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as the cloud thickens, I am engulfed by the heroin of desire.
mary jane rests easily in my hand, singing in my mind
undressing herself, she shows me secrets, tippinthrough my mind naked
Im lost, hoping this marijuana will sing a little while longer
/mark ryder
W e p u t f r i e n d s h i p f i r s t !
That means no eyem 14 years old n so fukkin cl with diz badass attitude
like some other not to be mentioned here groups!
puke a O!
er.. throw up a O, i mean.. .
yeah, yeah.. stop laughing like that..
you might get killed or sumthing.. AAAh! well.. keep laughing! 8
boy, do i got cheap humour?!
and that, my friends brings us to the..
FUCK YOU BITCH! Thiz is DEZIBEL on da keyz! Get dat maxi-sized dildo
out of yer ass, lean back n get ready for sum asKee thatll kick
yer fukkin teeths out!@
Err..? Sorry for that folks, i thought i was in RxxxxxE censored,
coz i dont want any wars and that sorta thing there for a sec..
only to discover that my situation was even better!! I have joined
ODELAY! Yeah! Taste it.. o...d...e..l...a.aaaa..y !! Youck!!
Tastes shit, but boy, do we kick ass or what?
Some weeks ago i applyed to Odelay, but i never got any answer, so
i took that as a no.. then suddenly this meatpod-fella talked
to me on IRC and said that he had a business proposal for me..
but before i had the chance to ask him what i was laggd as hell
he went offline, and left me there wondering what the fuck that was
all about. Then, 10 mins later this ikoluui-dude, /msgd me. ocoz i
wondered who the fuck that was, but it turned out to be......
no, not meatpod, but discofunk! He invited to Odelay, and i
hesitated for about 1/2 milli second, then i accepted..
So.. what the fuck did Meatpod have to do with that..!?! -nothing!
err... well.. since meatpod also is in Odelay and they invited
me to join, you figure the conexxion out..
and, yeah.. THIS is the first time i am actually GLAD Remorse
rejected me, coz it is some heavy competitioning goin on between
Odelay and Remorse, and to me it looks like im in the winning
// Arvid Sj aka Dezibel of Odelay
swedish letters..
-- pronounced something like oe..
well.. this cluster only contains a bunch of
logos all saying Odelay.. And when you watch
these logos, please bear in mind that i joined
2 days before deadline, and i DO got a social-life
too, so most of them are pretty designless..
But then again, they are still better than they
would be if discofunk would have made em.. 8
or.. I dont know.. Ive never seen him doin
oldskool..!! FUCK!! As soon as i start writin
i come up with a fuckin novel! Damnit! And the
really fucked thing is that i actually believe
that you will READ all the shit that i write!
boy am i stoopid!?
Odelay.. .
. .. thats what they say.
Now you cant say i did not warn you..
enuff crap, lets check some logos..
O D E L A Y / /
/ / / / / / ODELAY
Dz/a! //. .
a fileid.diz that sucks.. !!
please do not use it!
. . Dz/a! .
/ ZeroDelay .
. Dz/a! .
l/ / l/ / // / / /
/ / / / / / O D E L A Y !
extend, shrink, eat for dinner.. i dont care..
Dz/a! - o d e l a y ! a s k e e -
t h e n u m b e r O N E p o s s e !
end of logos
i cannot see any use for those logos for anyone not a member of
Odelay, but if you do find a use for em nyways, then you are totally
free to use them! Just dont fuck with em.. no tag-removing and
Contact me for requests or whatever..
a a IRC: ascii ef, irc, pulsarnet
m i a
r u ! e-mail: dezibel@hempseed.com
Greets: Odelay members and all that think they knows me!
Respects: All oldskoooolers keepin it fresh!
All logos made by Dezibel/Odelay except the one rite in the beginning
without tag. It sure looks like a MJAY-logo to me, but you can
never be absolutetly sure these days..
You dont have to smoke cannabis to think that it should be legalized.
Coffee, even chocolate is more addictive/habit-forming or whatever it
is called in english and do you think that it should be against the
law to drink a cup of coffee or eat a chocolate-bar?
Some years ago there was a anti-hash campaign in the swedish television
showing some guy at a party that smoked 1/3 of a joint and within ten
seconds he went really crazy and it ended up him falling out of a window
at the 3rd floor. I just want to say that THIS IS NEVER EVER GONNA HAPPEN!
This could only mean two things. 1 hash is not dangerous at all, coz if
it would be, then they would not have to LIE about what could happen if you
smoke it. or 2 hash IS dangerous but the morons that made the campaign
dont know jackshit bout what its like. You figure it out.
If you do think that cannabis SHOULD be legalized, then start up your
favourite browser and go to WWW.HEMPSEED.COM and get yourself a really
neat e-mail adress. And YES, you can have your mail forwarded from your
hempseed adress to your ordinary adress..
And always remember..
-- / R T I S I N T H E E Y E O F T H E B E H O L D E R --
Look out for my next real ascii-collection called BEHIND BARS OF STEEL!
It is not gonna be released until my 18th birthday, 17th of March, and
it will contain requested logos aswell as logos for the artists and the
groups that i really respect! This and alot more is what you get if you
leetch A!-STEEL.TXT when its released - 1 7 t h o f m a r c h !
end of life
as the cloud thickens, I am engulfed by the heroin of desire.
mary jane rests easily in my hand, singing in my mind
undressing herself, she shows me secrets, tippinthrough my mind naked
Im lost, hoping this marijuana will sing a little while longer
/mark ryder
W e p u t f r i e n d s h i p f i r s t !
That means no eyem 14 years old n so fukkin cl with diz badass attitude
like some other not to be mentioned here groups!
puke a O!
er.. throw up a O, i mean.. .
yeah, yeah.. stop laughing like that..
you might get killed or sumthing.. AAAh! well.. keep laughing! 8
boy, do i got cheap humour?!
and that, my friends brings us to the..
FUCK YOU BITCH! Thiz is DEZIBEL on da keyz! Get dat maxi-sized dildo
out of yer ass, lean back n get ready for sum asKee thatll kick
yer fukkin teeths out!@
Err..? Sorry for that folks, i thought i was in RxxxxxE censored,
coz i dont want any wars and that sorta thing there for a sec..
only to discover that my situation was even better!! I have joined
ODELAY! Yeah! Taste it.. o...d...e..l...a.aaaa..y !! Youck!!
Tastes shit, but boy, do we kick ass or what?
Some weeks ago i applyed to Odelay, but i never got any answer, so
i took that as a no.. then suddenly this meatpod-fella talked
to me on IRC and said that he had a business proposal for me..
but before i had the chance to ask him what i was laggd as hell
he went offline, and left me there wondering what the fuck that was
all about. Then, 10 mins later this ikoluui-dude, /msgd me. ocoz i
wondered who the fuck that was, but it turned out to be......
no, not meatpod, but discofunk! He invited to Odelay, and i
hesitated for about 1/2 milli second, then i accepted..
So.. what the fuck did Meatpod have to do with that..!?! -nothing!
err... well.. since meatpod also is in Odelay and they invited
me to join, you figure the conexxion out..
and, yeah.. THIS is the first time i am actually GLAD Remorse
rejected me, coz it is some heavy competitioning goin on between
Odelay and Remorse, and to me it looks like im in the winning
// Arvid Sj aka Dezibel of Odelay
swedish letters..
-- pronounced something like oe..
well.. this cluster only contains a bunch of
logos all saying Odelay.. And when you watch
these logos, please bear in mind that i joined
2 days before deadline, and i DO got a social-life
too, so most of them are pretty designless..
But then again, they are still better than they
would be if discofunk would have made em.. 8
or.. I dont know.. Ive never seen him doin
oldskool..!! FUCK!! As soon as i start writin
i come up with a fuckin novel! Damnit! And the
really fucked thing is that i actually believe
that you will READ all the shit that i write!
boy am i stoopid!?
Odelay.. .
. .. thats what they say.
Now you cant say i did not warn you..
enuff crap, lets check some logos..
O D E L A Y / /
/ / / / / / ODELAY
Dz/a! //. .
a fileid.diz that sucks.. !!
please do not use it!
. . Dz/a! .
/ ZeroDelay .
. Dz/a! .
l/ / l/ / // / / /
/ / / / / / O D E L A Y !
extend, shrink, eat for dinner.. i dont care..
Dz/a! - o d e l a y ! a s k e e -
t h e n u m b e r O N E p o s s e !
end of logos
i cannot see any use for those logos for anyone not a member of
Odelay, but if you do find a use for em nyways, then you are totally
free to use them! Just dont fuck with em.. no tag-removing and
Contact me for requests or whatever..
a a IRC: ascii ef, irc, pulsarnet
m i a
r u ! e-mail: dezibel@hempseed.com
Greets: Odelay members and all that think they knows me!
Respects: All oldskoooolers keepin it fresh!
All logos made by Dezibel/Odelay except the one rite in the beginning
without tag. It sure looks like a MJAY-logo to me, but you can
never be absolutetly sure these days..
You dont have to smoke cannabis to think that it should be legalized.
Coffee, even chocolate is more addictive/habit-forming or whatever it
is called in english and do you think that it should be against the
law to drink a cup of coffee or eat a chocolate-bar?
Some years ago there was a anti-hash campaign in the swedish television
showing some guy at a party that smoked 1/3 of a joint and within ten
seconds he went really crazy and it ended up him falling out of a window
at the 3rd floor. I just want to say that THIS IS NEVER EVER GONNA HAPPEN!
This could only mean two things. 1 hash is not dangerous at all, coz if
it would be, then they would not have to LIE about what could happen if you
smoke it. or 2 hash IS dangerous but the morons that made the campaign
dont know jackshit bout what its like. You figure it out.
If you do think that cannabis SHOULD be legalized, then start up your
favourite browser and go to WWW.HEMPSEED.COM and get yourself a really
neat e-mail adress. And YES, you can have your mail forwarded from your
hempseed adress to your ordinary adress..
And always remember..
-- / R T I S I N T H E E Y E O F T H E B E H O L D E R --
Look out for my next real ascii-collection called BEHIND BARS OF STEEL!
It is not gonna be released until my 18th birthday, 17th of March, and
it will contain requested logos aswell as logos for the artists and the
groups that i really respect! This and alot more is what you get if you
leetch A!-STEEL.TXT when its released - 1 7 t h o f m a r c h !
end of life
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