this image contains text
god created man. man created machine. jesus, being a physical manifestation of god, died at the hands of his creations. what fate waits for we, the humans?
yyyyyyyyyp .d l yyyyyyyyyyyyyyp. qyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
.d 4b.88
p,. .dPl. .l yyyyyyyyyp.4b. *mmmmmmmqyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy
.dP 4yP 4byyyyyyyy
4b ,p,. 4b
1: l
Pb. ,,,,,dP ...,dP
dp, 4b. ,p,. .dP
: 88 .dP4b 4by .dP
yyy yyyyyp .dP :l 1: yyyyyyp.4 yyyyyyyyyyyy dP .
.dP 4bdP 4 P .d
b. 4b,..dP.db. .,qyyyyyypm**mqyyyyyy .dP . P .d .dP,,8P .dP d .dP yyyyyyy . qyy P4 .d l. .dP .l yy b.4 ,, .dPP.d b.4P ,q 8 8 .dP .dyyyyyyy 4b...... dP ........ yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.qyyyyyyyyyyy 4P. :1 l .d .d 4,........... .l , 7 P .dP pqP dP 4b dP .dllyyyyyyy ..d :1 1: 1 :l 8 . 4b. .,dP d, 4,.4 88888888888 b. 4b. . , b. .dP b. 4b yy p 88.dPb. 4 4, .L.dP4b. 4 yy 4P 1b. 4P4L. .dXb. b. .. 41 .. 1t Xb. .@ b : b/ 4b P :: 4 ,iib, 4P 4 .b. :ii 1 b y ii : , :iii 1 P p. : db il db, ,LLLLLLb. 4l b, ,d LLLLLLLLb. 4: l :@@ LLLLLLLLLLLb. .LLP l,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
. LLLLLLLLLLLl p,P .d lLLLLLLLLLLl P .d ,LLLLLLLLLLl P .d l LLLLLLLLLLLl 4P .dP LLLLLl , P .dl ,P . qyyp. 4LLLl lP 4P .dl P ,d. 88b. . :b .dl 7 d,,.................. . ,d 1P .d. P . , :88888888888888888888888888888888 8888888888888888, ,88888 88888..... ...................... .............................. .........p. P L .P .db. 4l 71 :P .db. 4: lSSS. 4P .db. 4 4P .SSlllb. 4P .db. 4 dSSb 4b. .dP .4lp,,.,,q: : b. .. 4b.4P.... .4.dl, 4P ,lb.7. 4b.7.dP .4.d ... 4b.7. 4b.dP .4.d b. 4b.7. 4P .4.dP .q ib b.7. .4.dP .d*** iS 7.4 .d ,,, ll b..d il 77. .7XP ,,, 4 : 8P 88l 1 , 4 P . . 8 ll P .dP ,,,,,,,,,,,,,. P .dP *qyyyy, ,p . .dP .mmm 1 1 P .,,,,d. 88 . .d, ,SSSSS . . SliilSS .. . SSliilSS S .. .. b4b. .di.b. 4b. .dP .dSlilib. 4b. 4 l P . 4P .dSSlllb. 4b 4b. ..... .dP 71 SSSSb 4b. .dP ....., 1P 8 4b. 4P ....., dP lP.q 4b. , .d7 ........... 4b. ........ 4b. 1 : b. 4b..d . 4b. 4P SSS. .qp. 4b. .dP .qSSSSSSSllllll. db. 4b.dP .dllllllliiiiiiiii 4P
iiiiiii b. qy mqyp. 7 .qyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 4b.4p,,,. .d......... 4b. ....... 4b. : 4b. : yy b.4b.4yp. ,. . : 7b b , . : l l y. : ll ll l l : , ,P ,7 7 8 .......... : ,,,q8 .8 ., : :
: yy P :
,,,,,,, : . : .. 4P .4b. : . . ...
. .4b. :: LLLLL::... ... .
,P,. .4b. .dP ...... ... . . ,,. . . . .,. ., . .. ..... ........ ......... : iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .............................................................................
.,y , , p,.
. , , P.,,,,..4 , , 7 dp l 1 4P ,
yyy yyy
P 4
7 l l
l 1 ,,,. .,.
b d
P4l , lb b..d :: 1 d . 4P .
hi. i sure do hope that you had as much fun viewing this ascii as i did draw-ing it. i gave the ibm character set a real run for its money on this one.
this ascii is the first one i have drawn on the loaner PS/1 i will now be using
due to its more accurate font in comparison to the computer ive done all my
other asciis on for art purposes. thanks, jason, for the computer.
without music, i would be unable to draw. so, i acknowledge the following ar-tists for the inspiration they have given me:
aphex twin
the staff at 94.7 FM, Chicagos choice for classic rock
nine inch nails
apocalypse hoboken
faith no more
without the friends i have in this so-called scene, i would have dropped arta long time ago. i acknowledge the following artists for their kind gestures:
the prodigy
mass murderer
cain where are you?
and without you, the viewer who actually gives a shit whether or not i draw, iacknowldege you above all these others. im in it for the glory, of course.
this has been a haji production.
future haji productions:
the haji remix project
hajis kill youself logo collection
haji ascii productions 1997: simple expression through complex media
yyyyyyyyyp .d l yyyyyyyyyyyyyyp. qyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
.d 4b.88
p,. .dPl. .l yyyyyyyyyp.4b. *mmmmmmmqyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy
.dP 4yP 4byyyyyyyy
4b ,p,. 4b
1: l
Pb. ,,,,,dP ...,dP
dp, 4b. ,p,. .dP
: 88 .dP4b 4by .dP
yyy yyyyyp .dP :l 1: yyyyyyp.4 yyyyyyyyyyyy dP .
.dP 4bdP 4 P .d
b. 4b,..dP.db. .,qyyyyyypm**mqyyyyyy .dP . P .d .dP,,8P .dP d .dP yyyyyyy . qyy P4 .d l. .dP .l yy b.4 ,, .dPP.d b.4P ,q 8 8 .dP .dyyyyyyy 4b...... dP ........ yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.qyyyyyyyyyyy 4P. :1 l .d .d 4,........... .l , 7 P .dP pqP dP 4b dP .dllyyyyyyy ..d :1 1: 1 :l 8 . 4b. .,dP d, 4,.4 88888888888 b. 4b. . , b. .dP b. 4b yy p 88.dPb. 4 4, .L.dP4b. 4 yy 4P 1b. 4P4L. .dXb. b. .. 41 .. 1t Xb. .@ b : b/ 4b P :: 4 ,iib, 4P 4 .b. :ii 1 b y ii : , :iii 1 P p. : db il db, ,LLLLLLb. 4l b, ,d LLLLLLLLb. 4: l :@@ LLLLLLLLLLLb. .LLP l,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
. LLLLLLLLLLLl p,P .d lLLLLLLLLLLl P .d ,LLLLLLLLLLl P .d l LLLLLLLLLLLl 4P .dP LLLLLl , P .dl ,P . qyyp. 4LLLl lP 4P .dl P ,d. 88b. . :b .dl 7 d,,.................. . ,d 1P .d. P . , :88888888888888888888888888888888 8888888888888888, ,88888 88888..... ...................... .............................. .........p. P L .P .db. 4l 71 :P .db. 4: lSSS. 4P .db. 4 4P .SSlllb. 4P .db. 4 dSSb 4b. .dP .4lp,,.,,q: : b. .. 4b.4P.... .4.dl, 4P ,lb.7. 4b.7.dP .4.d ... 4b.7. 4b.dP .4.d b. 4b.7. 4P .4.dP .q ib b.7. .4.dP .d*** iS 7.4 .d ,,, ll b..d il 77. .7XP ,,, 4 : 8P 88l 1 , 4 P . . 8 ll P .dP ,,,,,,,,,,,,,. P .dP *qyyyy, ,p . .dP .mmm 1 1 P .,,,,d. 88 . .d, ,SSSSS . . SliilSS .. . SSliilSS S .. .. b4b. .di.b. 4b. .dP .dSlilib. 4b. 4 l P . 4P .dSSlllb. 4b 4b. ..... .dP 71 SSSSb 4b. .dP ....., 1P 8 4b. 4P ....., dP lP.q 4b. , .d7 ........... 4b. ........ 4b. 1 : b. 4b..d . 4b. 4P SSS. .qp. 4b. .dP .qSSSSSSSllllll. db. 4b.dP .dllllllliiiiiiiii 4P
iiiiiii b. qy mqyp. 7 .qyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 4b.4p,,,. .d......... 4b. ....... 4b. : 4b. : yy b.4b.4yp. ,. . : 7b b , . : l l y. : ll ll l l : , ,P ,7 7 8 .......... : ,,,q8 .8 ., : :
: yy P :
,,,,,,, : . : .. 4P .4b. : . . ...
. .4b. :: LLLLL::... ... .
,P,. .4b. .dP ...... ... . . ,,. . . . .,. ., . .. ..... ........ ......... : iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .............................................................................
.,y , , p,.
. , , P.,,,,..4 , , 7 dp l 1 4P ,
yyy yyy
P 4
7 l l
l 1 ,,,. .,.
b d
P4l , lb b..d :: 1 d . 4P .
hi. i sure do hope that you had as much fun viewing this ascii as i did draw-ing it. i gave the ibm character set a real run for its money on this one.
this ascii is the first one i have drawn on the loaner PS/1 i will now be using
due to its more accurate font in comparison to the computer ive done all my
other asciis on for art purposes. thanks, jason, for the computer.
without music, i would be unable to draw. so, i acknowledge the following ar-tists for the inspiration they have given me:
aphex twin
the staff at 94.7 FM, Chicagos choice for classic rock
nine inch nails
apocalypse hoboken
faith no more
without the friends i have in this so-called scene, i would have dropped arta long time ago. i acknowledge the following artists for their kind gestures:
the prodigy
mass murderer
cain where are you?
and without you, the viewer who actually gives a shit whether or not i draw, iacknowldege you above all these others. im in it for the glory, of course.
this has been a haji production.
future haji productions:
the haji remix project
hajis kill youself logo collection
haji ascii productions 1997: simple expression through complex media
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