this image contains text
... . haji
pm**mqpm**m l pm**mq m**mqyyy
88788ll 88 884
dP 4b dP 4yydP 4byP 4b
7 db 77 db 78887 d888b 17 d888b 7
:1 4P 18881 4P yyyymmmmmmmmm88881mmmmmmmmm1 4P
4b,. .,dP 4b,. .,d4b,. -- y881 4b,. .,d
@@@@-- .,dP .
i normally try to have some sort of info file. but eh, fuck a info file.
i have an editorial, of sorts. here goes...
if you read this months issue of Tryone, everyone and their mother
was parading what they thought of the non- style thats become the next
best thing to an odelay trademark.
i got really confused after all the fanfare about it started
happening, and to this day i wish nobodyd said anything. it was sort of an
unconsious thing, yknow? i only started thinking about it after people
started talking about it. only then did i start being concerned. i wasnt
quite sure what to do.
initially, i tried drawing as many different styles as i could to
prove some sort of point, though i cant be sure of what it actually was. I
kinda got sick of doing that, so i tried going cold turkey on the shit. for
a while, i tried drawing with the character we all know and love. thing is,
though... when i tried doing that, it seemed so forced and contrived, yknow?
i just stopped drawing after that this was around mid-september. for about
a week, i really contemplated stopping altogether. however, seeing as that
every plan i make inevitably turns out the opposite that id planned, i was
back drawing pretty quickly.
what am i trying to say? i didnt really care about styleripping too
much in the first place, because an ascii is an ascii is an ascii, right? im
smart enough to see the difference between a good ascii and a bad ascii, and
it doesnt matter what the hell characters youre using to draw it. what im
saying is simple. JUST DRAW. dont think about anything. trust me, youll
only fuck yourself up.
personally though, i would advise most new artists to stick to and
like characters, because it takes a fair amount of skill to find equivalent
character sets with other ones. im still scratching my head trying to find
one to use with the char i started using this month, but so long as the
shit youre drawing is genuine and youre not trying to out-and-out bite
someones style, youre cool with me.
with that out of the way... we got some new members this month. i
think theyre on the memberlist somewhere. theyre good, honest!
my musical pick of the month is IZ-US, a track off the forthcoming
come to daddy single by aphex twin. its most plesant.
thanks once again to the people who like and support our little
group, and who kept me going even though it was the first month of school.
evidently, ascii places higher on your list of priorities than school work.
whats wrong with you people?
Id like to give a special greet to the folks from Tyrone, who gave
pack 10 a pretty darn decent review. though i must say that SOMEONEs gotta
find something bad about the group.
best wishes,
Neil Prodigy
PS - I did a last minute clearing of the memberlist, so a LOT of people
who areor were in odelay are gone. if you have a problem with that, talk to
me. enjoy the pack, ascii viewing public.
pm**mqpm**m l pm**mq m**mqyyy
88788ll 88 884
dP 4b dP 4yydP 4byP 4b
7 db 77 db 78887 d888b 17 d888b 7
:1 4P 18881 4P yyyymmmmmmmmm88881mmmmmmmmm1 4P
4b,. .,dP 4b,. .,d4b,. -- y881 4b,. .,d
@@@@-- .,dP .
i normally try to have some sort of info file. but eh, fuck a info file.
i have an editorial, of sorts. here goes...
if you read this months issue of Tryone, everyone and their mother
was parading what they thought of the non- style thats become the next
best thing to an odelay trademark.
i got really confused after all the fanfare about it started
happening, and to this day i wish nobodyd said anything. it was sort of an
unconsious thing, yknow? i only started thinking about it after people
started talking about it. only then did i start being concerned. i wasnt
quite sure what to do.
initially, i tried drawing as many different styles as i could to
prove some sort of point, though i cant be sure of what it actually was. I
kinda got sick of doing that, so i tried going cold turkey on the shit. for
a while, i tried drawing with the character we all know and love. thing is,
though... when i tried doing that, it seemed so forced and contrived, yknow?
i just stopped drawing after that this was around mid-september. for about
a week, i really contemplated stopping altogether. however, seeing as that
every plan i make inevitably turns out the opposite that id planned, i was
back drawing pretty quickly.
what am i trying to say? i didnt really care about styleripping too
much in the first place, because an ascii is an ascii is an ascii, right? im
smart enough to see the difference between a good ascii and a bad ascii, and
it doesnt matter what the hell characters youre using to draw it. what im
saying is simple. JUST DRAW. dont think about anything. trust me, youll
only fuck yourself up.
personally though, i would advise most new artists to stick to and
like characters, because it takes a fair amount of skill to find equivalent
character sets with other ones. im still scratching my head trying to find
one to use with the char i started using this month, but so long as the
shit youre drawing is genuine and youre not trying to out-and-out bite
someones style, youre cool with me.
with that out of the way... we got some new members this month. i
think theyre on the memberlist somewhere. theyre good, honest!
my musical pick of the month is IZ-US, a track off the forthcoming
come to daddy single by aphex twin. its most plesant.
thanks once again to the people who like and support our little
group, and who kept me going even though it was the first month of school.
evidently, ascii places higher on your list of priorities than school work.
whats wrong with you people?
Id like to give a special greet to the folks from Tyrone, who gave
pack 10 a pretty darn decent review. though i must say that SOMEONEs gotta
find something bad about the group.
best wishes,
Neil Prodigy
PS - I did a last minute clearing of the memberlist, so a LOT of people
who areor were in odelay are gone. if you have a problem with that, talk to
me. enjoy the pack, ascii viewing public.
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