this image contains text
.aa a a@@ a
a april 1996 - oasis
information file - written by cain
!P P!
.ss ....,,,cccc
ssaann1 general news -,..
well, another month goes by.. and here we are, releasing what is
supposed to be
the third sand acquisition, but is going to be oasis 01.. yes, we
renamed the
group to oasis. we changed our format around, got rid of some ar
tists, gained
some new artists, had some guests to the paq.. overall it has be
en pretty fin
hectic. so we start over again . so lets get down to it.
bullshit -,..
the bullshit we have been through?.. well fuq, i guess i need ano
ther 1000 linesor so. first off, i get watched everywhere
i go hi pj!.. aOp the whq is back
up and looking pretty fucking eleet, we are waiting for that firs
t flood release to see what we are up against.. my compute
rs memory is all fuqed up, tempus gotrid of the PUPPET vir
us piece of fucking shit, when i fin dout who the
@ putthat out, im gonna kill you!.. i
did too.. see what i mean by bullshit?.. no
offense there flood, nuff respect due this is just to
make our info file look
more elite then anyone elses.. anymore bullshit?.. hmm i dont th
ink so, if i
missed some shit.. tell me.. i will put it in next month.
new membahz and guest appearences -,..
we had a lot of people go, and a LOT of people join.. among the n
ew members are
frostbyte.. he is a new skool ascii artist and he does
wicked shitz, random..
an ascii pic artist, jOhnny prOphet.. this guys does f
ucking everything, gOhan..an ansi pic and lohgo
artist, and transfighter.. an awesome newold
skool ascii
artist. lets welcome the new wave into the group. also this mon
th we had some artists guest with us, among those are
white trash cancer, lord o
f illusions
rile, blind prez, hiro protagonist
tRANK, quad-p prez.. he also offered to
be the oasis saskatchewan outpost.. yes, modemland/2
special thanks to him,
also blatz basic,fire gave us some shitz,
outta respekt.. also we welcome
spear after a while of talking him into it, he joined
.. yet another joiner
is bamboozler s0ap.. he brings to us some
skill in the scene, he sits in a
senior position.
greetz and insults, bashing loozers and shit -
ooo.. this should be fun, first of all we wanna throw some groups
greets out to
basic, cancer, and apathy.. you
guyz gave some of our artists a reason to stick
around. now!? the bashing part.. sheeit.. my mammy sayz dont do
that, so i
guess i will just say phuck off to everyone who doubted us, and e
veryone who do-ubted me.. and all that shit.. we are out t
o have phun and nothing but fun, so
just sit back and leave us be, and hey!.. we could still use your
presence rheo... thats enough for this shit.
internet information!? -,..
well, this wont be much of a topic but, we will have the packs on
arpeggio everymonth from now on.. we will rele
ase them on irc in ansi, and maybe well start
a oasis, hold it, i tried that.. someone has
that channel, hmm maybe we will
call it 04515, hah.. who knows, more info on that nex
t month.. otherwise we
will set up a solid internet web page and all that other fucking
shit at a laterdate, we dont have the artist yet.. anywayz
, thats about enough shit on this.
applicants information -,..
if you want to app to oasis, get a hold of us on the ashes
of peril, maSs diSt-
ortion, or anywhere else you find a senior.. you shoul
d see a new app program
soon, but for now.. just zip up a file with your name, alias, two
letter abrrev.and 3 pieces of whork.. and get it to us so
mehow, until then.. peace.
. . tempus hellfire - oasis founder nu
mbah uno . cain - oasis founder numbah
.sss. .ss1nnaasscccc,,,....
oasis productions 1996 ....,,,ccccssaann
written by cain
a april 1996 - oasis
information file - written by cain
!P P!
.ss ....,,,cccc
ssaann1 general news -,..
well, another month goes by.. and here we are, releasing what is
supposed to be
the third sand acquisition, but is going to be oasis 01.. yes, we
renamed the
group to oasis. we changed our format around, got rid of some ar
tists, gained
some new artists, had some guests to the paq.. overall it has be
en pretty fin
hectic. so we start over again . so lets get down to it.
bullshit -,..
the bullshit we have been through?.. well fuq, i guess i need ano
ther 1000 linesor so. first off, i get watched everywhere
i go hi pj!.. aOp the whq is back
up and looking pretty fucking eleet, we are waiting for that firs
t flood release to see what we are up against.. my compute
rs memory is all fuqed up, tempus gotrid of the PUPPET vir
us piece of fucking shit, when i fin dout who the
@ putthat out, im gonna kill you!.. i
did too.. see what i mean by bullshit?.. no
offense there flood, nuff respect due this is just to
make our info file look
more elite then anyone elses.. anymore bullshit?.. hmm i dont th
ink so, if i
missed some shit.. tell me.. i will put it in next month.
new membahz and guest appearences -,..
we had a lot of people go, and a LOT of people join.. among the n
ew members are
frostbyte.. he is a new skool ascii artist and he does
wicked shitz, random..
an ascii pic artist, jOhnny prOphet.. this guys does f
ucking everything, gOhan..an ansi pic and lohgo
artist, and transfighter.. an awesome newold
skool ascii
artist. lets welcome the new wave into the group. also this mon
th we had some artists guest with us, among those are
white trash cancer, lord o
f illusions
rile, blind prez, hiro protagonist
tRANK, quad-p prez.. he also offered to
be the oasis saskatchewan outpost.. yes, modemland/2
special thanks to him,
also blatz basic,fire gave us some shitz,
outta respekt.. also we welcome
spear after a while of talking him into it, he joined
.. yet another joiner
is bamboozler s0ap.. he brings to us some
skill in the scene, he sits in a
senior position.
greetz and insults, bashing loozers and shit -
ooo.. this should be fun, first of all we wanna throw some groups
greets out to
basic, cancer, and apathy.. you
guyz gave some of our artists a reason to stick
around. now!? the bashing part.. sheeit.. my mammy sayz dont do
that, so i
guess i will just say phuck off to everyone who doubted us, and e
veryone who do-ubted me.. and all that shit.. we are out t
o have phun and nothing but fun, so
just sit back and leave us be, and hey!.. we could still use your
presence rheo... thats enough for this shit.
internet information!? -,..
well, this wont be much of a topic but, we will have the packs on
arpeggio everymonth from now on.. we will rele
ase them on irc in ansi, and maybe well start
a oasis, hold it, i tried that.. someone has
that channel, hmm maybe we will
call it 04515, hah.. who knows, more info on that nex
t month.. otherwise we
will set up a solid internet web page and all that other fucking
shit at a laterdate, we dont have the artist yet.. anywayz
, thats about enough shit on this.
applicants information -,..
if you want to app to oasis, get a hold of us on the ashes
of peril, maSs diSt-
ortion, or anywhere else you find a senior.. you shoul
d see a new app program
soon, but for now.. just zip up a file with your name, alias, two
letter abrrev.and 3 pieces of whork.. and get it to us so
mehow, until then.. peace.
. . tempus hellfire - oasis founder nu
mbah uno . cain - oasis founder numbah
.sss. .ss1nnaasscccc,,,....
oasis productions 1996 ....,,,ccccssaann
written by cain
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