this image contains text
. ,,,.. d. I hath seen a land beyond the reach
es of comprehension
47 4b.
4b. .,db,. yy
yy 4dyy47
4b. .,d ,t. 4
b,. 47**b,. 4yy
7 .,db,. ,d7.......
........ 47 j:
.,d74 gpqy*dUU7,d4
74b,. 7 P4.,d7
4 yy,d7 7.
,d ,d7 .,db.d7
.,d4b,. 4b. ...
,d7 47
4.,d7 4b. :iii ,d7
,d7 t
: ,.,d7., i111 4b.
,dP47 1.,. .,. .,. .,. 1.,.
4uuuu7 4b.1 ,d7 l:1a
111a111 l11
7 !! :: 1l 1l ll 1l l1
:l :l l1
.. ll :l :: l: : l: : :l
l: :
zerobO mb...
wanna get involved with the zERObOMB project? Fi
rst... some info. zerobomb is a paper z
ine Im writing. Its going to deal with the
art scene, music, and any other thing I feel like pu
tting in. Im
primarily writing it, but if you have anything youd
like to have
shown around, ie art, poetry, articles, what have yo
u, drop me an
email at LOSER@DARK.TOR250.ORG... suggestio
ns for features would
also be cool, and promotional work would be welcomed
- LOSER zerObOmb!
es of comprehension
47 4b.
4b. .,db,. yy
yy 4dyy47
4b. .,d ,t. 4
b,. 47**b,. 4yy
7 .,db,. ,d7.......
........ 47 j:
.,d74 gpqy*dUU7,d4
74b,. 7 P4.,d7
4 yy,d7 7.
,d ,d7 .,db.d7
.,d4b,. 4b. ...
,d7 47
4.,d7 4b. :iii ,d7
,d7 t
: ,.,d7., i111 4b.
,dP47 1.,. .,. .,. .,. 1.,.
4uuuu7 4b.1 ,d7 l:1a
111a111 l11
7 !! :: 1l 1l ll 1l l1
:l :l l1
.. ll :l :: l: : l: : :l
l: :
zerobO mb...
wanna get involved with the zERObOMB project? Fi
rst... some info. zerobomb is a paper z
ine Im writing. Its going to deal with the
art scene, music, and any other thing I feel like pu
tting in. Im
primarily writing it, but if you have anything youd
like to have
shown around, ie art, poetry, articles, what have yo
u, drop me an
email at LOSER@DARK.TOR250.ORG... suggestio
ns for features would
also be cool, and promotional work would be welcomed
- LOSER zerObOmb!
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