this image contains text
.xz. .z , . .
, . ,z ,zzz. z xz. ,z@ @z
,zz. ,zZz. oni
.z@ @z. z. z ,,z ,zzz...
,z z zzz.. ,zz. maybe this
.. . z ,.. z z s could be
.x..... . ... z. z, used as sa
zz , z. . y some sor
. . zz. z ,z. z t of pulld
.z .. . ,z...z z. own matrix
,, . , . ! , . z. ,z or menu or
, , z.zz,z z. ,z ,zzz z, or stats..
.z. ,z. , , dz z. ,
. ...zzzzzzzzzzzz
and there folks, is the reason that i dont use color..hrmm.. this one is pretty
tuff to read.. oh well.. says onix twice it also tells you that it says onix
twice+. oh well as acidic un as this is, my feet are getting cold.. /a.m,s/:
8u/+Ny//:wyZ?4n:y/0 ::/:?/YU:e/::r4:/DIE /DIE /DIE:+H1ghSyndicate99
, . ,z ,zzz. z xz. ,z@ @z
,zz. ,zZz. oni
.z@ @z. z. z ,,z ,zzz...
,z z zzz.. ,zz. maybe this
.. . z ,.. z z s could be
.x..... . ... z. z, used as sa
zz , z. . y some sor
. . zz. z ,z. z t of pulld
.z .. . ,z...z z. own matrix
,, . , . ! , . z. ,z or menu or
, , z.zz,z z. ,z ,zzz z, or stats..
.z. ,z. , , dz z. ,
. ...zzzzzzzzzzzz
and there folks, is the reason that i dont use color..hrmm.. this one is pretty
tuff to read.. oh well.. says onix twice it also tells you that it says onix
twice+. oh well as acidic un as this is, my feet are getting cold.. /a.m,s/:
8u/+Ny//:wyZ?4n:y/0 ::/:?/YU:e/::r4:/DIE /DIE /DIE:+H1ghSyndicate99
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