this image contains text
/. ,P ? ::
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. P .,yd ! by. .. .,d/ .dP/b. ,dS /. *?
/,,,. /./. .yy.
?P*?*?P* /P .,,.
.,y, ? , b,..,d .,.
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?P,yy. / . , P..
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?P,P *, . ../. /,,/,, .?P/ . /.!* . . P /..,* *y
/?P* / / .
i n d e p e n d e n t /. *?P*
a s c i i . mp./rm
cut here-8X-------------------------------------------------------------------
hey hey, meatpod does a joint with rumish. check this out. rumish owns
you all. he was like one of the only guys that drew for my board when it was
first starting out. his style reminds me of the old days of wicked!ascii.
anyway, whatever his plans are for independent ascii, I hope it all works out
for him. maybe this can be an infofile header.
you know, I used to be in wicked drawing RIPScript. only for like a
week, though, because I didnt submit anything. the end.
?bdP? :: .. . ?P**? ,, ., ,. ::
. P .,yd ! by. .. .,d/ .dP/b. ,dS /. *?
/,,,. /./. .yy.
?P*?*?P* /P .,,.
.,y, ? , b,..,d .,.
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?. . y . .y.,.
?P,yy. / . , P..
, i /, ,. . y .
?P,P *, . ../. /,,/,, .?P/ . /.!* . . P /..,* *y
/?P* / / .
i n d e p e n d e n t /. *?P*
a s c i i . mp./rm
cut here-8X-------------------------------------------------------------------
hey hey, meatpod does a joint with rumish. check this out. rumish owns
you all. he was like one of the only guys that drew for my board when it was
first starting out. his style reminds me of the old days of wicked!ascii.
anyway, whatever his plans are for independent ascii, I hope it all works out
for him. maybe this can be an infofile header.
you know, I used to be in wicked drawing RIPScript. only for like a
week, though, because I didnt submit anything. the end.
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