this image contains text
o d i u
m .aa. .a
.a .aaa
aa aa aa aa aa aa a
a aa aa aa
a.a. a.a 1d!
the odium december 1995 newsletter
well this is our first release under the name of
odium, and it turned out bet-ter than i expected for a first
release. as you can see by looking at the packwe have some ki
ckass talent in the group, so hopefully that will contribute to
making this group last. i was suprised by all the people applyin
g who wanted ashot at the next bleach, fortuantly i didnt h
ave to work very hard at gettingpeople in the group.
this months new members
well as for this months new members, they can be considered the foundat
ion to
the start of this group. in this list comes prime, who was give
n the position
of co-founder. prime has been in a number of other groups as courier, s
uch as
acid, but his position in odium is his first attempt at actually drawing
. also
joining us this month was the silent killer, who was formerly a
member of haze,
and fire. one of our biggest names this month was unsane, who c
omes over to
help run the group as co-founder, as well as draw for us. his addition
to our
memberlist will be a huge help in getting the group started! anarch
ist joins
as well, coming over from acid to take up a position in drawing ascii fo
r the
group, for a fairly new artist in the scene, his work adds an original t
to odium! otter a very impressive toon artist from his former g
roup toon joins
the group this month as well, and we will be looking forward to some gre
at work
from him. water also comes over from the ranks of toon, or more
recently known
as plain, and his presence in our memberlist is a good symbol of the tal
ent we
have been picking up, he is one of the scenes leading toon artists.
sir death
decided to give the group a try this month as well, whos name has b
een in
groups such as apathy and trank, his work is some of the best around, an
d we
looking forward to seeing him release with us! 7degrees is anot
her big name
who was added to the list this month, formerly known as iridescent, who
over from the recently dying saga. hopefully he will be able to stick w
ith us
to release some of his work in the months to come. fury joins a
s well, who
previously released his artwork in solo, his addition to odium is anothe
example of the new talent we are picking up! shattered link, pr
eviously in
groups such as shiver and saga, as well as one of the leading members of
decided to come to odium after saga dropped out of the scene, his arriva
l to
the group is a HUGE promise for kickass work in the future. blackni
ght joins
the group as our first vga/loader artist for odium, and we are happy to
see him
join, he will be our leading member in our vga department in the months
another addition to the ranks of our ansi deptartment this month comes
blind, a
fairly new face in the scene, bringing with him an incredible style! a
suprise this month is the return of ack!, who i personally consi
der one of the
best ascii artists around, and having him join this month is a big help
to the
group we will be looking forward to seeing some nice work from him in th
e fut-
ure! another amazing talent in our ascii department this month comes
who was there to help out bleach, and now he is here to help out odium,
he is
one of our leading artists, as well as a loyal member! point blank
, another
former member of bleach joins as well, his work improves every month, an
d he
brings with him a unique style, we are happy to have him join! and fina
for artists who have layed down the founding staff for the group, pe
nguin joins
this month as well, who will be helping blacknight get our vga deptartme
nt go-
ing! as for our courier division, the emperor, captain hood
, and fury all
applied this month to help spread the packs, and pick up work, they will
making things alot easier for me in the months to come!
want to apply?
i dont think i have to go into huge detail here to let you guys know wha
t to
do if you want to apply as a member of odium, just run odium-app.exe, in
in this pack, fill it out, send it to me with some samples of your work
route 666, at 619-485-6741, or anywhere else you can find me, and thats
ill try to get back to you with 1-2 weeks!
well thats about it for this months news, i just want to get this pack o
ut so
im not going to write a book, but to give you a quick and basic idea of
to expect in the months to come for odium, look forward to a group which
be pretty much following the same qualities of bleach, only this time we
on sticking around. later.
m .aa. .a
.a .aaa
aa aa aa aa aa aa a
a aa aa aa
a.a. a.a 1d!
the odium december 1995 newsletter
well this is our first release under the name of
odium, and it turned out bet-ter than i expected for a first
release. as you can see by looking at the packwe have some ki
ckass talent in the group, so hopefully that will contribute to
making this group last. i was suprised by all the people applyin
g who wanted ashot at the next bleach, fortuantly i didnt h
ave to work very hard at gettingpeople in the group.
this months new members
well as for this months new members, they can be considered the foundat
ion to
the start of this group. in this list comes prime, who was give
n the position
of co-founder. prime has been in a number of other groups as courier, s
uch as
acid, but his position in odium is his first attempt at actually drawing
. also
joining us this month was the silent killer, who was formerly a
member of haze,
and fire. one of our biggest names this month was unsane, who c
omes over to
help run the group as co-founder, as well as draw for us. his addition
to our
memberlist will be a huge help in getting the group started! anarch
ist joins
as well, coming over from acid to take up a position in drawing ascii fo
r the
group, for a fairly new artist in the scene, his work adds an original t
to odium! otter a very impressive toon artist from his former g
roup toon joins
the group this month as well, and we will be looking forward to some gre
at work
from him. water also comes over from the ranks of toon, or more
recently known
as plain, and his presence in our memberlist is a good symbol of the tal
ent we
have been picking up, he is one of the scenes leading toon artists.
sir death
decided to give the group a try this month as well, whos name has b
een in
groups such as apathy and trank, his work is some of the best around, an
d we
looking forward to seeing him release with us! 7degrees is anot
her big name
who was added to the list this month, formerly known as iridescent, who
over from the recently dying saga. hopefully he will be able to stick w
ith us
to release some of his work in the months to come. fury joins a
s well, who
previously released his artwork in solo, his addition to odium is anothe
example of the new talent we are picking up! shattered link, pr
eviously in
groups such as shiver and saga, as well as one of the leading members of
decided to come to odium after saga dropped out of the scene, his arriva
l to
the group is a HUGE promise for kickass work in the future. blackni
ght joins
the group as our first vga/loader artist for odium, and we are happy to
see him
join, he will be our leading member in our vga department in the months
another addition to the ranks of our ansi deptartment this month comes
blind, a
fairly new face in the scene, bringing with him an incredible style! a
suprise this month is the return of ack!, who i personally consi
der one of the
best ascii artists around, and having him join this month is a big help
to the
group we will be looking forward to seeing some nice work from him in th
e fut-
ure! another amazing talent in our ascii department this month comes
who was there to help out bleach, and now he is here to help out odium,
he is
one of our leading artists, as well as a loyal member! point blank
, another
former member of bleach joins as well, his work improves every month, an
d he
brings with him a unique style, we are happy to have him join! and fina
for artists who have layed down the founding staff for the group, pe
nguin joins
this month as well, who will be helping blacknight get our vga deptartme
nt go-
ing! as for our courier division, the emperor, captain hood
, and fury all
applied this month to help spread the packs, and pick up work, they will
making things alot easier for me in the months to come!
want to apply?
i dont think i have to go into huge detail here to let you guys know wha
t to
do if you want to apply as a member of odium, just run odium-app.exe, in
in this pack, fill it out, send it to me with some samples of your work
route 666, at 619-485-6741, or anywhere else you can find me, and thats
ill try to get back to you with 1-2 weeks!
well thats about it for this months news, i just want to get this pack o
ut so
im not going to write a book, but to give you a quick and basic idea of
to expect in the months to come for odium, look forward to a group which
be pretty much following the same qualities of bleach, only this time we
on sticking around. later.
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