this image contains text
.*tSSt*. .*S. .S*. .*SS*.
S88S: :S88S S8 :
t*SSS8SSS*88SS SS888 j
SSS8SSS .. S888SS SS88S .. S8st*
:SS88SS: :SS88SS: :SS88SS: :SS8 :
S88S S88S S88S S8d
. .,ydbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,.
: -*tSSt*-- -
.*SS*. *tSSt**tSSt*
S8 :
8 j ...checkin da mikec
.SSS8 .:: Yo, dewd, tell us whatcha see? Yeeeaaah maaan,
:SS8 :.. you absolutely right! Itza nrgs second artpack
SS8 : called THE TEARDROP. Yeah.... k. k,k,k, man. :
S8d Enough of that kewl black English, lets get
. down to bussines. Here are some words from each
. .:: who made this pack, so... here you are:
S88S: :S88S DiZz:
88SS SS88
S888SS SS88S Khe, so, first of all, Id like to say
.SSS8SSSSSSSS8SS. that Im getting better I guess : Nah,
:SS88SS: :SS8SS: I didt mean that I was ill, I meant that
SS88SS SS8SS my works are getting better... ah.. shit.
S88S S88S sux. I dony know what to say.. um....
So, in this pack youll find one very
. . interesting file, its d2-colly.txt You
: :: know what the fuck is that? heh.. thats
.*S. . my first steps on the way to an oldschool. :
S8 b Unfortunately I still didnt developed my
8 . own style in OS, so youll see a lot of
S8 logos in different style... hm.. Just tried
.SS8 to find myself. khe... about newschool
:SS8: ones... mmm... nice stuff. Checkem out
SS8 and say to yourself yeah, that mans kewl
S8j7 hehe... !!! I FORGOT! Forgot to tell you
one thing. That file... d2-marin.asc. Its
. kinda the main ascii pic in this pack.. hm...
: *T* what else... ENJOY, DAMN YOU! :
S88SSS 4
88SSS 4 Dr. Dream:
.SSS8SSS. Well. No more AcidDraw, I have Linux, house
:SS88SSS: in the country, and there are a log of GIRLS
SS88SS on the streets of my lovely city! AcidDraw e?
S88S Wtf does it means? :o I hate it censored
censored censored censored oh nasty!
: : PS: In August 99 Im gonna digitize a video
*SS* about summer, created by me and my friend
888 888 renn. : Well, it will be kewlio!
88S S88
8SSS: :SSS8 DeadEnd:
88S S88 Heiz, dudes! What do you think about our second
88 88/ artpack? It sucks? Heh, oki! But, plz, give us
*S**S* a chance, and we will make something better. Oh..
. Wait... Only one demand! If youd like to tell us
: something - do it without any bullshit!
S88SS S8
S88SS S8
.SSS88SS dS7 No art from me Bsw here couse he is making
:SS88SS: stuff for evil Im studing 3D MAX now. Thats
SS88SS why we have no free time. I hope that well do
S88S something for third pack.
S88S: :S88S S8 :
t*SSS8SSS*88SS SS888 j
SSS8SSS .. S888SS SS88S .. S8st*
:SS88SS: :SS88SS: :SS88SS: :SS8 :
S88S S88S S88S S8d
. .,ydbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,.
: -*tSSt*-- -
.*SS*. *tSSt**tSSt*
S8 :
8 j ...checkin da mikec
.SSS8 .:: Yo, dewd, tell us whatcha see? Yeeeaaah maaan,
:SS8 :.. you absolutely right! Itza nrgs second artpack
SS8 : called THE TEARDROP. Yeah.... k. k,k,k, man. :
S8d Enough of that kewl black English, lets get
. down to bussines. Here are some words from each
. .:: who made this pack, so... here you are:
S88S: :S88S DiZz:
88SS SS88
S888SS SS88S Khe, so, first of all, Id like to say
.SSS8SSSSSSSS8SS. that Im getting better I guess : Nah,
:SS88SS: :SS8SS: I didt mean that I was ill, I meant that
SS88SS SS8SS my works are getting better... ah.. shit.
S88S S88S sux. I dony know what to say.. um....
So, in this pack youll find one very
. . interesting file, its d2-colly.txt You
: :: know what the fuck is that? heh.. thats
.*S. . my first steps on the way to an oldschool. :
S8 b Unfortunately I still didnt developed my
8 . own style in OS, so youll see a lot of
S8 logos in different style... hm.. Just tried
.SS8 to find myself. khe... about newschool
:SS8: ones... mmm... nice stuff. Checkem out
SS8 and say to yourself yeah, that mans kewl
S8j7 hehe... !!! I FORGOT! Forgot to tell you
one thing. That file... d2-marin.asc. Its
. kinda the main ascii pic in this pack.. hm...
: *T* what else... ENJOY, DAMN YOU! :
S88SSS 4
88SSS 4 Dr. Dream:
.SSS8SSS. Well. No more AcidDraw, I have Linux, house
:SS88SSS: in the country, and there are a log of GIRLS
SS88SS on the streets of my lovely city! AcidDraw e?
S88S Wtf does it means? :o I hate it censored
censored censored censored oh nasty!
: : PS: In August 99 Im gonna digitize a video
*SS* about summer, created by me and my friend
888 888 renn. : Well, it will be kewlio!
88S S88
8SSS: :SSS8 DeadEnd:
88S S88 Heiz, dudes! What do you think about our second
88 88/ artpack? It sucks? Heh, oki! But, plz, give us
*S**S* a chance, and we will make something better. Oh..
. Wait... Only one demand! If youd like to tell us
: something - do it without any bullshit!
S88SS S8
S88SS S8
.SSS88SS dS7 No art from me Bsw here couse he is making
:SS88SS: stuff for evil Im studing 3D MAX now. Thats
SS88SS why we have no free time. I hope that well do
S88S something for third pack.
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