this image contains text
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P Q.
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.ss.. I b. .d I ..sDz.
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I . . I
. eNeRGy presents .
Our first artpack called
Check one, check... check one... DiZz is checkin da mike...
Yeah-yeah.... check me out... P
Whats up, ppl! :
So, I guess you wanna know, why such a strange name? Hehe
Well, its called so, cos we wanted to think of something
unusual about an artpacks name and I guess we did! Ok, now
a few words about the contents of this pack. It contains
some ansis by Dr. Dream, hirez by DeadEnd and KiLLaMAN and
of cos, some of my asciis : All right, now I wanna say a
few words about my works. As you can see, this info is drawn
in ascii and its drawn by me. : Do you like it? I hope you
do, cos its my best one. : Er...? What? Fed up with my
I stupid words? Hehe K. No problems. I wont bother you any I
! more... ummm... One more thing to say, ok? : Thanks, I just !
: wanna say... err... Please, dont jugde us to hard. : Its :
. first expirience... . .
: Hi, dudes! You are looking our first artpack! Its not so :
i good, as we wish, but we will try, work, practice.... drink i
I beer... So... Heh... Wait for our second artpack, it will be I
! more... beautiful! Be HaPPy! !
: DeadEnd :
i i
I censored DDD I
: Dr. Dream :
. Ekhm... Wed like to greet the following ppl... .
: Ummm...Why? Just for fun! :DDD :
i i
I Zombie Lead, Maverick, Jaydee Fantom, HaRD, Havoc I
Cold Shade, Programmer, Noob Saibot, Litil Divil
Angel, Cache, Nightingale, Manwe, Tangerine, LOiA
Zoisite, XPEh, tEr, EuGGiE, pirj, Imm0rtal, Jager
Dark Freddie, mUtANT, Mortimer McMire, GreenDrug
Treamz,.Louis Loubet.,Dr.No, Zox, HeadCrasher
I And other ppl who knows, loves and fuckes us up I
. ,PQ. .sSSs. .PQ, .
: .P?. :
b,. : .,d:.:NRG:.:b,. .,d
:: yy b.:c:.d yy :
:. ?syysP .
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P Q.
I . I
. I . ?. I
.ss.. I b. .d I ..sDz.
. . I I . .
i . . . . . . . i
I . . I
. eNeRGy presents .
Our first artpack called
Check one, check... check one... DiZz is checkin da mike...
Yeah-yeah.... check me out... P
Whats up, ppl! :
So, I guess you wanna know, why such a strange name? Hehe
Well, its called so, cos we wanted to think of something
unusual about an artpacks name and I guess we did! Ok, now
a few words about the contents of this pack. It contains
some ansis by Dr. Dream, hirez by DeadEnd and KiLLaMAN and
of cos, some of my asciis : All right, now I wanna say a
few words about my works. As you can see, this info is drawn
in ascii and its drawn by me. : Do you like it? I hope you
do, cos its my best one. : Er...? What? Fed up with my
I stupid words? Hehe K. No problems. I wont bother you any I
! more... ummm... One more thing to say, ok? : Thanks, I just !
: wanna say... err... Please, dont jugde us to hard. : Its :
. first expirience... . .
: Hi, dudes! You are looking our first artpack! Its not so :
i good, as we wish, but we will try, work, practice.... drink i
I beer... So... Heh... Wait for our second artpack, it will be I
! more... beautiful! Be HaPPy! !
: DeadEnd :
i i
I censored DDD I
: Dr. Dream :
. Ekhm... Wed like to greet the following ppl... .
: Ummm...Why? Just for fun! :DDD :
i i
I Zombie Lead, Maverick, Jaydee Fantom, HaRD, Havoc I
Cold Shade, Programmer, Noob Saibot, Litil Divil
Angel, Cache, Nightingale, Manwe, Tangerine, LOiA
Zoisite, XPEh, tEr, EuGGiE, pirj, Imm0rtal, Jager
Dark Freddie, mUtANT, Mortimer McMire, GreenDrug
Treamz,.Louis Loubet.,Dr.No, Zox, HeadCrasher
I And other ppl who knows, loves and fuckes us up I
. ,PQ. .sSSs. .PQ, .
: .P?. :
b,. : .,d:.:NRG:.:b,. .,d
:: yy b.:c:.d yy :
:. ?syysP .
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