill release without you
i dont give a fuck. fuck man, im sick of this shit. HURRY THE FUCK UP I GOTTA GO PARTY SOME MORE.
ack .. i dont think hes too happy. ahh well .. fuckem. anyways .. next
month ill have more work I PROMISE ..... AND ill do the info earlier than
30 minutes before we release. my new years resolution or something. anyways
were bringin 97 in wif a bang. phear. happy new year. -- eh? check the
freestyle cain/discyple
year .. happy new phear. err .. argh .. fuckit. later.
your sincerely
savage dragon SENIOR STAFF
-- cain is kickin a member listin..
goddamnit mommy.. give me my koochee-cutters back.
l ll l l/ // //
. . / 3 /
c4 :........ . nOname.. . / :.............. . /
tO /
-- - -------- ---??------ - // :: : member list 01/97!!!
*** senior staff consists of., cain, discyple, savage dragon and spinsane
*** artists consist of., the ss guys, 4degrees, liquid s0ap, flame, erupt
c4nniabass, pixel pusha, mistaboom, the prodigy, rheostatic
polymorph, fear, pariah, midnight judge, haji, purify, risu
skatter, d3mented, caithor, purify, cyndicide, nahal, and -
*** alumni pimps consist of., polymorph and fear, our swedish friend
there ya go.. i love that ascii c4nn, its awesome
no site list, get the paq on g0at, cdrom.com, or from me ..
and so another month over.. and man, i feel like i forgot something again, this
is the sucky part of being a founder type.. you always feel as if youve forgot-ten something, oh well.. its all good, hope you enojy the pack.
-- im comatose for ascii to use here .. so live with it.
-- good night.
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