this image contains text
,qqq, qqqqq
@ q
qqq +
l! :ee:: l oil ascii.
-- ,D-- :: - ----------- d @@ d
what up niglets.. this is ninelives once again releasing an oil pack.
wooo.. i bet you is all excited.. ah well.. anyway.. if youve already
looked at the member list you can damn well see .. there are different
people, and alot less.. welp.. thats how i wanted to run the group when
it was in existence the first time.. since i didnt really get that
chance.. here i go again..
this time around its no longer iv/9l running the group.. its now 9l/pd.
for those who dont know who pd is.. it paradox.. he was in the first
oil.. and he basically convinced me to bring it back a 2nd time.. thats
why i made him senior.. he also has some pretty good font skills..
uhmm.. we are going to try to run oil pretty much laid back.. well
release when i feel the pack is good enough, which hopefully will be
at the first of each month.. but who knows.. anyway.. as you can see
i write bullshit that most of you probably dont read.
youll notice that the pak is rather small this time around.. usually
im a custom to big paks with like 40+ asciis.. welp.. as you can see
there arent 40+.. thats ok tho.. this is the first pak and i didnt
give the artists alot of time to get art together.. and not everything
i got went to the pak.. so you dont have to look at 40+ pieces of crap
heh.. i think this is a rather good revival pak.. and next time youll
prolly see a bigger pack.. so .. who knows..
if you would like to be apart of oil.. thats cool.. just talk to me
or pd and well work things out.. also there were some problems
right before release and if you think you were supposed to be in the
member list and your not.. then your prolly shit out of luck.. for
some reason or another.. if your not there its for a reason.. cos a
couple people were voted out and i havent got around to telling you
yet ... so harshly enough .. your finding out now.. no hard feelings
but keep drawing and have a nice life.. uhh.. you can also see that
the pak isnt that big.. thats due to the small number of artists..
id like to add a couple more people but i havent really got my lazy
ass motivated to recruit people.. but i will.. eventually.. uhh..
im kinda sick of typing so check out the pak.. love it.. dont tell me
oil sucks.. cos we dont.. and you wont convince me.. im hard headed
and im egotistical.. so fuck off and love ya all later.. peace :
Im not much of a writer, so ill make this short. heh
Ok. I was in oil when it was around first. It was ROQIN,
and I had NO idea why it died. Im glad it died SUDDENLY
instead of trickling down to a pathetic nothing, though.
heh. Im rambling, wee.
ANYWAY... I was on ansi one phearful night, when i saw 9l
and said HEY 9L. I WAS IN OIL@*@. So we got to
talking about it, and with 9Ls phearful skills, we
restarted oil. I know nothing about helping to run a group,
but 9l wanted me to write something in the infofile, so here
I am. heh. Phear the art, and if youre good, join. heh.
@ q
qqq +
l! :ee:: l oil ascii.
-- ,D-- :: - ----------- d @@ d
what up niglets.. this is ninelives once again releasing an oil pack.
wooo.. i bet you is all excited.. ah well.. anyway.. if youve already
looked at the member list you can damn well see .. there are different
people, and alot less.. welp.. thats how i wanted to run the group when
it was in existence the first time.. since i didnt really get that
chance.. here i go again..
this time around its no longer iv/9l running the group.. its now 9l/pd.
for those who dont know who pd is.. it paradox.. he was in the first
oil.. and he basically convinced me to bring it back a 2nd time.. thats
why i made him senior.. he also has some pretty good font skills..
uhmm.. we are going to try to run oil pretty much laid back.. well
release when i feel the pack is good enough, which hopefully will be
at the first of each month.. but who knows.. anyway.. as you can see
i write bullshit that most of you probably dont read.
youll notice that the pak is rather small this time around.. usually
im a custom to big paks with like 40+ asciis.. welp.. as you can see
there arent 40+.. thats ok tho.. this is the first pak and i didnt
give the artists alot of time to get art together.. and not everything
i got went to the pak.. so you dont have to look at 40+ pieces of crap
heh.. i think this is a rather good revival pak.. and next time youll
prolly see a bigger pack.. so .. who knows..
if you would like to be apart of oil.. thats cool.. just talk to me
or pd and well work things out.. also there were some problems
right before release and if you think you were supposed to be in the
member list and your not.. then your prolly shit out of luck.. for
some reason or another.. if your not there its for a reason.. cos a
couple people were voted out and i havent got around to telling you
yet ... so harshly enough .. your finding out now.. no hard feelings
but keep drawing and have a nice life.. uhh.. you can also see that
the pak isnt that big.. thats due to the small number of artists..
id like to add a couple more people but i havent really got my lazy
ass motivated to recruit people.. but i will.. eventually.. uhh..
im kinda sick of typing so check out the pak.. love it.. dont tell me
oil sucks.. cos we dont.. and you wont convince me.. im hard headed
and im egotistical.. so fuck off and love ya all later.. peace :
Im not much of a writer, so ill make this short. heh
Ok. I was in oil when it was around first. It was ROQIN,
and I had NO idea why it died. Im glad it died SUDDENLY
instead of trickling down to a pathetic nothing, though.
heh. Im rambling, wee.
ANYWAY... I was on ansi one phearful night, when i saw 9l
and said HEY 9L. I WAS IN OIL@*@. So we got to
talking about it, and with 9Ls phearful skills, we
restarted oil. I know nothing about helping to run a group,
but 9l wanted me to write something in the infofile, so here
I am. heh. Phear the art, and if youre good, join. heh.
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