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Mind Bender
well, i just stuck this in here to share my little philosiphy w
ith you. not
that youd really give two shits, but, oh well. do you ever get
tired of poetry?i mean its cool and all, but sometimes.. it can
just all start to sound the same.. regardless, im still gonna d
o it, but i too get tired of poetry, and i love
to write stories, so bang, guess what? thats what i will do most
of the time.
im only including one miniscule part of my story for my board,
since its like
30 pages long g .. but i hope ya like. im working on writing
shorter stories,so if you would like a story instead of a poem f
or your board, i will make you
a nice decent one. my address is mind@rushnet2.com, and i should
have another
one next month, which ill put in the pack. now, onto another is
sue. please..
please do NOT ask to be a distro for odium. lord jazz has said i
t a million times, yet he is still getting requests. odium o
nly has member boards, and the
whq photoshit as of yet. there are no hqs, so just dont ask. ch
ances are youllpiss off the members and blow all chances of eve
r getting anything from the
group. now, before i go, id just like to say one more thing. sa
rah mclachlan
rules. if you ever want instant poetry, just pop in the freedom
sessions, or
the i will remember you single, and bam, there you go. thanks
for listening.
-mind bender
well, i just stuck this in here to share my little philosiphy w
ith you. not
that youd really give two shits, but, oh well. do you ever get
tired of poetry?i mean its cool and all, but sometimes.. it can
just all start to sound the same.. regardless, im still gonna d
o it, but i too get tired of poetry, and i love
to write stories, so bang, guess what? thats what i will do most
of the time.
im only including one miniscule part of my story for my board,
since its like
30 pages long g .. but i hope ya like. im working on writing
shorter stories,so if you would like a story instead of a poem f
or your board, i will make you
a nice decent one. my address is mind@rushnet2.com, and i should
have another
one next month, which ill put in the pack. now, onto another is
sue. please..
please do NOT ask to be a distro for odium. lord jazz has said i
t a million times, yet he is still getting requests. odium o
nly has member boards, and the
whq photoshit as of yet. there are no hqs, so just dont ask. ch
ances are youllpiss off the members and blow all chances of eve
r getting anything from the
group. now, before i go, id just like to say one more thing. sa
rah mclachlan
rules. if you ever want instant poetry, just pop in the freedom
sessions, or
the i will remember you single, and bam, there you go. thanks
for listening.
-mind bender
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