this image contains text
. .,d .
da,.,a11,. .,4,
b , b 11 b, .
aP d aP .. ! ,
. a, 11 . . :
b,11 11 ,11 i
11 .. . .,ad11 aa . .,aa,. .
.. . . P b P
. . .. P
. 11 .,,d, .,d a. ad kleenex,
. 11 7 , dripping with
d ! b ggg odelay.
b. . .,dP ,.
a,.,gggg aP .
a b,
.,db 11a,. ., . .
a,. 11 ..,gggg ..
., ba,. .. .,gggg 11
ba,. . . . a b d1
ad b. .aP a.
! b , ,
. aP , 7
. gggg
. 4
*** Odelay newsletter for October 1996
Greetings and salutations, ascii enthusiasts. Welcome to Odelay pack 03. Pack
three has the dubious distinction of being the pack that, after that release,
a lot of new groups crumble. Well, even with the generally lousy timing of the
start of school, the group looks about as strong as ever, and I have no plans
to pack in the group now. Ill go into why a bit later, but I have some mildly
more interesting news well, not really. Kleenex finished up the app! Its an
all text app this month, but I will take some initiative next month and ask a
coder guy to code it up for me. Props to KL for doing so, cause I dont think
Id have had the mental focus read: working brain cells to type up the text.
*** member activity
Im happy to say I coerced a few more people to join. Dieznyik, of like, every
group known to man at some point or another, has hooked up with us. That just
goes to show you what a rifle, a six-pack and a dream can do. and no, I dont
have a clue what Im talking about. Eipr0mb, formerly Krone, has returned to
the scene, and actually asked me to join. gASP. Mart from Israel also joined.
Hes one of the neatest oldschool artists Ive seen in a while. Cerexenz came
back. Apparently he didnt know he was in the group. shrug
On a sad note, The Red Death has left to persue a career in the promising and
expanding field of proctology. Actually, he just left cause he needed a change
from the humdrum of the artscene. I wish him the best of luck wherever he goes
even though he told me he was in some other group but like, I forgot which, as
well as the fact I didnt care. Kannibalistik... I dont know what the hell
is going on with him. Apparently he got an 170 phone bill and isnt really at
liberty to contact me. Hes still a member though, as nobodys confirmed that
hes left the scene or what.
*** group news
Uh, nothing important happened. Well, nobody told me anything that was of any
real relevace to the group. Except the app. But I talked about that already. I
dont think Im going to write info files anymore, and we can be like the old,
good Legend. I guess.
And apparently, everyone who posts frequently in the Odelay bases on MM really
digs Goodie Mob. jesus fucking christ, this is like the saddest info file in
the history of the art scene.
*** application
Look at the app. now that we have one, the info file writes itself!
*** anger!!@
Oh yeah, please forgive the lateness of this pack. It was due to a lot of real
stupid ass things, caused mostly by my parents. I swear this will NEVER happen
*** the end
Thats it. Email me at LOSER@DARK.TOR250.ORG if you want to get in touch. Uhm,
I hope you enjoyed the pack. And Im never writing this damn thing again.
- Loser Odelay SS
. .,d .
da,.,a11,. .,4,
b , b 11 b, .
aP d aP .. ! ,
. a, 11 . . :
b,11 11 ,11 i
11 .. . .,ad11 aa . .,aa,. .
.. . . P b P
. . .. P
. 11 .,,d, .,d a. ad kleenex,
. 11 7 , dripping with
d ! b ggg odelay.
b. . .,dP ,.
a,.,gggg aP .
a b,
.,db 11a,. ., . .
a,. 11 ..,gggg ..
., ba,. .. .,gggg 11
ba,. . . . a b d1
ad b. .aP a.
! b , ,
. aP , 7
. gggg
. 4
*** Odelay newsletter for October 1996
Greetings and salutations, ascii enthusiasts. Welcome to Odelay pack 03. Pack
three has the dubious distinction of being the pack that, after that release,
a lot of new groups crumble. Well, even with the generally lousy timing of the
start of school, the group looks about as strong as ever, and I have no plans
to pack in the group now. Ill go into why a bit later, but I have some mildly
more interesting news well, not really. Kleenex finished up the app! Its an
all text app this month, but I will take some initiative next month and ask a
coder guy to code it up for me. Props to KL for doing so, cause I dont think
Id have had the mental focus read: working brain cells to type up the text.
*** member activity
Im happy to say I coerced a few more people to join. Dieznyik, of like, every
group known to man at some point or another, has hooked up with us. That just
goes to show you what a rifle, a six-pack and a dream can do. and no, I dont
have a clue what Im talking about. Eipr0mb, formerly Krone, has returned to
the scene, and actually asked me to join. gASP. Mart from Israel also joined.
Hes one of the neatest oldschool artists Ive seen in a while. Cerexenz came
back. Apparently he didnt know he was in the group. shrug
On a sad note, The Red Death has left to persue a career in the promising and
expanding field of proctology. Actually, he just left cause he needed a change
from the humdrum of the artscene. I wish him the best of luck wherever he goes
even though he told me he was in some other group but like, I forgot which, as
well as the fact I didnt care. Kannibalistik... I dont know what the hell
is going on with him. Apparently he got an 170 phone bill and isnt really at
liberty to contact me. Hes still a member though, as nobodys confirmed that
hes left the scene or what.
*** group news
Uh, nothing important happened. Well, nobody told me anything that was of any
real relevace to the group. Except the app. But I talked about that already. I
dont think Im going to write info files anymore, and we can be like the old,
good Legend. I guess.
And apparently, everyone who posts frequently in the Odelay bases on MM really
digs Goodie Mob. jesus fucking christ, this is like the saddest info file in
the history of the art scene.
*** application
Look at the app. now that we have one, the info file writes itself!
*** anger!!@
Oh yeah, please forgive the lateness of this pack. It was due to a lot of real
stupid ass things, caused mostly by my parents. I swear this will NEVER happen
*** the end
Thats it. Email me at LOSER@DARK.TOR250.ORG if you want to get in touch. Uhm,
I hope you enjoyed the pack. And Im never writing this damn thing again.
- Loser Odelay SS
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