this image contains text
m e a t p o d
o f
.y@@@y. @@@@@@@@y. .y@@@y.
o d e l a y a s c i i
p r e s e n t s
,y@@@y. . ,yy.
/ ,/ .yy.
,y, ,/.
,.P*-*?P .. ??P?PP?P? ,/. .y. .y. .y. .y. .y. b. ? lb.? ? ? ,.?.*? . . . *?b. ,. .. * , * . * .. * .,y,,,yy,,,yy,,,yy,,,y * P,d ,....,P*-*?? /P*- . . yP.y.,. . l P./.yd!!P,bd. ,P.,.d., l .d. ?/. , ./ l..d* P...// ..P.P* P.dbs, .,.,d!.d. ,y /,d/.?/ .,d. P,dP!!?b .ydb. / ., *? P* . .by.l P.,yd /.? . /.. yP* .,. P*?/ P* .,yd l .,y .***?P* ...yy, ? / /,, .by,,yd .../ ?P* * .by../b ?* .. P... ./ b ?,d .d.//. . .b ,,,d!.,y ,d!/ b .dP.PP.P.,,. . .yyP/.d,dP .. . .P.dP,.. . .. /. .,..d /yd.?l : * .l
b,...,d P?.? .y. P l P.,yd / . , * ,. ?y,,,yP .d P .d b.?P**? *?P
. .y
, * , .d
b, ,d .dl
P? , ,y@ .y. . . .l / . . . .
.l / .d . .,y,. . .!!!/ .**?P**? * ..... . .,, .,y@@y, .db.,,. ,. ., . ?P*? /. .*/. b. .,,,..,?/ ... ..,.ydby,. .,. /P*.../yyyyyyyyd. .yd/,
PP? . P.P
.y. .y. P . . .ydP ,b. .y. P ,d . . ,d / .y .
.y. .y. .y. ??/,.
. ?
.,yd/. ,/ P?/ ,. * , . * /. .d y,,,yy,,,y .,. P?P?P? ,, .y. .y. .y. , ,, .P*/, , . * , * , . .b,...,dy,,,y . P?P . .y. . .,y . ,.,ydb. .P**--*? /.d/. .P /P* .,yy.
. .,ydP* ./.. * . * . P* ,db,...,dy,,,y. ** / // ?y. /.d .. ?P. ,. .,yd/..d . dbd*--* .P l . ./. ? . b ?.?P. . .,. ?b..ydP ?yy/ P*-*?P*- , /P**?P .,y/ .yy,.,y . .,yy. .,y,.. ,P*--*?/*** /P*-*?/,*yy. ? ,yy. /y,,,y.,.*,yy, , ,P*-*?/ ,,iy,.? / ,/ ? . -, *?/ ..d/. .yy,. ! . ./P?. /b P*-*? i //.*!!*. ? ?.-- ? i ,yy./ /./byyd /. ?byyd./. /y..d
*? ..,,./b../.*!!*. ?P ., . l l/*byyd , . /..,. -- . ,/. . .*?P*,/y,,,y ., /bd./.by. ..././. .dP ./,,P.P. .,,. *?P* ,/... / /yy, . . . !./,,. ? .. /* .?P P.d/./**/ .,-,. . .
.,*!!/ d.,. . .
.* l. ?
. ,/,..,d*
l?. .d?*
g r a c e p e r i o d
grace period-for: cult man/zero--------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
hey, wow... this is just a fucking beautiful ascii. this will definitely go
down on the list of like the best asciis ever. anyway, I sort of copied the
picture from the cover of the circle jerks album wild in the streets I say
sort of because I left out the parts that were too hard to draw, but the rest
of it is uh.. .totally original, for what thats worth
just so you know, I dont do this shit for just anyone, so dont fucking ask.
this took me like 10+ hours of work, especially the gayass fucking font which
took forever. I only did this as a favor for my local friend gabe, whose nick
Im not exactly sure of, because he claims to be starting a music and demos
board. support your local scene, you stupid faggots. but the point is, I
dont do this shit for just anyone, although 20 might grease my palms, if you
know what I mean.
a fuck you to all the bitches who cant fucking draw as well as me.
props to scott, brad, neil, robin, dave, and kim. all the rest of you can go
to hell. Im going to be writing for Illbient, neil, I hope.
meatpod ss!odelay98, +oFLASHtraffick 212595-2798?
doodleboy 4 life, niggah.
o f
.y@@@y. @@@@@@@@y. .y@@@y.
o d e l a y a s c i i
p r e s e n t s
,y@@@y. . ,yy.
/ ,/ .yy.
,y, ,/.
,.P*-*?P .. ??P?PP?P? ,/. .y. .y. .y. .y. .y. b. ? lb.? ? ? ,.?.*? . . . *?b. ,. .. * , * . * .. * .,y,,,yy,,,yy,,,yy,,,y * P,d ,....,P*-*?? /P*- . . yP.y.,. . l P./.yd!!P,bd. ,P.,.d., l .d. ?/. , ./ l..d* P...// ..P.P* P.dbs, .,.,d!.d. ,y /,d/.?/ .,d. P,dP!!?b .ydb. / ., *? P* . .by.l P.,yd /.? . /.. yP* .,. P*?/ P* .,yd l .,y .***?P* ...yy, ? / /,, .by,,yd .../ ?P* * .by../b ?* .. P... ./ b ?,d .d.//. . .b ,,,d!.,y ,d!/ b .dP.PP.P.,,. . .yyP/.d,dP .. . .P.dP,.. . .. /. .,..d /yd.?l : * .l
b,...,d P?.? .y. P l P.,yd / . , * ,. ?y,,,yP .d P .d b.?P**? *?P
. .y
, * , .d
b, ,d .dl
P? , ,y@ .y. . . .l / . . . .
.l / .d . .,y,. . .!!!/ .**?P**? * ..... . .,, .,y@@y, .db.,,. ,. ., . ?P*? /. .*/. b. .,,,..,?/ ... ..,.ydby,. .,. /P*.../yyyyyyyyd. .yd/,
PP? . P.P
.y. .y. P . . .ydP ,b. .y. P ,d . . ,d / .y .
.y. .y. .y. ??/,.
. ?
.,yd/. ,/ P?/ ,. * , . * /. .d y,,,yy,,,y .,. P?P?P? ,, .y. .y. .y. , ,, .P*/, , . * , * , . .b,...,dy,,,y . P?P . .y. . .,y . ,.,ydb. .P**--*? /.d/. .P /P* .,yy.
. .,ydP* ./.. * . * . P* ,db,...,dy,,,y. ** / // ?y. /.d .. ?P. ,. .,yd/..d . dbd*--* .P l . ./. ? . b ?.?P. . .,. ?b..ydP ?yy/ P*-*?P*- , /P**?P .,y/ .yy,.,y . .,yy. .,y,.. ,P*--*?/*** /P*-*?/,*yy. ? ,yy. /y,,,y.,.*,yy, , ,P*-*?/ ,,iy,.? / ,/ ? . -, *?/ ..d/. .yy,. ! . ./P?. /b P*-*? i //.*!!*. ? ?.-- ? i ,yy./ /./byyd /. ?byyd./. /y..d
*? ..,,./b../.*!!*. ?P ., . l l/*byyd , . /..,. -- . ,/. . .*?P*,/y,,,y ., /bd./.by. ..././. .dP ./,,P.P. .,,. *?P* ,/... / /yy, . . . !./,,. ? .. /* .?P P.d/./**/ .,-,. . .
.,*!!/ d.,. . .
.* l. ?
. ,/,..,d*
l?. .d?*
g r a c e p e r i o d
grace period-for: cult man/zero--------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
hey, wow... this is just a fucking beautiful ascii. this will definitely go
down on the list of like the best asciis ever. anyway, I sort of copied the
picture from the cover of the circle jerks album wild in the streets I say
sort of because I left out the parts that were too hard to draw, but the rest
of it is uh.. .totally original, for what thats worth
just so you know, I dont do this shit for just anyone, so dont fucking ask.
this took me like 10+ hours of work, especially the gayass fucking font which
took forever. I only did this as a favor for my local friend gabe, whose nick
Im not exactly sure of, because he claims to be starting a music and demos
board. support your local scene, you stupid faggots. but the point is, I
dont do this shit for just anyone, although 20 might grease my palms, if you
know what I mean.
a fuck you to all the bitches who cant fucking draw as well as me.
props to scott, brad, neil, robin, dave, and kim. all the rest of you can go
to hell. Im going to be writing for Illbient, neil, I hope.
meatpod ss!odelay98, +oFLASHtraffick 212595-2798?
doodleboy 4 life, niggah.
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