this image contains text
- Its been a while since Ive released anything in colly form, but I just
thought that I might put some of my smaller pieces from this month into this
format, like old times, when I didnt have the stamina to draw anything
longer than like 10 lines. Anyway, here goes nothing:
n-bomb------------------------------------------------ - - - -- fuck you -----
? .,. /
? P!?/. ?
? P* ll /
. ? ,ydb. . !!!
. ,d ,*/ P*?/. ?
. ! P y..
. i .d l *
/! /S/y.
A S C I I .*?l l .P **/
/? . , .yd/
*?* ./ .
the brief--------------------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
- n-bomb was an idea for an ascii group that I tossed around this month. Im
not really considering it seriously unless I get a lot of support from my
ascii friends, but the way Id want it to be would be like purely newschool,
invite only, super-strict quality control. Either like that or a little low-
quality local group. Who knows... itll probably never happen.
crack/cocaine----------------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
. .,y/
dP 8 .. ,
d ,. /.,ydP**?..
P.,y,/P . ,
// ,. /yd
/ *?P* - * / ?**/.
,.,/ y,., ,/ . /, ./
/P * l .,. bd/.** .,d.
. ,. .,y .*P . / ,i/.
/ SS ,..,db , /* P *
l //./ .,y/.?!*
/ P/. ?/ . .. */ ., ? l.,
/bdP *. * / / l
/ y /P* .
.. c r a c k
the brief--------------------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
- This is a logo for discofunk 1974s new board the perseverance of which I am
seriously in doubt of, crack cocaine?... Im not even sure what the name
is. Anyway, I tried to draw it like one of those ansis where the letters are
all drippy and theres a lot of goop involved, since I really like those. I
guess that doesnt translate well into ascii.
odelay ascii member board----------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
/ . O D E L A Y a s c i i
mp. ,y. . .,. ,yy.
.,. .. . ,d,. **
.* lP .. .
P .yy. P / ,/
/P ,d ? .
y P
/ .y. .y. ?P l
. /P i .yy.
.. ., ! P* iP-- . ?
/i / . / . . //
/yys/, by, .
**?y**/,.., l / .
!* ? ** * ,
** ? /. . .
m e m b e r B O A R D
the brief--------------------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
- So youre an odelay member and you run a board... now the whole world will
know. Yeah, I know this is sub-par, but I drew it in like half an hour
because Id never drawn an odelay logo before. So boom. If you wanna use it
for your board, feel free to change the colors around.
crack/cocaine----------------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
. ,y/y.
.P?PPl l
,l . ,y/,., l
P*/,., ,P? .,/y.
. */P*l lP*?,dP?.
/b,. !!/. ?/.
P!?/,. ?P .,dP!?by ll
? / P.,,. * . /
/d b/,, ./,.,
. .*/.!!.* ?P
the brief--------------------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
- This is for speefreaks board Crooklyn, I think. Damn, this looks fucking
gorgeous, except for the LYN part at the end. I guess this is useful as
either a login screen or maybe something you see as youre logging off.
Damn, this looks beautiful.
the end----------------------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
- So it wasnt much of a colly. So what. I get to do greets now, so its
worth it.
discofunk 1974 - hey man, dont let radman forget that we got his chan back.
discyple - scott, I love you... we have to support eachother in these
difficult times when brad is away.
konami - wordup.
the prodigy - sorry to hear youre taking a vacation... come back soon.
average - I really enjoyed catching up on local history with you, man...
come back from school. I forgot my password on the belfry.
remorse sucks.
- Its been a while since Ive released anything in colly form, but I just
thought that I might put some of my smaller pieces from this month into this
format, like old times, when I didnt have the stamina to draw anything
longer than like 10 lines. Anyway, here goes nothing:
n-bomb------------------------------------------------ - - - -- fuck you -----
? .,. /
? P!?/. ?
? P* ll /
. ? ,ydb. . !!!
. ,d ,*/ P*?/. ?
. ! P y..
. i .d l *
/! /S/y.
A S C I I .*?l l .P **/
/? . , .yd/
*?* ./ .
the brief--------------------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
- n-bomb was an idea for an ascii group that I tossed around this month. Im
not really considering it seriously unless I get a lot of support from my
ascii friends, but the way Id want it to be would be like purely newschool,
invite only, super-strict quality control. Either like that or a little low-
quality local group. Who knows... itll probably never happen.
crack/cocaine----------------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
. .,y/
dP 8 .. ,
d ,. /.,ydP**?..
P.,y,/P . ,
// ,. /yd
/ *?P* - * / ?**/.
,.,/ y,., ,/ . /, ./
/P * l .,. bd/.** .,d.
. ,. .,y .*P . / ,i/.
/ SS ,..,db , /* P *
l //./ .,y/.?!*
/ P/. ?/ . .. */ ., ? l.,
/bdP *. * / / l
/ y /P* .
.. c r a c k
the brief--------------------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
- This is a logo for discofunk 1974s new board the perseverance of which I am
seriously in doubt of, crack cocaine?... Im not even sure what the name
is. Anyway, I tried to draw it like one of those ansis where the letters are
all drippy and theres a lot of goop involved, since I really like those. I
guess that doesnt translate well into ascii.
odelay ascii member board----------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
/ . O D E L A Y a s c i i
mp. ,y. . .,. ,yy.
.,. .. . ,d,. **
.* lP .. .
P .yy. P / ,/
/P ,d ? .
y P
/ .y. .y. ?P l
. /P i .yy.
.. ., ! P* iP-- . ?
/i / . / . . //
/yys/, by, .
**?y**/,.., l / .
!* ? ** * ,
** ? /. . .
m e m b e r B O A R D
the brief--------------------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
- So youre an odelay member and you run a board... now the whole world will
know. Yeah, I know this is sub-par, but I drew it in like half an hour
because Id never drawn an odelay logo before. So boom. If you wanna use it
for your board, feel free to change the colors around.
crack/cocaine----------------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
. ,y/y.
.P?PPl l
,l . ,y/,., l
P*/,., ,P? .,/y.
. */P*l lP*?,dP?.
/b,. !!/. ?/.
P!?/,. ?P .,dP!?by ll
? / P.,,. * . /
/d b/,, ./,.,
. .*/.!!.* ?P
the brief--------------------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
- This is for speefreaks board Crooklyn, I think. Damn, this looks fucking
gorgeous, except for the LYN part at the end. I guess this is useful as
either a login screen or maybe something you see as youre logging off.
Damn, this looks beautiful.
the end----------------------------------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
- So it wasnt much of a colly. So what. I get to do greets now, so its
worth it.
discofunk 1974 - hey man, dont let radman forget that we got his chan back.
discyple - scott, I love you... we have to support eachother in these
difficult times when brad is away.
konami - wordup.
the prodigy - sorry to hear youre taking a vacation... come back soon.
average - I really enjoyed catching up on local history with you, man...
come back from school. I forgot my password on the belfry.
remorse sucks.
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