this image contains text
: ,.. : :il8l:: : : ::lll88lii: ::888ll :lll8:: : ::ll8 :il8l : :::lll88 :: ::ii8llii : ::illi:88 : il8 dP il Yb : ::lll8 ll88: i 4l iill 4Y 4 :ll
yyyyyyyyyy : yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyy : : l . . . .
n. . . .,yySSSSyyn. :: : 4yyyyy .. ... . . . ,d .,,yyyy,,.. :: : :: db. . .. . l. SyyS .: ,47 ::::: . Y :.. . ..: .:: . ,47 .. . . ,d SSSS.d7 :l8l: 4, : ,47 ,d .
7 :l88li: 4b. ,47 .,yS88Sy,. l .7 4887 4.y. 4b. ,l. :: ,4 sy,,yl : 4b. 4s,. ,4 ll:i b. 4b. YP l 4b l il8l .:lb. Yb. SS 4 7 4 :::ll. SSSyy,,. dANCE!@ 4 . :::ll8 lSyyySY
yyyyyyyy. ,d :::ll8 lS
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b..d :::ll8 :l ,4SSyy :::ll8 ll ,4 :::ll8 ll ,47 :::l8 ,ys.SSSl :4
:::l ,4Sys,.4 ,ySSSy,
:.. .. .:.. ::: ,4P y
:l8SHADE :: ,47 :
:.. . . . ,47 :
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.. 4b. ::
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. :l
. .,yS8Sy,.
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1 il ,44
: :: ,44
YP ,44
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:Y ::.. . . . .. ..... . .
l , .. . . .... . . :: :
: Slam City
:: ::Affils and stuff
,yySSSSSS. :
: . . .. .. . ... . . . :YYb.
:: 4b.
:: 4b.
:: 4b.
l . 4
4 ly,.
yy Sy.
.,yS88Sy,. d7
::::l74 ,
,l b.
yyyyyy ,d7yyy
4:::::::7 4b. yyyyyyy lyyyy 4:::
yyyy yyyyyy l : ,dii7
4l ,::::yyyyy l llyyyy
SSSyyySllllyyyyySSSuuuu: :888
8888 SSS ,db.4SyyyS
yyyy :
--- slam city ------------------------------------------------------------------
yeah.. fuck it.. i cant remember who its for.. but its for slam city.
greets: cheese not the artist.. the food product, the whole dairy section
bacon, the ever loving soy milk, the 3 year old can of apple juice
I found in my basement the other day, that freezie thats been sitting
in my freezer for over a year, my mouse pad, the computer i broke
in my keyboarding class, the computer someone else broke in my
keyboarding class, the swimming pool in which i pissed in from the
ledge when i was 6, my underwear.. you cant forget that, uhm..
the konf kall krew as neil puts it, my desk in which i cut my leg on
that tape case that im stepping on, and last but not least
me.. for without me.. i wouldnt be here..
yyyyyyyyyy : yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyy : : l . . . .
n. . . .,yySSSSyyn. :: : 4yyyyy .. ... . . . ,d .,,yyyy,,.. :: : :: db. . .. . l. SyyS .: ,47 ::::: . Y :.. . ..: .:: . ,47 .. . . ,d SSSS.d7 :l8l: 4, : ,47 ,d .
7 :l88li: 4b. ,47 .,yS88Sy,. l .7 4887 4.y. 4b. ,l. :: ,4 sy,,yl : 4b. 4s,. ,4 ll:i b. 4b. YP l 4b l il8l .:lb. Yb. SS 4 7 4 :::ll. SSSyy,,. dANCE!@ 4 . :::ll8 lSyyySY
yyyyyyyy. ,d :::ll8 lS
b. ,d :::ll8 l
b..d :::ll8 :l ,4SSyy :::ll8 ll ,4 :::ll8 ll ,47 :::l8 ,ys.SSSl :4
:::l ,4Sys,.4 ,ySSSy,
:.. .. .:.. ::: ,4P y
:l8SHADE :: ,47 :
:.. . . . ,47 :
: . . .4b. :l
. , :.. . . ...:. 4b.
.. 4b. ::
. :.. . ...: ... .. 4b.
. :l
. .,yS8Sy,.
yS .db. :l
1 il ,44
: :: ,44
YP ,44
SS ,44
Sy,,.. ,44
:Y ::.. . . . .. ..... . .
l , .. . . .... . . :: :
: Slam City
:: ::Affils and stuff
,yySSSSSS. :
: . . .. .. . ... . . . :YYb.
:: 4b.
:: 4b.
:: 4b.
l . 4
4 ly,.
yy Sy.
.,yS88Sy,. d7
::::l74 ,
,l b.
yyyyyy ,d7yyy
4:::::::7 4b. yyyyyyy lyyyy 4:::
yyyy yyyyyy l : ,dii7
4l ,::::yyyyy l llyyyy
SSSyyySllllyyyyySSSuuuu: :888
8888 SSS ,db.4SyyyS
yyyy :
--- slam city ------------------------------------------------------------------
yeah.. fuck it.. i cant remember who its for.. but its for slam city.
greets: cheese not the artist.. the food product, the whole dairy section
bacon, the ever loving soy milk, the 3 year old can of apple juice
I found in my basement the other day, that freezie thats been sitting
in my freezer for over a year, my mouse pad, the computer i broke
in my keyboarding class, the computer someone else broke in my
keyboarding class, the swimming pool in which i pissed in from the
ledge when i was 6, my underwear.. you cant forget that, uhm..
the konf kall krew as neil puts it, my desk in which i cut my leg on
that tape case that im stepping on, and last but not least
me.. for without me.. i wouldnt be here..
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