this image contains text
4747 7:7 . :74 ll
47 4: 7 l7 .d l7 47l.. .d7
7 . 4l:::ll7 7 .d l 7 . 4... 7.d7
7 .db. 4ll7 7 .d : 7 .db. 4...7
.db. . 47 . :7 7 :7 .db. 47 .d
. 47 .b. .d lb. 47 . lb. 47 .d
b. 46 .d7 .dl b. 47 .dl l b. 47 :. l
b. .d7 .d: 7b. .d: : 4b. l :
.. .db. 47 .d :: .4b. .d : .4b. . :
.db. 4 l .ll :b.d l lb.4b.d: l
they told stories of thugs, like shakespear did of kings.
Hello, here we are at Odelay 17, The pack that realizes the end of an other
era. The era of ODELAY. A lot of things have happened since August 1996, when
young man Neil McGreggor had a dream. Most memoriable is the fall of our
most dreaded enemy, the Japanese econamy, and who could forget the 5 bucks
Pizzahut deal! The memories..
A lot of people have come to me asking for explainations, telling me to not
kill Odelay, telling me Im a Bastard for doing it, and asking me to visit
their new pornographic image page at xoom.com. I personally do not pity this
type of useless clinging and free advertising, but if i must explain, then
I will, at pack 12 Prodigy got busy and stopped doing so much with the group,
he put me in charge. Pack 13-16 were released by me.. at 14, Prodigy killed
the group, I thinking i could solve this problem hired Discofunk into senior
staff and tried to rebuild Odelay again, It just didnt work. Discofunk quit
the scene cuz people made fun of him. theres not enough Newschool talent
anymore, and frankly i dont want to run this Odelay anymore, Prodigy started
this group, but now i think his carreer in ascii is over. Odelay should end
too.. this cant be my responsability any further, so Im ending the group
even though it may have a negative effect on peoples confidence in the scene.
I think its been good enough. most people cant claim to of done 17 packs.
prodigy releasing 12, and I 5.. I dont know, theyve all been preety good
and can only go downhill from here. Download some old Odelay packs if
you havent seen them, and go check them out at :
ftp.remorse.org/pub/ascii/odelay all our history is sealed in those packages
and nothing has changed except the fact there will not be anymore of them.
Thats all people, I hope you enjoyed Odelay.
Untill the day, when all are one!
47 4: 7 l7 .d l7 47l.. .d7
7 . 4l:::ll7 7 .d l 7 . 4... 7.d7
7 .db. 4ll7 7 .d : 7 .db. 4...7
.db. . 47 . :7 7 :7 .db. 47 .d
. 47 .b. .d lb. 47 . lb. 47 .d
b. 46 .d7 .dl b. 47 .dl l b. 47 :. l
b. .d7 .d: 7b. .d: : 4b. l :
.. .db. 47 .d :: .4b. .d : .4b. . :
.db. 4 l .ll :b.d l lb.4b.d: l
they told stories of thugs, like shakespear did of kings.
Hello, here we are at Odelay 17, The pack that realizes the end of an other
era. The era of ODELAY. A lot of things have happened since August 1996, when
young man Neil McGreggor had a dream. Most memoriable is the fall of our
most dreaded enemy, the Japanese econamy, and who could forget the 5 bucks
Pizzahut deal! The memories..
A lot of people have come to me asking for explainations, telling me to not
kill Odelay, telling me Im a Bastard for doing it, and asking me to visit
their new pornographic image page at xoom.com. I personally do not pity this
type of useless clinging and free advertising, but if i must explain, then
I will, at pack 12 Prodigy got busy and stopped doing so much with the group,
he put me in charge. Pack 13-16 were released by me.. at 14, Prodigy killed
the group, I thinking i could solve this problem hired Discofunk into senior
staff and tried to rebuild Odelay again, It just didnt work. Discofunk quit
the scene cuz people made fun of him. theres not enough Newschool talent
anymore, and frankly i dont want to run this Odelay anymore, Prodigy started
this group, but now i think his carreer in ascii is over. Odelay should end
too.. this cant be my responsability any further, so Im ending the group
even though it may have a negative effect on peoples confidence in the scene.
I think its been good enough. most people cant claim to of done 17 packs.
prodigy releasing 12, and I 5.. I dont know, theyve all been preety good
and can only go downhill from here. Download some old Odelay packs if
you havent seen them, and go check them out at :
ftp.remorse.org/pub/ascii/odelay all our history is sealed in those packages
and nothing has changed except the fact there will not be anymore of them.
Thats all people, I hope you enjoyed Odelay.
Untill the day, when all are one!
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